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Techtree Contest #8 - Results

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Gameplay: Your race sports new concepts while staying true to the melee gameplay. To top it all off, it's a pretty fun race. I would like to see more of this in future techtree contests. 8/10
Balance: Some imbalances are abound, such as that big hairy hero guy's ability causing all your units in an area to not only get a phenominal boost in attack temporarily, but also giving them the ability to regenerate some life on each attack. This is really powerful. Additionally, the Raid Technician can build stationary artillery units that cost 0 Food. This is very imbalanced. Other than those main points, the balance is fairly well thought out, but it definitely needs work. 6/10
Legion: You've covered most the unit roles I can think of, if not all of them. Only problem I forsee is there appears to be too many siege units. The two towers also appear to have overlapping roles, implying that the inferior option will not be used. 8/10
Concept: Mystery, superstition and inner darkness... it's all there. The model of selection really brings out the feeling of a town with a dark secret (the dark secret being that everybody is a werewolf! huzzah!) that any outsider is going to feel threatened by. Really well done. 9/10
Appearance: The User Interface is an eyesore. It's also the first thing I saw. It hurts. The buildings work together well and serve to create a bland gothic atmosphere, which is very fitting for the theme. But, again, it's a bit bland. For me, the blandness appears to be over-emphasized by the amazingly flemboyant User Interface. All the rest seems to be well thought out (other than the Raid Technician becoming a rapid-firing ballista), but the User Interface is going to stick with anybody who plays the race for the entire game. 6/10
Total: 37/50

Gameplay: My first complaint is you haven't set up the race in a format that I can actually play in a standard melee match. My second complaint is there are no more complaints. A lot of thought went into this crazy idea and I think it really paid off. Your race reaks of incredibly fun, light-hearted entertainment. I'm a fan. 7/10
Balance: I love the idea of having and early short-range hit-and-run siege unit in the form of a Landspeeder. Unfortunately, this does leave you rather vulnerable to the common archer unit in the early game, as there is no early game unit that deals Normal damage. From what I can gather, nothing is overpowered. The lack of a tower is a bummer, but that's not too much of a problem. Yet. 6/10
Legion: The unit roles seem to be very well covered. The Cyborg Bear is a very interesting anti-caster unit (although its Heavy Armour tends to disagree) while the Robot Mountain Giant is a brilliant tank unit. You've got anti-air, air units, the whole shebang. Except for a heavy hitting flying unit. Recon Copters will probably fill in that role, though (base trade?). 8/10
Concept: Well, it appears you chose the Rain-Tak concept, which symbolizes inner sight, evolution and discretion. While your race doesn't appear to symbolize anything of the 'ability to go beyond what is visible and percievable' in a mystical/spiritual sense, I think the fact that you did a space-themed race actually represents it in a very intricate and unique fashion. Rather than taking the spiritual approach of going 'beyond the physical realm', it's more so going 'beyond' towards 'space', outside of the planet. Very interesting take on it (whether you intended it that way or not :p). 10/10
Appearance: At a glance, there is definitely something wrong with you. I hope you never get well. This is amazing. 7/10
Total: 38/50

Gameplay: I don't feel that a squad system is very suitable to throw in to a melee game that isn't centred around using a squad system. It's a unique idea, but I don't think it's the right kind of idea (not in this scenario, so to speak). The same applies to the Sentinel Tower. It's got some really good execution, but unfortunately it doesn't really fit in with the melee environment. All the rest, however, seems to fit in very well, and it surprisingly isn't too outlanish to the other races despite some of these very unusual implementations. I also disagree with having a unit available only at the Altar building. 6/10
Balance: I can see some serious balance issues regarding this race. It would be all too easy to rush with it. By training Templar Leaders, you are essentially getting a new barracks in the form of a unit. You will be able to outnumber you're opponents fairly easily with these. It's made up for remotely by their 'lower than average stats', but it's far too efficient for construction, especially if a match goes to the lategame and you're constantly reinforcing your units on the field. 5/10
Legion: The legion for this race is well thought out with a few questionable additions. The Lieutenant, for one, is just a better version of the Templar Leader. The only unit that does Siege damage is melee, which seems to be more or less fine, seeing as how there is an artillery unit in the form of the Azure Dragonspawn. Speaking of the Azure Dragonspawn, is it meant to have no ability appear for it? It has an upgrade to give it Freezing Breath, but doesn't appear to actually have the ability itself. Everything else is pretty much stock standard for the requirements of a melee race, which is always good. 7/10
Concept: The concept is really nice. Staying true to the Order theme, this race has a good representation of Order through the majority of the units. The Mage's Guild units seem to be a little too chaotic for an Order theme, though. The Medic is fine (you'd definitely expect one), but the Azure Dragonspawn is seemingly misplaced. 8/10
Appearance: On the most part, the appearance is very nice. The main critique would be the squad system and the Sentinel Tower. Very nice, but doesn't look like Warcraft at all. 7/10
Total: 33/50

Gameplay: Given no instructions on how to select your race, I assumed I would just have to go into the map itself and would be given the option to select your race. No dice. I thought 'perhaps I have to play a particular race?'. Again, not the ticket. Finally, I open up the map in the World Editor and look in the triggers. Apparently I was supposed to be the Human race with my handicap set to 90%. Already, I'm less than thrilled.
Amidst the clumsy conglomeration of misplaced Fingolfin models and mismatched icons, I was to find a gameplay. However, you and I both know just as well as each other that this race is incomplete. Incomplete and very confusing.
Unsure as to how complete this race really is, I am tasked to assess what is there. Roughly a third of the upgrades (that's two) don't function properly and are very questionable as to how they've been designed. The heroes are confusing (and, in the case of the Blood Mage, limitless). The tower needs Shaman Adept Training and I purchased a helicopter. I'm very confued. 0/10
Balance: Whatever little there is already seems to be very imbalanced. Everything seems to be too powerful, in particular the Spearwarden and the Animated Armours (seriously, never get the Malevolent Armour upgrade, it won't let you get the cost effective option). I mentioned the helicopter before. I think it appropriately sums up the balance in that it's just far too good to anything else you've got. Dragons can't compete. 2/10
Legion: For an incomplete race, the unit roles are moderately decent. There appears to be no casters (yet), but that's fine, it's incomplete. Despite having a large gap in the number of unit types, the basic roles appear to be filled. 4/10
Concept: The race appears to have tie-ins with the spiritual world alright. That and helicopters (I'm never going to let that go). Fairly decent notions here, but certainly not the best. 5/10
Appearance: Confusing, at best. Although I do like to imagine Orlando Bloom piloting a helicopter. That image is worth a point. 1/10
Total: 12/50

Score calculation:

As the poll wasn't time-limited, the results were taken on 18th March 2014, 20:25 GMT+1

BronzeOregon: 6/36*30 + 12/50*70 = 5 + 16.8 = 21.8
Garfield1337: 18/36*30 + 33/50*70 = 15 + 46.2 = 61.2
Kallimachos: 6/36*30 + 37/50*70 = 5 + 51.8 = 56.8 *one vote deducted - voting for himself*
Retera: 5/36*30 + 38/50*70 = 4.17 + 53.2 = 57.37


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