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[Miscellanous / Other] Testing Grounds

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Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
This map contains all units, heroes and buildings present in the game, and some enemy units for combat testing. It is used for the overview and testing of the units, heroes and buildings and their abilities, and for numerous other purposes utilised by map makers, players and others. It can also be useful for giving you ideas about what units and abilities you should use in your map and off which units/abilities to base them.

The map is attached at the end of this post. Here's the original post: Testing Grounds - the map for the overview and testing of all units/buildings and their abilities. The map can also be found attached to this tutorial: [Mapping] - Custom Race Creation: Advanced Mechanics.

Note: This is not a map in development. This is a map for development.


  • TestingGrounds.w3x
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