Sounds good. Again the "Oblivion awaits" bit is really good as is.
Most critques for this I'd say is a little faster pace to most of the lines. The Pissed lines I asked for also sound really good as is.
A little
too creepy then I was aiming for. Also, nice reference to the Dreadlord's Darkness call line ;P
The next draft:
-faster pace ( some are good as is, like oblivion, corpses, silence, dont' try me, and you're mine are good)
-even fainter echo ( it's too thick and drawn-out ), but still go for a god-like tone (he's much older than he looks, and is essentially immortal due to necrotic binding)
-lines to drop (this is to narrow it down to what really fits well together in my mind):
-the weird language thing I suggested (illin nak...)
-"in-su-fell..." and "si-der-es" - some of the language bits seem a little weird and don't really fit to the rest of the dialogue (sound-wise)
-how quaint
-what do you want - kinda doesn't fit now that I hear it
-as much as I like the reference to the Darkness call, either edit it or drop it, it is kinda weird sounding (just in general, kinda makes no sense)

-keep up the good work!
So yeah, from what I can tell this is really good stuff. I like alot of what you're giving me here. And again, I might ask you to do more voices, depending. So I look forward to what you can provide me

if I could pay you, I would.
Also, I'd do some of the voice-acting myself but I've listened to my recorded voice and holy shit I sound pompous and an asshole (in other words, my voice sucks).