♦ Open the model (Downloadable on the Model Section) in Magos' Model Editor.
♦ Copy this number: 20875
♦ Go into the Node Editor, right click on each bone, other than "Ribbon".
♦ Open the Translation and then Rotation tabs for each bone.
♦ Scroll through the numbers until you find something that looks like this:
For Translation: 20875: { #, #, # }
For Rotation: 20875: { #, #, #, # }
♦ Copy the numbers you see in the {} brackets, look down until you see the number 22500
♦ Delete every set of numbers and brackets between 20875-22500
♦ Put the exact same Rotation/Translation values in the 22500 brackets as you did in the 20875 brackets.
♦ Rename "Dissipate" to Decay Flesh
♦ Right click the "Mother" Helper node, go to Translation, type in:
20875: { 0, 0, 0 }
22500: { 0, 0, -50 }
♦ Go to the Scaling option of the "Mother" node, type this in:
26500: { 0, 0, 0 }
28000: { 0, 0, 0 }
♦ Go to the Sequence Editor, create an animation with the extents 26500-28000 and name it Decay Bone.
♦ Go into the Node Editor, creating a Bone named Guts under the Mother node.
♦ Create a fitting bone mesh using the "Textures/Gutz.blp" texture, in the same pose as the dead Justicar, going into the Geoset Editor and saving it as "JboneMesh0.geo"
♦ Reopen the TemplarJusticar.MDL file and import JboneMesh0.geo, attaching it to the Guts bone.
♦ Open notepad, and the Sequence Editor, copying the "From:" extent number from each animation, putting them in numerical order, for example:
83: { 0, 0, 0 }
1250: { 0, 0,0 }
2500: { 0, 0, 0 }
♦ Copy and Paste the notepad numbers you took down in the Scaling section of Guts, once you've made doubly sure you've copied them all.
♦ Make sure these are at the very bottom of the list:
26500: { 1, 1, 1 }
28000: { 1, 1, 1 }
♦ Make sure that every other set of brackets in the Guts' Scaling section is at { 0, 0, 0 }