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[Campaign] Starcraft Hybrids Campaign

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Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Starcraft Hybrids The Campaign
V0.1 available and work in progress version of second map also available in V0.2 (unfinished, but possible usefull for modders/mappers)


Starcraft Hybrids
This is a campaign based on my Starcraft Hybrids (SH) maps: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/sh-v1-4-hunters-234267/?prev=status%3Da%26u%3D[K40%24]-Spectre. In Starcraft Hybrids, the three traditional Starcraft races (Terran, Zerg and Protoss) are replaced with three hybrid races (not the Starcraft 2 hybrids, but literally combinations of the three traditional races):

The Bionics - a combination of Terran and Protoss forces


The Infested - a merge between Zergs and infested Terrans


The Void Predators - a merg between Zerg and Protoss


This campaign (maybe multiple campaigns, not yet decided) will follow the story of the three new hybrid races set in the Starcraft universm.

Campaign features:
- Get to play with 3 completely new races with lots of new units, upgrades and abilities and learn their tricks & tactics.
- Have already played my SH maps alot? Don't worry, the campaign adds new stuff like Starcraft 1 like heroes, new units, new enemies and ofcourse new maps.
- Lots of custom models, skins, sounds, voices and even music used to give it that Starcraft feeling we all love so much :vw_love:.
- A new story set in the Starcraft universm. Meet the new hybrid races, but also encounter the traditional races as enemy or ally.
- Not protected, you can modify, take things from it and hopefully learn from it. Do as you like.


Credit list (resources):

Blizzard for interface skin, tiles, Scr1 sounds+music and images
Starcraft Interface Package by unwirklich
Starcraft tiles for Warcraft 3 made by Stryderzero
Urban Environment Pack Pt. 1 by Illidan(Evil)X and xXm0rpH3usXx

Protohydralisk By Afronight_76
The SC2 Marine By GhostThruster
Onslaught by Callahan
Goliath by Max666
Stalker by Fingolfin
RA2 YR Mastermind Tank By Misha
Probe by killst4r
SCV Final by killst4r
ZombieA.blp By Kazzo
Marine by Hellish Hybrid
F.R.E.D. By Thrikodius
ThunderLizardVizier.blp By FrIkY
Ocula by -Grendel
MountainGiant.blp by halo
Snipe Target Green by Tranquil
Brilliance by JetFangInferno
Protoss and Terran building icons by Frankster
Fusion Cannon by Thrikodius
Flamethrower Turret by The_Silent
Alien RepairDrone by Texture By M0rbid [Amigurumi]
Zerg Scourge by Kimberly
Demon Treant by Iyzz_Fryzz
orb_big03 by EdwardSwolenToe
Brilliance by JetFangInferno
Wraith by killst4r
Stargate by killst4r
Phoenix_Missile by JetFangInferno
Konstrukt_SubmachinegunMissile by Talon the Mage
LaserRay by Ergius
Cracked Cliff by Felz_09
Drone by Markus3832
Protoss Dark Templar by Norinrad
Zerg Lurker by Cavman
Mutalisk by Kimberly
Reaper by Gottfrei
Ultra by killst4r
SpawnOverlord anim by killst4r
Zerg buildings by ?? (pm me if you know)
SoulArmor by JesusHipster
RejuvenationTarget by Metal_Sonic
Arcane Explosion By Champara Bros
Bonestrike by Callahan
MagicShield by JesusHipster
Astral Imprisonment by exfyre
Stomp by nGy
ToxicField by UgoUgo
CloudOfFog by Callahan
FirstAid by Em!
Nuclear Explosion (no missile) by WILL THE ALMIGHTY
WC3 - UnitFX - Black Hole07 by Carrington2k
SkulborbByZerox by Zerox
Reach Trees (Red) by Fingolfin
Reach Trees small by Fingolfin

Outpost29-Tower Starship Troopers by Gurftbestie!
Metal Fence by Teaspoon
Colonial Raptor by Coxxon [syc]
Proto-Naga Zealot by Misha
WhiteMorpho & BlueMorpho by RodOfNOD
Panther by Kuhneghetz
Famas_ByEpsilon by epsilon
RandomGoggles by JesusHipster

Special thanks to GhostThruster for portrait edits and loading screen.
And to Hiveworkshop members that gave me feedback!



  • Starcraft Hybrids v0.1.w3n
    13.7 MB · Views: 501
  • Starcraft Hybrids v0.2WIP.w3n
    25.2 MB · Views: 560
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
First, we have Starcraft Hybrid maps in forms of melee maps but now into a campaign. To be honest, that is great to hear and the new changes is pretty much promising and interesting.

I have played this on the past (the melee maps) with my friends and it's highly addictive. And now that this will be a campaign, that would be much more better!

Good luck and hope to see some more updates from this. +rep.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
First, we have Starcraft Hybrid maps in forms of melee maps but now into a campaign. To be honest, that is great to hear and the new changes is pretty much promising and interesting.

I have played this on the past (the melee maps) with my friends and it's highly addictive. And now that this will be a campaign, that would be much more better!

Good luck and hope to see some more updates from this. +rep.
, wow that was fast, thanks Hell_Master :)
Level 12
Jul 19, 2011
Wow, I am a big fan of Starcraft 2, its good to see this, btw the Void Predators should be named Hybrid, that's their name in Starcraft 2 cause if you played WoL campaign the protoss chapters you will find a mix between the zerg and the protoss called the Hybrid.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
First version available.

I needed to get use to campaign making (was kindy long ago I made my previous campaign :p ). So next map will feature better cinematics and more extra's.

This one features a new (Starcraft 1-like, so no leveling) hero and rescueable terran marines as new units (compared to the normal maps).

Future maps will feature moar new stuff :).


Wow, I am a big fan of Starcraft 2, its good to see this, btw the Void Predators should be named Hybrid, that's their name in Starcraft 2 cause if you played WoL campaign the protoss chapters you will find a mix between the zerg and the protoss called the Hybrid.
, yes you are right in that, however if I do that people will expect to see Starcraft 2 hybrids, which is not the case. You are not going to see Amon etc. (I am not a fan of the idea of 1 common enemy, instead I want it to be a mass warfare between the 3 races like Starcraft 1 did it :grin:)
Level 6
May 23, 2011
[K40$]-Spectre;2481278 said:
Any gameplay suggestions / feedback? I.o.w. what could be improved for this map and taken into account for the next campaign maps?

i do have a suggestion. make a campaing for each race :ogre_datass:

i know this can be a backstab if you already did everithing on a single campaign but i think that if you do everithing on 1 campaign it would feel rushed
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Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
i do have a suggestion. make a campaing for each race :ogre_datass:

i know this can be a backstab if you already did everithing on a single campaign but i think that if you do everithing on 1 campaign it would feel rushed
, Actually, I purposely made only this 1 map so far, so it would not be a backstab incase I would do seperate campaigns. And after making this map, I agree with you that 1 campaign would be too short. As how it looks now, my plan is to do 3 mini campaigns, 1 for each hybrid race.

Also nice models you send me :).
Level 6
May 23, 2011
[K40$]-Spectre;2482390 said:
, Actually, I purposely made only this 1 map so far, so it would not be a backstab incase I would do seperate campaigns. And after making this map, I agree with you that 1 campaign would be too short. As how it looks now, my plan is to do 3 mini campaigns, 1 for each hybrid race.

Also nice models you send me :).

well thats a relief xD i didnt whant to screw you up, and thx i was searching for some good models for your campaign when i found those, ill do some extra searching to see if i can find more :thumbs_up:
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
my gad, now i can play starcraft's campaign on wc XD
, to clarify, a starcraft's campaign (starcraft hybrid's campaign), not a remake of the original starcraft campaign ;). I think you meant that, I added it just in case otherwise people might get the wrong idea and think I am remaking the campaign maps from Starcraft 1.

ill do some extra searching to see if i can find more
, I appreciate it :)
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
Hey everyone. Alas I can't continue this campaign. In short, it just takes me too much time to make the maps (mostly the cinematics, quest triggers and mapping). I can make loose/individual skirmisch maps alot faster than campaign maps.

However, for the second map of this campaign already alot has been done (basically the whole terrain, player and enemy starting forces, small intro cinematic, the general story, and the first objectives).
That is why I uploaded the version 0.2 too. You can play the second map a bit, but you can't finish it at the moment and mainly there's is no AI yet for the enemy bases.

More in detail of what is still lacking (incase someone wants to finish it):

- (campaign) AI for enemy bases.
- most of the quests (/quest triggers) and some cinematics.
- ~2 new enemy units (burrowers)
- optional objective where the player can collect items which are scattered through the map to get a new campaign-only robot unit (partially done).

What I had so far in mind for the story (incase someone wants to finish it):

- in the second map the team (the Bionics with their new engineer Briar) finds and takes control over a workshop so they can create powerfull space ships which their fleet is still lacking. The plan for the third map was to let the player control the new space ships against (probably Infected forces) in a space map.

Note that this does not mean that Starcraft Hybrids loose/skirmisch maps won't be updated anymore.
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