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Tales of the Zulium

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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
''Just dont bite me, I have reflexes if I sleep you know, I have been known to stab my father in the hand as he tried to wake me up, I still have no idea where I got the knife from back then'' Arnish started thinking, and then gave up ''Anyway, how long does this take?''
Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
Popo wasn't lowering his guard, still looking straight at Ronoval's eyes. Blazer was still glowing red and nothing changed. "Who are you and what you want? - Speak wisely or it's gonna be your last!" shouted Popo, making evil smile on his face...

(( EDIT: ))

Then he heard what Dragon said. "How can you possibly believe in that?" he shouted back, moving his gaze towards Dragon...
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
''Uuhm, I have learned a magic trick in which I can make a 1 meter flame from my mouth, it used to do great at parties, uuhm... I am not particulary good in combat, but my reflexes are good enough, and I have knowledge of human and elven anatomy, so I can find weakspots.'' Arnish answered Lenee
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Can't be killed like that." He began to laugh. "My hunger is mostly controlled, just don't feed me any other blood then animal."
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
after a while of traveling Jass arrived at the city, his arm was getting soar. he knew he would need a doctor soon, otherwise his arm would get useless. he entered the city looking for an inn or something where he could get information. he asked a few ^people and finally found out there was an inn in the center of town. while he was going to the center of town he passed by a group, most of them had a normal scent tough two of them where different. on of them had the scent of a dragon and the other one had the scent of blood coming from him, tough eh couldn't exactly make out whom had witch scent. in passing he stared at them whiteout even noticing.
Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
"L-.... Like me.... Dead..." said Popo, lowering down his guard, looking at the ground. "That means you have suffered same way as I did, right?" he turned his gaze back to Ronoval, sighing deeply...
Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
Popo looked at mighty Skeleton, breathing heavily and rubbing his eyes all the time. It was a bit quiet, for couple of seconds and then screams could be heard all over the forest and field. Screams sounded like they were coming out of beast-like beings, probably Orks. "Damn it, you killed them Dragon?" shouted Popo looking at mighty Dragon Warrior, and then turned his gaze to Ronoval. "I guess there's no time to test you, join battle with us and prove your loyalty!"
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: REALY fast!)

IC: ''How about I use no weapons to begin with? I do not want to accidentally hurt you.'' Arnish said ''Also, I might be able to improvise some weapon that I feel more familliar with someday, now than'' Arnish got off his mule ''Come on then, lets test my reflexes.''
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Well hope the elves are nice this time." He smiled but it was one of those trying to comfort smiles he did. "After the last time I visited there."
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: oh you are OUT of teh city?the way i understood it you were still there. and people i know a way to prevent people not getting involved. a delay of a minimum 1 minute between your own posts. so other people get a chance to join in.
Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
"Capital City?!" shouted Popo. "Don't you see that we are attacked, raise your weapons and fight!" he continued, slicing the attacking Ork apart. More and more of Orks were coming from the forest, and soon there was about thirty Orks around them. "Let the party start!" shouted Popo as he was charging towards the Orks, slicing the first two, but getting sliced in the back. "Damn it!" he mumbled, as he jumped backwards and places his sword in some strange direction. "Blazer release two, now!" he shouted, and Blazer started glowing dark-purple, releasing great amount of massive force and black fire all over it...
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: i will repost my post saying i pas by as you to are about to start fighting making post now.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
as Jass was about to arrive at the city he saw a group of people as he got closer he picked up two rather odd scents from the group. on was the scent from a dragon, for sure. and the other... was a scent of blood. he stared at the group whiteout noticing and saw that two of them were about to fight. he grabbed his arm as pain spread trough it, it was really getting bad... this wound. if he didn't find a REAL doctor soon he knew it would become useless.
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