my 6th model finished ever, not exactly built from scratch, so before you yell at me, allow me to explain my case:
this model is my first major attempt at re UV Wrapping something using pure in game textures and no custom textures.
people may realize this model is not of my initial creation, they are correct. this is based off the HeroTaurenChieftan.mdx model, but is not just a pure texture swap.
if you swap the HeroTaurenChieftan.BLP texture for the SpiritWalker.BLP texture in the 3 different material layers that use it, you will find a lot of broken stuff on you're models surface, most noticeably: the totem, axe handle, beard, horns, and pants will look all screwed the heck up. hence this big uv wrap job. to keep this Tauren looking Spirit walker ish, I also made the boards in the totem into tauren totem building's side wings, added the tauren chieftains spine frill made of dark purple feathers, added blue in game eye glows normally present only in the portrait, and re uv wrapped the totem with Chimera roost texture. I also did all this on the portrait file.
I know its not a giant edit, but hopefully people like more diverse war craft 3 style melee heroes using no custom textures. in my opinion, I like this hero more then the normal spirit walker.
use at what ever size this model dos not matter that way. neither dos death time seconds. I tried to animate new animations to make him more of a melee caster hero but the bones are too fail and too hard to re animate, so there will not be any extra animations with channelling or 1 handed casting or melee range punching or kicking like I had originally planned im afraid. sorry.
hope you guys like it. maybe it can be Barathrums great uncle in you're map or something.
Give Credits and what not.
---update 1--- added new internal name
--update 2--- eliminated the portrait model by adding: portrait - 1, portrait - 2, portrait - 3, and portrait talk - 1. I also added extra eye particle emitters similar to my blue flower if you've seen that, added more work on the horns, made a bunch of animated bones linearized, made the portrait camera, re uv wrapped the hands, fixed the buggy war stomp animation, and re positioned the hero glows around the axe.
Credits go to WhiteDeath for helping me optimize this model, and TLI-Inferno for helping teach me more about model editing
Tauren Spirit Chieftain, Tauren Chieftain, Orc, Hero, Barathrums Great Uncle, We Will Capture this Intire World, a Point at a Time.