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Don't be fooled by the title, this is more than just a simple Elapsed Game Time manager.
This system also allows you to register elapsed game-time events.
With the current configuration, the limit is 3.41 years in the future. I hope this isn't inconvenient.
I apologize for this limitation and I also hope it won't make this resource seem useless to you.
You can also get a formatted elapsed game-time string.
You're probably asking why using this is a plus. These are the reasons:
- One timer to handle all game-time events.
- No need for another Game-time library to get the game-time.
- Insanely fast Game-time 'Get' function.
Feel free to comment..
Constructive criticism will be accepted and is highly appreciated.
This system also allows you to register elapsed game-time events.
With the current configuration, the limit is 3.41 years in the future. I hope this isn't inconvenient.
I apologize for this limitation and I also hope it won't make this resource seem useless to you.
You can also get a formatted elapsed game-time string.
* ElapsedGameTime
* v2.0.0.0
* By Magtheridon96
* - Fires a code given an elapsed game time.
* - Retrieves:
* - A Formatted Game-time String
* - The Total Elapsed Game-time in Seconds
* - The Game-time Seconds (0 <= x <= 59)
* - The Game-time Minutes (0 <= x <= 59)
* - The Game-time Hours (0 <= x)
* Optional Requirements:
* ----------------------
* - Table by Bribe
* - hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-new-table-188084/
* API:
* ----
* - struct ElapsedGameTime extends array
* - static method registerEvent takes real time, code c returns nothing
* - Registers a code that will execute at the given time.
* - static method start takes nothing returns nothing
* - static method pause takes nothing returns nothing
* - static method resume takes nothing returns nothing
* - These are used to start/pause/resume the game timer.
* - static method operator paused takes nothing returns boolean
* - static method operator running takes nothing returns boolean
* - These determine whether the system is running or not.
* - static method getTime takes nothing returns real
* - Gets the total elapsed game time in seconds.
* - static method getSeconds takes nothing returns integer
* - static method getMinutes takes nothing returns integer
* - static method getHours takes nothing returns integer
* - These static methods get the clock values.
* - static method getTimeSeconds takes nothing returns integer
* - Gets the elapsed game time string (Formatted)
* - function RegisterElapsedGameTimeEvent takes real time, code c returns nothing
* - Registers a code that will execute at the given time.
* - function StartGameTimer takes nothing returns nothing
* - function PauseGameTimer takes nothing returns nothing
* - function ResumeGameTimer takes nothing returns nothing
* - These are used to start/pause/resume the game timer.
* - function IsGameTimerPaused takes nothing returns boolean
* - function IsGameTimerRunning takes nothing returns boolean
* - These determine whether the system is running or not.
* - function GetElapsedGameTime takes nothing returns real
* - Gets the total elapsed game time in seconds.
* - function GetGameTimeSeconds takes nothing returns integer
* - function GetGameTimeMinutes takes nothing returns integer
* - function GetGameTimeHours takes nothing returns integer
* - Gets the elapsed game time hours
* - function GetGameTimeString takes nothing returns string
* - Gets the elapsed game time string (Formatted)
library ElapsedGameTime requires optional Table
// If this is set to true, you need to call ElapsedGameTime.start() manually.
private constant boolean CUSTOM_START_TIME = false
// This timer interval. If accuracy means nothing to you, increase it.
private constant real INTERVAL = 0.03125
private module Init
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_Table then
set cache = TableArray[0x200]
set hash = Table.create()
set data = Table.create()
static if not CUSTOM_START_TIME then
call start()
struct ElapsedGameTime extends array
private static constant real FPSR = 1 / INTERVAL
private static constant integer FPSI = R2I(FPSR)
private static integer seconds = 0
private static integer minutes = 0
private static integer hours = 0
private static integer current = -1
private static trigger t = CreateTrigger()
private static timer gameTimer = CreateTimer()
private static boolean runningX = false
private static boolean done0 = false
// This ugliness is required.
static if LIBRARY_Table then
private static TableArray cache
private static Table hash
private static Table data
private static method loadData takes integer i returns boolean
return data.boolean[i]
private static method saveData takes integer i, boolean b returns nothing
set data.boolean[i] = b
private static method loadHash takes integer i returns integer
return hash[i]
private static method saveHash takes integer i, integer d returns nothing
set hash[i] = d
private static method loadCache takes integer i1, integer i2 returns boolexpr
return cache[i1].boolexpr[i2]
private static method saveCache takes integer i1, integer i2, boolexpr b returns nothing
set cache[i1].boolexpr[i2] = b
private static method haveData takes integer i1 returns boolean
return data.boolean.has(i1)
private static hashtable cache = InitHashtable()
private static constant integer HASH = -1
private static constant integer DATA = -2
private static method loadData takes integer i returns boolean
return LoadBoolean(cache, DATA, i)
private static method saveData takes integer i, boolean b returns nothing
call SaveBoolean(cache, DATA, i, b)
private static method loadHash takes integer i returns integer
return LoadInteger(cache, HASH, i)
private static method saveHash takes integer i, integer d returns nothing
call SaveInteger(cache, HASH, i, d)
private static method loadCache takes integer i1, integer i2 returns boolexpr
return LoadBooleanExprHandle(cache, i1, i2)
private static method saveCache takes integer i1, integer i2, boolexpr b returns nothing
call SaveBooleanExprHandle(cache, i1, i2, b)
private static method haveData takes integer i1 returns boolean
return HaveSavedBoolean(cache, DATA, i1)
private static method run takes nothing returns nothing
local integer count
if loadData(current) then
// Increase current index
set current = current + 1
// Load number of codes registered
set count = loadHash(current)
// Clear all the conditions from the trigger.
call TriggerClearConditions(t)
// Enqueue boolexprs
call TriggerAddCondition(t, loadCache(count, current))
exitwhen count == 0
set count = count - 1
// Fire the boolexprs
call TriggerEvaluate(t)
if done0 then
// Game-time Data manager (For the user)
if current == current / FPSI * FPSI then
set seconds = seconds + 1
if seconds == 60 then
set seconds = 0
set minutes = minutes + 1
if minutes == 60 then
set minutes = 0
set hours = hours + 1
set done0 = true
call TimerStart(gameTimer, INTERVAL, true, function thistype.run)
static method operator paused takes nothing returns boolean
return not runningX
static method operator running takes nothing returns boolean
return runningX
static method start takes nothing returns nothing
if done0 then
call TimerStart(gameTimer, INTERVAL, true, function thistype.run)
call TimerStart(gameTimer, 0, false, function thistype.run)
set runningX = true
static method pause takes nothing returns nothing
call PauseTimer(gameTimer)
set runningX = false
static method resume takes nothing returns nothing
call start()
static method registerEvent takes real time, code c returns nothing
local integer index = R2I(time * FPSI)
local integer n
// Check if the data for this time doesn't exist
if not haveData(index) then
// If it doesn't exist, we hash the first
// boolexpr and set the count to 0
call saveHash(index, 0)
call saveData(index, true)
call saveCache(0, index, Filter(c))
// If it exists, we hash the boolexpr and increase the count
set n = loadHash(index) + 1
call saveHash(index, n)
call saveCache(n, index, Filter(c))
static method getTime takes nothing returns real
// You mad TimerGetElapsed?
return current / FPSR
static method getSeconds takes nothing returns integer
return seconds
static method getMinutes takes nothing returns integer
return minutes
static method getHours takes nothing returns integer
return hours
static method getTimeString takes nothing returns string
local string s = I2S(seconds)
if seconds < 10 then
set s = "0" + s
set s = I2S(minutes) + ":" + s
if minutes < 10 then
set s = "0" + s
set s = I2S(hours) + ":" + s
if hours < 10 then
set s = "0" + s
return s
implement Init
function RegisterElapsedGameTimeEvent takes real t, code c returns nothing
call ElapsedGameTime.registerEvent(t, c)
function StartGameTimer takes nothing returns nothing
call ElapsedGameTime.start()
function PauseGameTimer takes nothing returns nothing
call ElapsedGameTime.pause()
function ResumeGameTimer takes nothing returns nothing
call ElapsedGameTime.resume()
function IsGameTimerPaused takes nothing returns boolean
return ElapsedGameTime.paused
function IsGameTimerRunning takes nothing returns boolean
return ElapsedGameTime.running
function GetElapsedGameTime takes nothing returns real
return ElapsedGameTime.getTime()
function GetGameTimeHours takes nothing returns integer
return ElapsedGameTime.getHours()
function GetGameTimeMinutes takes nothing returns integer
return ElapsedGameTime.getMinutes()
function GetGameTimeSeconds takes nothing returns integer
return ElapsedGameTime.getSeconds()
function GetGameTimeString takes nothing returns string
return ElapsedGameTime.getTimeString()
You're probably asking why using this is a plus. These are the reasons:
- One timer to handle all game-time events.
- No need for another Game-time library to get the game-time.
- Insanely fast Game-time 'Get' function.
Feel free to comment..
Constructive criticism will be accepted and is highly appreciated.
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