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[Campaign] Tactics Unleashed Remake

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Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
This is the v0.94 of the campaign.

Works with 1.26 - 1.30.

It has a crash on 1.31 but still playable to completion. The crash happens when you ope a dialog box (pressing ESC) in a battle.

You can view the tutorial images on how to play from my media here: TU Screenshots | HIVE

Completion rate: 85%

Anduin Lothar by Tauer
Alternative Giant Rats by Direfury
Blueholy Wings by UgoUgo
Bandit Crossbowman by Wandering Soul
Bandit Mage on Foot by Kuhneghetz
Barbarian Villager by Sin'dorei300
Bed by Bisnar13
BlackCloudofFog by JetFangInferno
BlackLegionPriest by AhhFreshWeeD
Bleed by Callahan
BloodElvenSwordsman by Elenai
Bloodelf Champion by General Frank
Pentagram Aura by Skizzik
Dungeoneers Pack by The_Silent
BorrealHound by -Grendel
SirValiant by Cloudwolf
Cannonball by JesusHipster
DojoFloor by Blood Raven
Dresser by NKnight001
Durotan by Tauer
Earth High by Pyritie
EarthTornado by JetFangInferno
Hobbiton Doodads by olofmoleman
Stonehouse by xXm0rpH3usXx
Plants by xXm0rpH3usXx
Village by xXm0rpH3usXx
Church and Library by xXm0rpH3usXx
Village Doodads by Nasrudin
Fill-Me-Up Treasure Chest by Chriz.
Fir by Fingolfin
FireAura by NightSkyAurora
FireBoomerang by WherewolfTherewolf
Firefly by Carrington2k
Trout by Sunchips
FishingBobber by karland90
Strawhat by imforfun
Fountain by Mike
Glowing Aura by JetFangInferno
Goldpile by HerrDave
Guard by wojia10502
HeroRogue by Tranquil
HeroBloodKnight by Tenebis
WC2 Elven Archer by AnemicRoyalty
HeroHighwayman by Direfury
HeroWizard by Direfury
HolyAwakening by JetFangInferno
HolyBlessing by JetFangInferno
HolyStomp by JetFangInferno
HolyFireSlam by ratamahatta
HumanArcher by HappyTauren
HumanWarlord by Kuhneghetz
WindCrushingWave by Callahan
Jaina by Kacpa2
Lava by HappyTauren
Lightning by Callahan
Mastermind Daggers by -Grendel
Monk by Tranquil
Monk by Ket
NightelfAura by s4nji
Ocula by -Grendel
PictureFrame by Pvt.Toma
Small Potion and Mana Potion by Ket
RPGHeroNoble by Tenebrae
Railway by BlackSebastian
Train by Kofi_Banan
RoyalKnight by Stefan.K
BloodSplatter by L_Lawliet
RuggedArthas by Hapless
Arthas by Gar'nogal
SlaughteredVillager by Chen
Sorcerer by tillinghast
SpiritArrow by epsilon
Sword Decoration by Blood Raven
Glowing Light by neogaidenx
ToxicField by UgoUgo
TrainingDummy by communist_orc
UndeadPaladin by Bart_Illidan
Villagerv2 by Kitabatake
Villager Man by Aquis
Villager Dwarf by Just_Spectating
Walls by Mike
Woodgate by eubz
Vereesa Windrunner by kangyun
Castle and Castle Wall set by Tranquil
Rays by Tranquil
City decorations by Mike
Dojo Floors by Blood Raven
Forge by Yayoi
Fountain by Mike
Kingsbed by alreadyused
Faerie by donut3.5
Ice Cube by Pyritie
Generators by Tranquil
FireTurret by Tranquil
Kaleb by ZethHolyblade
Amaducias by -Grendel-
RoyalFootman by HateCrew
FootArcher by Wandering Soul
DarkOrb by Vortigon
Bloodelf-SpellThief by Shockwave
Rocks - Felsen by Ultimate Terraining Map
Jade Princess by Dentothor
Royal Sorceress by ~Nightmare
Captain Marwyn by Direfury
Steam Fortress by General Frank
GnomeEngineer by 67chrome
Magic Shield by JesusHipster
Dual Rocket Missiles by Kuhneghetz
Brigitte Abbendis by kangyun
Fish Vending Stand by Sunchips
CaveWoman by olofmoleman
Pale Emperor by Direfury
Lizardman Models by Gluma
Vice by -Grendel
Razormane by Wandering Soul
Trolls by Uncle Fester
Armored Wolf by Sellenisko
Sapper Academy by The_Silent
Bulkyhuman by Skipper
Fat Nobleman by Skipper
Laborer by Dionesiist
Energy Burst by UgoUgo
VoidWalker Aura by Lichkings slave
Aura Targets by Darkfang
Champion by WolfmanArc
DwarfHero Female Woodcutter by Arak1da
Magic Shield+Colors by stan0033
Dazed Effect by stan0033
Fire Bladestorm by JetFangInferno
Drawbridge by Tranquil
Double Cannon by arnelbigstonepd33r
Cart by arnelbigstonepd33r
Mountain Gorilla by Sweet Oblivion
Templar by Callahan
CrushingWaveMissile by JetFangInferno
Unleash the power by nhocklanhox6
White Ring by dhguardianes
Orb of Fire by General Frank
Warmage by armel
Simple Glass by dansaDisco
EpicRPGTileset by 67chrome
Item - GoldCoins by Tr!KzZ
Warp Dark by Thrikodius
kutsche by Borric
Table by Hellish Hybrid
CityBuildingLarge_0_BaseRuin by Hellish Hybrid
HD Peasant by KAIL333XZ
Riderless Horse by Kuhneghetz
DarkBreathDamage by JetFangInferno
Female Villager by Dreacon
Sand Explosion by JetFangInferno
WindSerpentMissile by Callahan
Petal Grass Bush by Remixer
Gothic Window by Tranquil
Mansion Gate and Wall by Kitabatake
HouseRoof by Sin'dorei300
Steam Wagon by Em!
Dark Soldier by Freddyk
Black Roar by JetFangInferno
Artist's Easel by Deolrin
Fireplace by Blood Raven
HQ Victrola by The_Silent
Pendulum Clock by Blood Raven
WallClock by Sin'dorei300
Chair1 by HappyCockroach
KnightStatueA by GreyArchon
Soulfire Missile by Boogles
Harvest Auras by Power
Sunken Ruins Tower by MatiS
VrykulWorker by Sellenisko
Spell Weaver by WolfmanArc
Divine Protection by JetFangInferno
Ogre Gladiator by Norinrad
ElvenArchCleric by Elenai
EvilBeholder by Amigurumi
df by Kofi_Banan
Seafarer Canoe by The_Silent
Crane by chilla_killa
Medieval Decor by Jack Campaign Team (xgm.guru/p/jc/credits)
Icy_Wolf by icewolf055
Barricade by AlienAtSystem
Ice Stomp by JetFangInferno
Shivas Wrath by JetFangInferno
MarkOfTheCrimsonKingOverheadBuff by kellym0
Quilboar Champion by Deolrin
Benefic Aura by Daelin
Holy Awakening by ILH
Diablos by icewolf055
Night sky with moon skybox by ikillforeyou
DarknessMeteor by nGy
Ember Sword Enchantments by Mythic
Regeneration Aura by Vadim 647
Cinematic Lever by The_Silent
Basic animated Arrow by hellblazer-14
HQ Treasure Chest by HammerFist132
VillagerWoman by olyvian
Replaceable Flag and Banner by Illidan(Evil)X
Genn Greymane by Stefan.K
Roman the glorious Witch Hunter by General Frank
Metal Fence by Teaspoon
Royal Knight by Stefan.K
MiningUnit by Ket
Holy Blast by JesusHipster
WitchDoctor by ironmaiden
VillagerMale by Ezikielth
Nerubian Stinger by -Grendel
NerubianWidow by Callahan
Nerubian Senator by Callahan
Calia Menethil by kangyun
Bandit Pyromancer by Stefan.K
Villager Kid Female by Alethos
Finnall Goldensword by Sxar
Fire Blink by Pyritie
White Spear by varsaigen
Massive Punch Effect by arnelbigstonepd33r
Web by Lender
Divine Edict by Mythic
Villager Man - Zombie Animations by Fingolfin
newzombie skin 2 by halo
Smite by Mythic
Soul Armor by Mythic
Magic Aura 01 by CreatorD3292
Archangel Arcana by RavenBlackbird
Holy Shield Buff and Wing Attachment by Lord_T
Starfall Target by Mc!

Some Guild Wars 1 Icons
Blizzard Entertainment
The Panda
Prince Yaser
Marcos DAB

Custom UI by Situ
Custom Icons by ~Nightmare

Free Sound Effects | SoundJay.com

Aaron Krogh


  • TacticsUnleashedRE.w3n
    123.5 MB · Views: 204
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Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Hi Jamir,

Your Tactics campaign was phenomenal! It is one of the best I have ever played, and the difficulty was so challenging it was perfect. I remember when i first played chapter one, the only way i could beat the final mission was if I farmed the spiders on the hive level (where the hive keeps creating a spider every turn after 15 turns or whatever) to get a massive experience boost haha. When you say remake, does this mean we will not know what happens to Joshua and his friends after the events of chapter 1? Regardless, it is so great to see such a fantastic map maker back making maps after so long a time! Wish you best of luck!
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Hi Jamir,

Your Tactics campaign was phenomenal! It is one of the best I have ever played, and the difficulty was so challenging it was perfect. I remember when i first played chapter one, the only way i could beat the final mission was if I farmed the spiders on the hive level (where the hive keeps creating a spider every turn after 15 turns or whatever) to get a massive experience boost haha.

Hello tulee. Haha nice. I didn't even think someone would do that lol, but I guess I should congratulate you for finishing the campaign. Haha.

But yeah, thanks so much for remembering. :)

When you say remake, does this mean we will not know what happens to Joshua and his friends after the events of chapter 1?

Hmm. My original plan was to actually complete all the chapters and releasing them 1 by 1. I would do that by just using the same code (with small improvements) of the previous campaign. It would have been okay if not for the fact that I also wanted to remake the previous campaigns with the aforementioned improvements in the code and then creating a one continuous campaign that starts from the Prologue. So yeah what happened was that I've held off on continuing chapter 2 until I finished remaking the previous ones. And then it took A LOT of time for me to create a new battle system for the remake.

So to answer your question, you will know what will happen in Chapter 2 & onwards. I don't know when I'll get there but I will, after I rework Prologue and Chapter 1. As I've put on the description, this is planned to be a massive continuous campaign. I'm still applying some finishing touches on the system though before I continue the story. That's why I uploaded a demo, so that I can gather from the community about what works and what not. :D
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Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you like the cinematics. :) Is it still quite clunky? Hmm..

Thanks guys! I really appreciate that you remembered the campaign. And tulee, I'll be continuing chapter 2 in the near future. Thanks for your support!

Btw, I temporarily removed the demo. My plan is to just release it as soon as it's ready.

I will be posting future updates in this thread, so stay tuned. :D
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Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Hi all. I'm sorry that it's been awhile since I posted an update. Development is still going on in a constant pace. I just wish I had enough haste and tenacity, and time especially, to finish a map now as I did back then. But still, progress is progress right? No matter how slow it is.. But, enough rambling. I just wanna post some big updates to the campaign and upload a second demo.

The contents of the first demo was that the Prologue was already finished and that Chapter 1 was just 15% completed. Now though, I managed to up the progress for Chapter 1 to 30% and also managed to add A LOT of new features.

So yeah, new features first.
  • Added Unified Guard ability
Unified guard is automatically activated whenever a player unit is attacked. It creates a link to all nearby allied units which will reduce the damage taken by a percentage in proportion to the number of allied units linked.
  • Fishing minigame fully implemented
Just to break up the pace for a bit. External rewards not yet implemented. If you ever try this out, be sure you have the healthbar shown.

    • Added an option to skip different animations in battle.
This, I believe, should speed up the combat quite a bit.
  • Added an option to censor out cursing and blood effects ingame.
These are options, just to be safe and kid-friendly. There's a playable character that swears a lot.
  • Various floating text displays are added (When EXP is gained When a skill is learned, etc.)
These are added so that rewards will constantly pop up.
  • And more.. (please read the changelog for the complete changes)

-Added UNIFIED GUARD. Unified guard is automatically activated whenever a player unit
is attacked. It creates a link to all nearby allied units which will reduce the damage
taken by a percentage in proportion to the number of allied units linked.
-Increased enemy's base damage to compensate for the unified guard ability.
-Removed the TORCH item and all its gameplay effects. You can still sell
the now useless torches that your party have.
-Removed NIGHTTIME effects. Your party does not lose AR at night anymore.
-Added a STASH that can store the party's items.
-Fishing fully implemented.
-Ember Ring is now available at the Alchemist Shop during prologue.
-Skill merchant added in the game.
-Recomputed and rebalanced all bounty on return battles.
-Changed and rebalanced the enemies for return battles from Chapter 1 and onwards.
-Added options menu.
-Added option to skip different animations to speed up gameplay.
-Undo previous movement added.
-NPC interactions implemented.

-Freezer base damage +3, MP used +2
-Buster flare base damage +6, MP used +3
-Blood Shot base damage +5, MP used +1; Improved bleed chance
-Twister base damage +11, MP used +2
-Power Stab base damage +5
-Holy Smite base damage +4, MP used +6

-Topaz birthstone additional damage taken reduced from 20% to 15%.
-Diamond birthstone changed.
* OLD: 25% Status resist
* NEW: Enhanced skill effect (+1 skill modifier) and +25% MP cost on all skills
-Potion of healing heal effect from 40 to 50.
-Large potion of healing heal effect from 100 to 140. Price from 225 to 250.

-Changed Game UI Design.
-Various floating text displays are added.
* When EXP is gained.
* When a unit is hit with a status effect.
* When a skill is learned.
-Floating text will now properly account for the unit's flying height.
-Reduced floating text stacking with each other.
-Various icon description changes.
-New Icon: Round number
-How much BP is gained in a battle is now shown at the battle summary.
-Objectives summary now shows how many BP can be gained per task.

-Changed young Joshua's hair color to match his older self.
-Changed young Rosaly's model.

-Fixed hero model bug. This bug happens when your character dies while
wearing a flying armor. *Thanks Death Kitty!*
-Fixed secret battle treasures.
-Fixed EXP gain from casting AoE skills.
-Fixed Demon Lord's projectile.
-Removed HP and MP Regen on dead units. Duh
-Fixed spell range of Power Stab.
-Fixed serious bug where buried treasures are not reset after creating a new game
-Fixed sound bug when equipped with a staff.

Note to the previous demo players: You can continue your game using the continue button in the main menu screen.
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Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
WoW, Jamir!. That is really awesome. The screenshots look awesome. Quick question: you will not delete the old version when you post up this new version right? The old one has a really special place in my heart, and i really hope that it stays up on hive workshop. Even the prologue 0 campaign with the game crashing insane rat mission I really want to still see on hive. I mean, if it is so different, will be possible to just post this as a different map entirely without "updating" the original (deleting it).
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
WoW, Jamir!. That is really awesome. The screenshots look awesome. Quick question: you will not delete the old version when you post up this new version right? The old one has a really special place in my heart, and i really hope that it stays up on hive workshop. Even the prologue 0 campaign with the game crashing insane rat mission I really want to still see on hive. I mean, if it is so different, will be possible to just post this as a different map entirely without "updating" the original (deleting it).
Thanks bro. :)

About the old campaigns. Actually, there's a funny story behind that. It was not me who uploaded those in this site. Well, originally it was me but, when the old site (wc3sear.ch) changed servers to hiveworkshop I was on a hiatus. And also, I think I actually lost the files of my old campaigns in my hard drive back then. It's cool that they were kind enough to save them and reupload to the new site. Hehe. So I was able to download them, and store a copy in my new drive.

But yeah, I have no control with the old campaigns, but no worries, if ever those were deleted. I'll reupload them. :D
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Hi, just a shout out to those who downloaded the demo. There is a serious save bug in chapter 1 after the Fort battle. It's an oversight on my part, sorry. Please, don't save your game after you finish the Fort battle or just don't do the Fort battle yet until I upload a fix.

EDIT: Fixed the bug. Please download the new version in this post. It should be safe now, I hope. -_-

And also, this will be the final demo until I release the full version.

I'll still update this thread with my progress though. Stay tuned!
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Level 5
Sep 3, 2017
Although a bit different, I've always been a fan of Fire Emblem so I'd love to see how this turns out! I remember trying out the campaign awhile back but never truly finished it. You have my support on this project of yours (plus I love stories in a pseudo-industrialized medieval setting!)
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Finally updated this thread after a long time. -_- A huge update has been made on the first post along with new screenshots. Please take the time to read it. Thanks!

I might also create a gameplay trailer in a few weeks. Stay tuned!
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Damn, waiting real hard here

Do you have any estimations on When™?
Thanks Gluma! Actually I really wanted to release it ASAP, but I also wanted to make sure that you have a decently polished experience in this campaign. :)

But yeah progress report, I can say that I am now at the polishing stage. The battle system is now completely working as intended (I plan to put up a gameplay trailer in just a few weeks). I'm estimating that I am now at 50-60% completion. The story is also what's holding me back, Chapter 1 still at 50%. :(

But I plan to upload a battle demo to showcase the updated battle system after I release the trailer.

Btw, I'm using your Lizardmen models as enemies in this game. Thanks, they look really cool. :)
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Level 32
Oct 26, 2014
Thanks Gluma! Actually I really wanted to release it ASAP, but I also wanted to make sure that you have a decently polished experience in this campaign. :)

But yeah progress report, I can say that I am now at the polishing stage. The battle system is now completely working as intended (I plan to put up a gameplay trailer in just a few weeks). I'm estimating that I am now at 50-60% completion. The story is also what's holding me back, Chapter 1 still at 50%. :(

But I plan to upload a battle demo to showcase the updated battle system after I release the trailer.

Looking forward to it. I love turn based rpgs as a concept, but they're too anime for my taste most of the time (no offence tho)

Btw, I'm using your Lizardmen models as enemies in this game. Thanks, they look really cool. :)

Yeah thats cool, thats how I found you campain in the first place lol, monitoring my stuff

Btw I update them all the time, you might check if I changed anything since you first got them
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Looking forward to it. I love turn based rpgs as a concept, but they're too anime for my taste most of the time (no offence tho)
That's true though, since most of the turn based rpgs nowadays come from Japan. There are still some modern turn based rpgs coming from the west but they are few and far between (xcom and divinity original sin). I love games coming from both sides even though they are a lot different in style.

This campaign is inspired by Jrpgs though so yeah, you'll most probably notice the anime style here (especially when it comes to the skills). But it's nothing too drastic, I won't use anime voices or graphics and such. It won't fit the aesthetic of WC3 or the things that I wanted to convey anyway.

Btw I update them all the time, you might check if I changed anything since you first got them
Ok thanks for reminding me. :)
Level 32
Oct 26, 2014
That's true though, since most of the turn based rpgs nowadays come from Japan. There are still some modern turn based rpgs coming from the west but they are few and far between (xcom and divinity original sin). I love games coming from both sides even though they are a lot different in style.

This campaign is inspired by Jrpgs though so yeah, you'll most probably notice the anime style here (especially when it comes to the skills). But it's nothing too drastic, I won't use anime voices or graphics and such. It won't fit the aesthetic of WC3 or the things that I wanted to convey anyway.

Nah that's fine with me, the stuff here seems quite gritty in tone and you even have characters swearing which I'm a big fan of
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Holy crap, this is the last project I expected to get a remake.
Can't even remember most of what it was about.... Maybe it's time to take another look at it!
Thanks Shar for checking out my project, I feel humbled.

I always wanted to create a proper remake (I actually started making the remake years ago, just didn't have enough time to really make something out of it). The old campaigns, even though I think they're good on their own, were clearly a product of their time. The slow turn based combat, the clunky UI and some game breaking bugs that were never fixed. My objective for this remake is to "modernize" the turn based system and fixing the bugs that were present in the old ones.

I'm planning to make a gameplay trailer in a few weeks, so yeah, that would be an easy way to take a look at it. :)
Level 5
Sep 3, 2017
Had a bit of a hiatus from WC3 and the Hive, and it's exciting to know that there are more news on this project!
I don't think you should rush the project even with Reforged coming soon, I'm sure lots of people will still stick to the OG WC3 if it comes to projects such as this.
Also, the dude with the Frostmourne sword, maybe you should reskin his sword to something more fitting? I'm sure something like FrikY's Dragon Sword would suit him much better than Arthas' blade.
Other than that, lots of luck to you.
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Hi Tanni, glad to see you're still here! :) Yes, the project is still going on a continuous development. Thank you for the suggestion on Arthas' sword, I'll check it out. Thanks for dropping by!
Level 2
Aug 17, 2019
Can you explain how the steal accesory skill works? for instance I gave the skill to Gilti and he has 45 agility and the mob I want to steal an item from has 44 agi, would it be based around the difference and if so, what is the chance then? Do I specifically need to equip a dagger for it to work/have a higher chance? What other factors apply to the skill? It isn't a purple item.
Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Jamir, I noticed your campaign had been deleted again from the map section. Hopefully you will choose to let it stay there, since many people will benefit from playing it. Even if you do re-add it somewhere else on hive (for example via a link only found on your profile), the accessibility of the campaign will be far lower than if it were in the map section, and then less people will have the chance to experience it.
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Can you explain how the steal accesory skill works? for instance I gave the skill to Gilti and he has 45 agility and the mob I want to steal an item from has 44 agi, would it be based around the difference and if so, what is the chance then? Do I specifically need to equip a dagger for it to work/have a higher chance? What other factors apply to the skill? It isn't a purple item.
Hi Meekoh. Yes, you have to equip a dagger for it to have a higher chance and to have a 0 MP cost. The factors are Hero & Enemy AGI, Facing (stealing from an enemy's back will increase the chance), debuffs (some debuffs like Fatigue increases the chance), and using Daggers. Also, each item has a Base Multiplier which is then multiplied by the increase in Steal Multiplier (from a certain unique glove).

Without getting into math, Gilti, using a dagger and having 45 AGI and the enemy has 44 AGI, steals from the enemy's back, the base multiplier is multiplied by 0.98. Assuming the item you are trying to steal is an Elemental Fragment which has a base multiplier of 30 and no increase in Steal multiplier, your chance to steal is 29%.

Jamir, I noticed your campaign had been deleted again from the map section. Hopefully you will choose to let it stay there, since many people will benefit from playing it. Even if you do re-add it somewhere else on hive (for example via a link only found on your profile), the accessibility of the campaign will be far lower than if it were in the map section, and then less people will have the chance to experience it.
Hi tulee, thanks for your concern. :)

Ultimately though I decided to just remove it from the Maps section because thinking about it just stresses me out. I will still finish it and I will make it available for download in Hive. Maybe in this thread?
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Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Ultimately though I decided to just remove it from the Maps section because thinking about it just stresses me out. I will still finish it and I will make it available for download in Hive. Maybe in this thread?
You can post it where-ever you want, just know that 95%~ of the people who visit hive are guests and are likely to only look in easy/obvious sections like the map section due to a lack of knowledge about hive forums, which means your work might end up being an elitist product for the remaining 5%.
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Hi guys! Sorry for the late replies, decided to leave modding for a bit. I've uploaded the v0.94 of the campaign in the original post. I'm continuing the development of the campaign again.

Also, I haven't protected this. People can look at its systems I've made and maybe learn from it. You can play the campaign or not, it's your choice.

You can post it where-ever you want, just know that 95%~ of the people who visit hive are guests and are likely to only look in easy/obvious sections like the map section due to a lack of knowledge about hive forums, which means your work might end up being an elitist product for the remaining 5%.
I see. I didn't think about that. :(

Oh, hey, why does it stress you? Didn't you enjoy making it :(?
I'm nervous about the consequences of using a copyrighted product, so I decided to stay discreet.
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