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Terraining Contest # 22: Frostfire Ridge Inspired

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Level 29
May 21, 2013




Contestants are to pick two elements from the list and combine them to make a creative scene where the elements co-exist like in Frost Fire Ridge.

MetalAirLightFireWaterIceNatureFelViolet EnergyDarkness
Can be a natural formation or an artificial construction, gold, bronce, iron are common metalsUsually invisible, is the force that makes things float, steam can represnt hot airCommonly related to the sun and forces of good, other times light can be artificial Energy created during combustion and giving the red-orange color In its liquid form like rivers, ponds, waterfalls, the seaWater in its frozen form like glaciers, snow, teal crystals, igluPresent in living beings such as plants and animals, also related to wild and renewal forcesA green energy of Warcraft lore that consumes life, mostly related to evilThis type of energy can have many names such as Arcane, Cosmic or Aether, related to violet colorThe absence of light, it happens naturally, but its magic is mostly related to evil

  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If an entry does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must contain a screenshot of your work, the title of the entry and a short statement of wich two elements were used to build the scene.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours. This means you must upload a screenshot showing a WIP (Work In Progress).
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • Offsite-imports may be used in the map, if and only if
    • They are fully credited.
    • They are public resources and a link is provided.
    • They were made before the contest launch date.
    • However certain resources might get approved by the contest's host or judge(s).
  • Image editing tools may not be used to enhance the terrain (however you may use them to crop).
  • All entries must be done in Classic / SD graphics
  • You don´t need to restart your entry if during the contest you wish to change the two elements you pick.

  • First Place: 50 reputation points, your entry on the award icon
  • Second Place: 35 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 20 reputation points and an award icon


  • Mr. Vacant
  • Mrs. Vacant


CreativityIncludes how the theme was interpreted and portrayed. Note that there's a fine line between creative and completely offbeat./15
DetailMeasurement of detail in design and overall detail balance. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder./15
TechniqueExecutional quality, techniques, tricks and overall terraining capacity./15
AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack both detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.

  • 75% of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 25% of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.


The contest shall begin on [xx/xx/xx], and conclude on [xx/xx/xx], GMT (day is included).

Assigned staff: @Mythic

Previous Contest | Poll | Results

Icon credits: The_Silent, Palaslayer, Kalimachos, Darkfang, Serbianbeast, Don Valentino, Hellx-Magnus, TheSlaveOfGod,HappyCockroach
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Level 29
May 21, 2013

questions that many may have including myself.

1) X participant choose water and metal, can I pick water and metal too?:
Yes, rules dont restrict repetitions.
2) why the element earth is not in the list?:
Because earth is everywhere, unless you do a pure sky or pure ocean with no islands. rocks and stones are very common to be used.
3) I am doing a natural forest near a snowy mountain going with an ice and nature combination, can I add a pond or that counts as water?:
If the forest is big, the mountain is big, a small pond wont create any confusion related to the main elements in use.
4) Blue fire can count as fire?:
It can be confusing to the general audience, most comonly fire is always red/orange.
5) Can the sky count as light, darkness element choise?:
Yes, you can even do a green fel sky or rain of fire sky
6) I have a natural forest near a snowy mountain going with nature ice combination, the sky is dark, is that ok?:
Yes, in that case the sky is a secondary element just to make company of other two main elements.
7) Why contest is limited to classic sd graphics?:
So everybody will be on equal ground of graphics, and to do it in the same way as the other previous 21 contest before this one.
8) Can I do Star wars, WWII things?:
No,we are inside the WOW theme somehow,but know this, World of Warcraft is so diverse that you have Gnomeran wich is steampunk. And exodar is a ship (of magic and crystals fuel) is quite futurist.
9) What about wood and stone?:
Wood always cames from trees, but a wooden wall is not a representation of nature in common sence, if you are doing a wooden castle, put it in a forest, make a big pond and walaa, water- nature combo. Same thing for a stone castle.

in overall wood, earth and stone dont count as elements and can be used in any scene.

Contest Status: Awating approval and definition of judges.

Personal status: with huge enthusiasm, and looking those so cool element icons. :)
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Banner says "World of Warcraft Region," but it seems you've moved on from that idea altogether.

The title is "Frostfire Ridge Reforge," and then the post goes on to say:
The Fire-Ice combination is forbbiden to be used.
All entries must be done in Classic / SD graphics

Frostfire Ridge must feel sad that it's being used to attract participants, but its theme is not allowed. :(

One would think from the title that Reforged entries are allowed. Techtree Contest 14's title (Reforge, Don't Refund) worked, because the contest accepted both SD and HD entries.

Back to the drawing board we go.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
AV) Banner says "World of Warcraft Region," but it seems you've moved on from that idea altogether.

The title is "Frostfire Ridge Reforge," and then the post goes on to say:

1)Frostfire Ridge must feel sad that it's being used to attract participants, but its theme is not allowed. :(

2)One would think from the title that Reforged entries are allowed. Techtree Contest 14's title (Reforge, Don't Refund) worked, because the contest accepted both SD and HD entries.

Back to the drawing board we go.

1) Ice and fire theme is now allowed. we want to all be happy.

2) Title changed to Frostfire Ridge inspired.

EDIT AV: yes I had to adapt the theme acording feedback of be less narrow,
I search top 10 wow areas almost in all of them you can find Frostfire Ridge, is one of the favorites,
so the wow region serves as source of inspiration to do something alike, since is a great combination of fire-ice, is a nice idea to try to do others combinations
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