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The Bloodline VIII

The Bloodline VIII.

The Bloodline Seal is but moments away from shattering and the First Demon freed to finish what he started and lay waste to the land. In this final hour, the Binders, wardens of the Seal, come closer and closer to completing their mission and restoring the prison. But the Holy Crusade has other plans in mind.

DTS proudly presents the penultimate episode of the Bloodline series.

To those new to the series, watch from the beginning. To returning viewers, I also recommend rewatching some of the previous episodes, however, the entire series would take hours I realize so I have included a recap below covering some of the major plot points of the series thus far.

The Binders are a group of magicbearers who are responsible for maintaining the Bloodline Seal imprisoning the First Demon.

The Binder's guild, where they reside, was attacked the Crusade, who deemed them guilty of "harboring evil" by protecting the First Demon.

Chase and Lina ventured across the land to find the third Binder, Irwin. And they succeeded, but only to have Irwin betray them to the Crusade.

Chase and Lina are imprisoned in Cruden Keep. Irwin has a change of heart and rescues them. They encounter Chase's mother as well as Tera, a friend of Lina during their escape. Chase's mother does not survive the escape.

The four then made their way to the location of the fourth and final Binder, Marshall, only to discover he was already dead. They hear rumor of a magical fountain in the mountain that can bring the dead back to life. Tera is captured and taken away into the mountain as well.

They venture into the deeps and discover that the fountain must trade lives in order to bring people back. While Chase and Irwin are preoccupied, Lina makes the decision to sacrifice Tera in order to bring Marshall back.

And that's what you missed on... GLE-- The Bloodline.

Author's Note: So it's been three or four years now. I've been in university, finding my life's direction. Recently I had reminisced of how much fun making these cinematics had been. Many people have probably moved on now, but here I am back to finish what I started almost a decade ago.

It is my intention to someday consolidate the series in a campaign and/or YouTube channel (and also learn to make loading screens...), but right I'm strictly aiming to finish content.

Previously, I hadn't been very good at replying to messages here and this time around, I promise to do better (at least for the next little while). I'm more than willing to help with things like small cinematics, writing, editing and giving opinions. Commitment to major projects would be a problem.

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Bloodline, Cinematic, terrain, movie

The Bloodline VIII (Map)

02:15, 12th Apr 2015 Orcnet: Ah yes, the newest release of the "THE BLOODLINE" Cinematic series. I enjoy how the story goes, it starts to remind me of a grimdark story arc as on its progresses, and this time the hero spotlight gets more into...




02:15, 12th Apr 2015


Ah yes, the newest release of the "THE BLOODLINE" Cinematic series. I enjoy how the story goes, it starts to remind me of a grimdark story arc as on its progresses, and this time the hero spotlight gets more into Lina instead of Chase, and boy how Irwin is going to have a rough time on my book.

Speaking of character building, I suppose this may be coming more parts rather than in the peak of the final episode, though I might be sure its going to be a fun ride.

The terrain is beautiful done without doubt, especially in designing the inn with the gorgeous fight scene that took place along the story, however, what bugs me is the templar character, did he just zap someone knowingly or was a lucky shot? I was expecting a magical battle between him and Irwin or Lina, but yet it seems the fighting stopped quickly and got into the backs of the heroes for such minimal time, though I had no much problem with that anymore.

Overall, what I said earlier, the cinematic is wonderful and I'm hoping to see more till the end.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Bloodline is back? I've never thought to see that day coming. Great news!


Map: The Bloodline VIII
Version: 1.0
by Shar Dundred

As always, your terrain looks pretty. I especially like how you create the the inside of buildings.


I really like the recent events, although it was quite sudden. It's getting darker and more desperate, creating the perfect atmosphere for the big final. Really looking forward to see it.




Another great part of the Bloodline series.



None I found so far.

Last edited:
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013

The terrain was generally great in most areas. The interior of the buildings were done marvellously and the whole city itself was terrific. The natural areas were also fantastic but I have some remarks about it. First of all, I don't think snow pines really fit the terrain at the very beginning of the cinematic. They feel like two things completely different and I'd suggest using another tree model. Then, there are some sharp edges if you noticed well when you raised the terrain. Simply smooth them a bit and they'll be all right. Then, the part of the pond was not done well at all. I see only snow with snow pines and some rocks around the pond but nothing more. It felt really empty for me. Some environmental doodads around the pond and beside the trees would've been a magnificent addition. Finally, I'd like to know why you left a black sky when the characters escaped form the burning inn. It could've been a dark night nonetheless a sky was mandatory anyway to create a good atmosphere.


The cinematic developed slowly but succeeded to create some suspense. Every character clearly seems to have his/her own personality which is actually something great and what most people can't do perfectly. I adored the fight scene however the camera was a bit clumsy and misleading. I couldn't enjoy fully that scene as the camera kept moving unconventionally and too quickly. Your aim was probably making the scene seem fast-paced but you should have taken care not to let the camera miss for a single moment the combat otherwise everything would be ruined. There is also a little misconception. The part of the inn; the Templar casts some red lightning on Chase and he dies. Now my questions are: "What was the Templar doing all that time when he killed Chase? Why didn't he attack Lina and Marshall as well? And why didn't Lina or Marshall try to attack back? Was the Templar twiddling his thumbs or taking ages to go downstairs?" Remember that a cinematic should be as realistic as possible and such events really leave me disappointed and confused.


In conclusion, the cinematic is of mediocre quality. It can still be improved but in its current state, it's acceptable. So, I'll give it 3/5 and vote for APPROVAL!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011

Map Name: The Bloodline VIII
Version: 1.0
Author: dts0301

Well done, not a mater piece, but very neat indeed. I think you could use a bit more decoration objects around the lake where the demon's prison is. Otherwise there isn't anything specific I thought was bad.

The camera work was pretty simple most of the time, but there's nothing wrong with that. But it felt like it could've been done better at some points. You didn't use a lot of animations either.

Full score, no doubt. Part VIII afterall, there's quite some story at this point.

The concept isn't very unique itself, dealing with demons is quite common. However, the characters are not legendary heroes of some sort, and therefore the battles are pretty realistic.

Solid cinematic, pretty interesting story, good action. Not the best I've seen, but definently one of the better ones.

The camera moved through objects at some point. I don't really recall where exactly as I write this.

Reviewed by[r]

I vote for approval.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
No way! I can't believe The Bloodline is back. This was one of the very first cinematic series' I watched when I first came to the Hive a few years ago. I'm going to have to watch all the other ones to remind myself what is going on!
omg bloodline here's a review

terrain is great, music is great, special effects are great, camerawork for the most part is great (the rapidly-zooming tilted camera shots in the fight scene were just as distracting and uncontrolled as the 'shaky cam' technique in modern films, but not as annoying)

the main flaw i see in this series is a lack of heart to the story. the characters are either not likeable or not interesting (and generally a good character is both), meaning you're disengaged from the protagonists. there's very little character development, and no meaningful interaction. they're all very much one-dimensional, except maybe irwin but it looks like he's gonna die soon (spoilers) anyways. give your characters more personality, and the cinematic will improve tenfold.

as of now this entry is still one of the better cinematics for wc3, for what is probably the best wc3 cinematic series (for best single cinematic tho, my favourite is 'a pile of ugly' by cmarket. mostly because its characters are interesting and multi-faceted)

4/5, but ima vote 5/5 because fuck shadow fury this cin certainly isn't a 3
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
4/5, but ima vote 5/5 because fuck shadow fury this cin certainly isn't a 3

Watch your tone please, I consider this an offense. This is my opinion, if I want to give it 3, I am free to do so and I've got reasons to support this. If you want to give it 5, you are free as well but do not insult me because my rating doesn't satisfy you.
Watch your tone please, I consider this an offense. This is my opinion, if I want to give it 3, I am free to do so and I've got reasons to support this. If you want to give it 5, you are free as well but do not insult me because my rating doesn't satisfy you.

im perfectly aware that it's your opinion and you're free to share it, just like how i'm free to share my opinion that your opinion is wrong. i haven't insulted you, nor do i intend to do so in the future.
Level 2
Jan 9, 2011
Hey dts0301,

I know in a previous post you have said you don't have the same motivation to do these as you have previously but I can safely say as an avid fan that these Bloodline maps are awesome! Best maps I've seen on Hive. Don't stop!
Level 10
Mar 16, 2013
does anyone have a record of this cinematic series like on youtube or something? so i can watch this anywhere whenever i want coz this is one of the best cinematics on Hive.
Level 2
Feb 13, 2009
does anyone have a record of this cinematic series like on youtube or something? so i can watch this anywhere whenever i want coz this is one of the best cinematics on Hive.
Echoing this, I'd LOVE it if someone could record and upload YouTube recordings of this entire series.
Level 2
Feb 13, 2009
I finally watched this last night. It's overall quite good, though it's also the buggiest installment. When Irwin kills the Inkeeper and Lina shoots Irwin, there is a soldier standing very prominently in the shot. He should have been hidden for this part of the tale.

I hope dts0301 finishes this series!