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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my concept of a 3D terrablade, the best (depends) meele weapon of terraria. Uses only ingame textures.


V1.0 Uploaded model
V1.5 Changed textures and wrap.
V2.0 Made holes smaller, changed textures and wrap. Eventually faced the right way.
V2.2 Made holes like strenched hexagons (tli-inferno suggestion)


Terrablade (Model)

19:50, 8th Apr 2015 MiniMage: Work on the wrap. 20:12, 9th Apr 2015 MiniMage: Now that I can see the model, Work on the mesh.
I'm sorry, but this looks terrible.

The holes in the original were only diamond-shaped because it was pixelated. Yours doesn't have to be. If you want to make yours pixelated for the sake of being exactly like the original, then you'd need to make the diamonds properly shaped so that everything actually does look pixelated. But a bunch of lopsided diamond-heart-ish holes just makes it look terrible.

If you're going for a more realistic version of the original, and thus not pixelated, then you'll still want to fix those holes, in which case they were probably intended to be long, thin, round-ended holes, if not for the 8-bit graphics.
Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
That's because you need to only select 3 vertices to create a triangle in mdlvis. If you do that and the create triangle option still won't appear, you need to weld some of the selected verices. It happens when the vertices are collapsed instead of being welded together.

You click on the Vertex instead of Highlight the Vertex, Because there is a chance that The One Vertex actually has more than one vertex stack up,
The Triangle button one appear if you don't select exactly 3 trangle

also, don't do this. you weld the selected stacked vertex first then you select two more vertex before you use the create triangle button. that way you can avoid polygons being made out of stacked vertices.
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Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
What is wrong with this?
(I never made or editted any model but I can assume that this isn't that hard.)

and if you want to do it a bit better:

(Dont mind my OP MS Paint skillz.)

what? i don't even..i'm just saying that the reason his create triangle button won't show up in mdlvis is because he's got a selected vertex that has a stack of other vertex inside it. that's why his create triangle button is not working is because he has more than 3 vertex selected.
I already filled the holes the old-school way. Now I am working on that texture.

Shrinking them doesn't fix them; they still have the awkward shape. Those holes are going to need to be shaped like either trapezoids or horizontally stretched hexagons (or even round-ended rectangles, but I feel that would be a waste of polies). It would look better and would also more closely resemble what the original concept this is based on was likely intended to look.

You'll also need to work on the shape of the entire sword. Like I said before, the only reason the original had so many "corners" is because it was pixelated. Now, you could either recreate the pixelated look with proper 90 degree angles on every corner, or you could ignore the pixels and go for the shape the sword would have been if the game had better resolution. But whatever you do, you need to either make it look pixelated, or make it look realistic; you can't just leave it with a bunch of awkward triangles that look neither like the original nor like what it was meant to be.

Here is the original pixelated Terrablade:


Here are some artists' ideas of what it would have looked like without pixellation:





The first simple drawing kept the pixel-like details (except for the smooth corners), but preserved the shape. I tried to find a better drawing that kept the pixel style for you in case that was the route you wanted to go, but I couldn't find any.

The rest of them created their interpretation of what it would have looked like without being pixelated. I'm not expecting yours to look like theirs; they're just something to show you what I meant before about either embracing the pixels or ignoring the pixels; it will look good both ways, but you need to choose between either filling in details to increase realism, or keeping a pixelated look, but the "halfway" look you have right now just doesn't look right.
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Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Shrinking them doesn't fix them; they still have the awkward shape. Those holes are going to need to be shaped like either trapezoids or horizontally stretched hexagons (or even round-ended rectangles, but I feel that would be a waste of polies). It would look better and would also more closely resemble what the original concept this is based on was likely intended to look.

I see what you mean... diamond shaped holes look to sharp yeah. But really, I will have to delete lots of stuff...
Finally understood that of highlight vertex. Experience gained 1009 points.
I see what you mean... diamond shaped holes look to sharp yeah. But really, I will have to delete lots of stuff...

We've all been there, where simple adjustments aren't enough and we have to remake something. It's worth it. You'll make it better the second time, and you'll learn along the way.

Also, it's not the sharpness of the holes that's the issue, it's the fact that they're all lopsided and awkward-looking.

You may want to save the current model somewhere in case you ever want something with an interestingly shaped green crystal blade for another project.

Also, I haven't even mentioned the handle yet... Even the pixelated terrablade has a better handle. Why did you cheap out and make it a stick? It's worth the effort to do something right. You'll be glad you took the time.
Because stick handles are awezum. Not really but... yeah! I don't really now any other types of handle.
What's wrong with the mesh?
Wow, I didn't new Terrablade had a blue part o_O
Anyway, what texture would you recommend me?

In this case it would be worth drawing a custom one rather than using in-game textures. The sword you're making is very unique and only a custom texture will bring out its style. I could help you, but I should be only your last resort because there are plenty here with much more experience at drawing textures than me.