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This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.

Syringe (Version 1.3, Update: 2/26/2016)

Syringe is an MPQ injector which is able to inject user's files into the Warcraft III MPQ (No path required).

Syringe.exe can be used to install a mod's Models and textures into the warcraft III mpq.

The usage depends on the users.

Syringe is a command line application.

Warning: Having custom MPQs may get you banned on battle.net though, so offline or mod-only usage is advised.

Syringe uses a command system which defines the code run by syringe.


Commands are separated with ";" and the parameters by "," and the first parameter is the function name.

Syringe commands are quite easy to make.

Syringe Commands

To create a syringe commands file open notepad and add commands keeping this in mind:

Commands are separated with ";" and the parameters by "," and the first parameter is the function name.

After adding the commands save the file as "Codes.syr" at the application's directory.

Files and folders paths are based on:

Application Folder/Path

Yet custom Mpqs paths are based on:

Warcraft III Folder/Filename + Extension

The current Syringe commands are:

Injectfoldertoroot: 2 Parameters : MPQ: war3/war3x/custom mpq name with extension,Folder Name: Name of the folder you want to inject, the folder (Or at least one of its parents) must be placed in the application's directory

Injects folder to root of selected Mpq


Injectfolder: 3 Parameters : MPQ: war3/war3x/custom mpq name with extension,Folder Name: Name of the folder you want to inject the folder (Or at least one of its parents) must be placed in the application's directory, Path: Select the path you want the folder to be added to in the selected MPQ Example: "MyTestPath\" Leave the path empty if you want to folder to be added to root

Injects folder to the chosen path of selected Mpq


Injectfile: 3 Parameters : MPQ: war3/war3x/custom mpq name with extension,File name: Name of the file you want to inject extension should be included, Path: Select the path you want the file to be added to in the selected MPQ Example: "MyTestPath\" Leave the path empty if you want to file to be added to root

Injects file to the chosen path of selected Mpq


Injectfoldertoroottemp: 2 Parameters : MPQ: war3/war3x/custom mpq name with extension,Folder Name: Name of the folder you want to inject, the folder (Or at least one of its parents) must be placed in the application's directory

Temporarily injects folder to root of selected Mpq

Files are removed next time Syringe is run


Injectfoldertemp: 3 Parameters : MPQ: war3/war3x/custom mpq,Folder Name: Name of the folder you want to inject the folder (Or at least one of its parents) must be placed in the application's directory, Path: Select the path you want the folder to be added to in the selected MPQ Example: "MyTestPath\" Leave the path empty if you want to folder to be added to root

Temporarily injects folder to root of selected Mpq

Files are removed next time Syringe is run


Injectfiletemp: 3 Parameters : MPQ: war3/war3x/custom mpq name with extension,File name: Name of the file you want to inject extension should be included, Path: Select the path you want the file to be added to in the selected MPQ Example: "MyTestPath\" Leave the path empty if you want to file to be added to root

Temporarily injects file to the chosen path of selected Mpq

Files are removed next time Syringe is run


Print: 1 Parameters : Text: The text that is displayed in the console.

Displays the text in the syringe console.


Printline: 1 Parameters : Text: The text that is displayed in the console.

Displays the text in the syringe console on a new line.


Wait: 1 Parameters : Time: The time that syringe is going to wait, Unit is ms (Millisecond)

Waits for the selected time.



.Net 3.5 (Download)

Bugs and Suggestions

Please report any encountered bugs.

Suggestions are as always welcome.


If you encountered a problem with this program please post here about it so that it will be solved.

Your post should be detailed and include information about the error and your commands, a screenshot of the error is appreciated.

The commands you entered should also be entered in the post

Problems without enough details will be IGNORED


Syringe (Binary)

Do you have any intention of updating it to function with the newest Warcraft 3 version? Once you do it can be reviewed for approval. Refer to the tool submission rules or contact me if you need any clarification.
Level 6
Jul 3, 2014


Version 1.1

Syringe removes temporary files after game is closed.

Version 1.2

Added commands "Wait","Print","Printline". Temporary system improved.
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Level 6
Jul 3, 2014
The current version can only inject to default mpqs.

However, i will add support of custom mpqs to the next version.

Edit: Application Updated to version 1.3

Custom Mpqs are now supported.

Path starts after Warcraft III location.

Example: C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Path

Syringe editor UI pictures in attachments.


  • Syringe Editor.PNG
    Syringe Editor.PNG
    38.7 KB · Views: 292
  • Syringe Editor2.PNG
    Syringe Editor2.PNG
    12.5 KB · Views: 244
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