The ball is your friend 1.3d

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♦ The Ball is your friend ♦

By Toma

Highly competitive ball-whacking game.

So basically, a ball spawns. Then, you and the rest of the people proceeds to beat each other senseless through the use of the ball. As somebody hits the ball, the ball will move based on the direction of attack and the STR of the attack.




Game based around a ball...
Multiple classes....
Power, fame, wealth...
And a lot more unimaginable updates!

Thanks to ap0calypse and Bribe for the systems they made.

Thanks to Judash for the Bladesaw model.

Version 1.3b
First uploaded.

Version 1.3c
Edited the terrain.

Version 1.3d
Added a new level and changed it so that the messages are less annoying now.
► Map Description Generator 「By Vengeancekael」

Ball, Friend, Forever alone, Bob Marley

The ball is your friend 1.3d (Map)

14:48, 6th Apr 2015 Orcnet: The main game reminds me of some similar goals like "when you get hit by the ball you are tag", for some reason this game gave me some little visuals on how to play it, though it requires real-time human players...




14:48, 6th Apr 2015


The main game reminds me of some similar goals like "when you get hit by the ball you are tag", for some reason this game gave me some little visuals on how to play it, though it requires real-time human players with no AI, I can say the map is still going to be fun without AI but it requires real players to test it.

There are 3 terrain settings to choose from before you can start the game, this gives off more game value points due to being less repetitive view of the original landscape given, and so this gives more.

For now the only problems I encounter are those game message texts, it seems too noisy or too dirty to look since it pops out too quickly, say it would be better if you can go to the trigger editor and add a statement that will clear the first message then apply the second message that will be shown globally. That way it looks formal and clean.

Overall, this mini-game is set for an approval and worth to play with friends or in co-op online consoles.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Oh damn this map can only be played multiplayer. Anyway, I have two comments about your map from what I saw.

The terrain is horrible. Just one tile and cliffs; no signs of doodads. The terrain must have some quality to let the map get approved

An AI would really really really be a good idea. I guess it's not that hard to make one. You just let the computer pick a random character and go hit the ball in your direction + using the skills. If you do this, you'll map will surely increase in quality and have more success because you know, today people are not very willing to test simple maps (like this one) on BattleNet or Gameranger (net problems, "oh I am not free now, maybe later", "what the hell is this lag!?" etc...)

For now, I'll wait before giving a rating so I'll AWAIT UPDATE!
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Map set to await update based off of Shadow Fury's vote.

However, I partially agree with SF on his statements about AI.

SF said:
today people are not very willing to test simple maps (like this one) on BattleNet or Gameranger

I could just host this on Bnet and people will join and play it. You just need to know how to be a good host and use the right hosting methods :)


Spell Reviewer
Level 28
Nov 18, 2012
I think this map shouldn't even have doodads, since it is kind of a "ball arena fight" map.
AI is not a must, but it would make the game with more cool features. Just remember, if you're going to map an AI, make a good one(well that was obvious, what I mean is that think about all possibilities of its moves and skills).
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I think this map shouldn't even have doodads, since it is kind of a "ball arena fight" map.
AI is not a must, but it would make the game with more cool features. Just remember, if you're going to map an AI, make a good one(well that was obvious, what I mean is that think about all possibilities of its moves and skills).

Don't misunderstand what I mean with "doodads". Walkable doodads should be added, not blocking doodads.

As for the AI, for small maps like this one, it is ALWAYS a good idea.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
No, you misunderstood me. I said that I think this map shouldn't even have doodads, its not a campaign, nor a zombie survival, nor Dota or anything like that. It's just a simple arena.

Despite the fact that SF misunderstood your comment (for fair reasons), I have something to say :S

I haven't had the time to explore the map, but the terrain and other aesthetics are definitely lacking quality. Perhaps it is a simple arena, but it still has bad terrain. I don't see how stating that it's not a campaign, zombie survival, or DotA makes this map qualify that it should not have have doodads.

Should it have doodads? Well in short, there isn't a real answer. However, there is a quality line we have to draw. That includes the quality of visuals in the map.

This might get moderated today btw.
Last edited:
Level 20
Dec 18, 2010
To be honest, I wasn't happy about adding visuals either. I wanted the visuals to come solely from the ball, and as you can see in the old version the ball was very obvious when it comes to the position and what not.

Didn't want visuals to be competing for attention with the ball, you see.

But I had no say in this matter cause you know, hive system.


Spell Reviewer
Level 28
Nov 18, 2012
You can still have pretty graphics while having focus on the ball.
For example, this map features terrain while having a ball-like-gameplay. :)
Mad Balls Arena
We were talking about doodads. And that is a nice fun map that doesn't have doodads to be good enough, also the terrain is simple and nice, but no one's head would explode just because if the terrain had only 1 tile type.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
You're right, no one will be crazed at the site of no doodads... I think.

It's all about how to weigh the quality. For example, this map has beautiful visuals but fairly repetitive gameplay. The gameplay deserves a three stars in my eyes and the visuals deserves a five. If the visuals in this map deserves a two but the gameplay deserves a five, then perhaps this map doesn't need any changes to get an approval and rating the author is aiming for.

Wrda, I did not specifically say I recommend adding doodads to the map. I was simply arguing against your statement that this map should not have doodads. I also didn't say the map was not good enough. I stated that visuals of the map must meet a minimum quality requirement.
This seems to me like a remake of an old school atari-type game. I don't think terrain should matter. It is about the game. I used no doodads in my Pacman remake. Old games used to be just walls. Most of you are probably too young to remember but I had hours and hours of fun play games like this back in the day.
I think that's what they are going for here. It's like a sports arena, not a fantasy world. I vote for approval. Though I would recommend custom tiles or something to polish it up. +rep