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The Anemian Spellpack v1.04

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Hanky and ZlatniLav
Contains 9 random spells totally made in GUI:

· Blink Strike (yeah, another one)
· Mind Rot (a non-channeled Mana Drain)
· Lightning Surge (shoots lightnings from your ass when attacked or when casting spells, passive)
· Death Touch (increases or decreases speed and damage, channeling)
· Swift Spin (ensnares units around you, then gives bonus movement)
· Replace (instantly swaps positions with a target unit)
· Dispel (dispels a unit, duh!)
· Windcharge (an aura that drains nearby enemies' speed)
· Mana Strike (a lame attempt to make an arrow spell)
· Tornado Blade (an advanced type of Blink, with eyecandy and line damage. Not MPI for now)
· Shadow Side (passive cloning ability)
· Life Vortex (heals/damages allies/enemies in an area

All of them should be MPI (except TB) and leakless.
Giving me credits would be fine, but it's not a must. I find the spells too basic and not so original, but if you want to give credits, go ahead, I'll be thankful.

paladin, death, touch, mind, rot, blink, strike, lightning, surge, rift, spin, cool, Star Wars, kickass, Star Craft, whatever, holy, dark

The Anemian Spellpack v1.04 (Map)

4 November 2015 Bribe: Rejecting due to the status of this resource being "needs fix" for years. 2 Dec 2011 Bribe: Leaks when multiply cast because it is not MUI. 19:36, 15th Dec 2008 Hanky: So far I can see you made some good spells there...




4 November 2015
Bribe: Rejecting due to the status of this resource being "needs fix" for years.

2 Dec 2011
Bribe: Leaks when multiply cast because it is not MUI.

19:36, 15th Dec 2008
So far I can see you made some good spells there. The ideas are all ok. The triggering is sometimes a bit ineffective. But well, the spells are MPI and leakfree. The documentation seems to be ok too.

All in all you done a good job. This spellpack could be useful for GUI users who want to learn some GUI or who just want to use spells like this in their maps.

Possible Improvements:
- more effective triggering, for example you could use a formula for the multi-level support
Thanks NiddHogg-kun for the comment.
I just lasted like 7 mins making the demo map, so I think I should work on it more.
About Mind Rot, I tried to check the buff on Mind Rot in the same trigger via If/Then/Else actions, but it failed. And I don't want to make a Mind Rot Removal trigger for every player, because it's too big for a simple spell!!! If someone can help me with the buff check, please post it here.
And I just forgot to review that part of Lightning Surge.

Well, since today's sunday and I don't have nothing to do till the night, I'll work on the bugs and a better map. At least, no one complained about Blink Strike...
Well, I've removed the leak on Lightning Surge, added and removed some minor stuff, tweaked a bit the map and fixed Mind Rot. Meh, I had to make a Mind Rot Removal to every player. I'll update Mind Rot tomorrow 'cause I don't have internet at home, and I must go to a nearby internet cafe to visit the Hive.

+rep for you Nidd, BTW.
Okay, I'll do it.

w00t! My spells got approved! I never thought they could because of Mind Rot issues, but I'm glad to see that. I'll put an effort on making new spells and a better test map. I updated the map, optimized Mind Rot, added the footmen and riflemen again (forgot to add them once I deleted them when doing something else), and made some lesser improvements to everything.
New update: v1.01

I have added a new spell to the spellpack, Mass Shackles, that binds nearby units, disabling them and dealing dps. Useful as an ultimate.
Fixed some issues in the demo map, and added multiple players, as requested by COMBO. Hope you like it.

EDIT: Fixed the dummies' height. Mass Shackles channeling bug is still there though.
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Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Can you explain me, why did you make Flame Barrage in three triggers, if it can be done in one? oO

I can't understand, is there a mistake in skill description or in coding? Because according to the thing said here, on Hive:
· Flame Barrage (original idea from JorgonVonStrange, randomly stuns units within its AoE)
The skill does the thing it must... It takes one random unit from AoE and stuns it for 0.5 secs dealing 30xLevel damage.

And as description in the map says, the effect must be much differ from the thing it does.


Okey, I found out that the spell just needs a 1 second preparation to work properly. But it still doesn't set up enemys on fire with dps as it's said in description.


Grr... it works one time after one failure... Something really wrong with the spell... Or with my WC 3 =\
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Another update:

· 3 new spells (don't complain about Dispel, I had no ideas when it came to my mind)
· Fixes to some spells.
· Some minor stuff.



@ Aspard:
Yeah, Flame Barrage was too troublesome and buggy, so I quitted at working on it.
And about the tooltip, I forgot to change it when I redid the spell's effect.

@ Dark_Dragon:
Thanks for the comments. I'm always looking for bugs on the spells, hopefully they will have no bugs (but if you was talking about Flame Barrage, trust me, that was too buggy for this world).
Level 6
Feb 26, 2008
Found a bug and I took a replay of my tesing O.O
With the Warden, I casted multiple times (tried to make combos without delay and very fast) different spells from her and then boom! the bug appeared. The warden was turning in a perfect O and wasn't able to stop. Then when I killed her (suicid by the others)... she revived but she was sliding toward her, so i rekilled then her decay was killing trees o_O... Then she revived with the same sliding thing (a lot of move instantly), I killed, she re slided... After like 10 minutes she revived normally and... that's it... I'll make a video on youtube to show you the bug... Continue, the rest is good except the instant kill spell which is cheap :/

The link will be here... later...

Never mind... My computer lag too much, can't make the video so that's it... Hope you'll find where the bug come from :p
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Hmmm... Kinda weird. Is it Rift, right? Damn, that filthy bug again. I thought I fixed it... But oh well, still is kinda weird. I tested it many times, and it worked perfectly. I'll check it once I can use my PC, now my brother's playing DotA, and won't let me use it in a long time :angry:.

Thanks for telling me about the bug, but there's no need of YouTube video, I kinda figured what's happening. Be sure I'll fix it.

EDIT: No, I didn't found any flaws in the spell. Tested it for almost 30 mins, and it worked perfectly.


Another update: still v1.04

Added two more spells: Shadow Side and Life Vortex, and lots of misc stuff.

Enjoy... again!
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Level 1
Oct 26, 2010
hey hey . help please

I'm trying to transfer sum of your spells to a another map... I'm transferring "blink strike" but the trigger says that there is no BSCaster... how can i replace the "Hazel" as BSCaster to my other hero... HOW??? pls help me... :vw_wtf:
Level 1
Oct 26, 2010
hey hey . help please

I'm trying to transfer sum of your spells to a another map... I'm transferring "blink strike" but the trigger says that there is no BSCaster... how can i replace the "Hazel" as BSCaster to my other hero... HOW??? pls help me... :vw_wtf: