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Survivors of Lordaeron 1.66d

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Rainbow Evil
"The prominent kingdom of Lordaeron has become a wasteland ravaged by the Scourge. The once proud populace has either succumbed to the plague or evacuated, leaving few behind. You are the proud remnants of this disaster who refuse to be defeated. Join in arms and repel scourge to regain your place in the lands. You are your only defense, and Lordaeron's last hope..."

This is a team hero survival map.
There are four types of heroes, each with several primary skill sets. Each type has access to a set of secondary skills.
Also heros choose a profession such as engineering or alchemy, and a trait such as Guardian(+Hp) or Sentry(+Move Speed)

The scourge has contaminated a series granaries across the map, your goal is to destroy them.

There are random events, and the map changes to a degree each game(Buildings located in different places)

The map is protected by Vexorian's Wc3 Map Optimizer. If you have any questions about how to do stuff feel free to email me at viridianskyatgmaildotcom


Survivors of Lordaeron 1.66d (Map)

ap0: Rejected 18:04, 10th May 2008 Gilles: Fun map, very well made. A single player mode would be nice. Either that or I'm just not very good at the game. I liked the skills, although they could be better. I loved the customization, a great aspect...




ap0: Rejected

18:04, 10th May 2008
Gilles: Fun map, very well made. A single player mode would be nice. Either that or I'm just not very good at the game. I liked the skills, although they could be better. I loved the customization, a great aspect of the game.
Level 2
Aug 9, 2007
its a decent map but definitely make a version for less players b/c noobs always lose it for me and its pretty much impossible to win on normal difficulty with a group of random people. And its hard to find 11 other people that are good at the game. Also, everybody keeps telling me theres a new version. Might wanna update that on hive...
Level 2
Jun 14, 2007
If there is a new version, that'd be great. I don't know what people are saying about normal being impossible to beat without a full house. My friend and I (that's right two people) have come very close to beating normal difficulty, though I must say due to time restraints (non-game related) victory has still eluded us. If there is a new version it would be great to have at least a link to it, if it isn't updated on here. If there isn't a new version...make one please?
Level 12
May 30, 2009
Aesthetics' Review

[+] So much customization!
[+] Didn't notice any bugs
[+] For Effort
[+] Save/Load system to keep us going
[+] For Packaging
[+] Great terrain
[+] Great resurrection system (people don't leave and it's not an automatic resurrection
[-] Dwarf (Tank/Crowd Control) is totally imbalanced. I soloed the dragon with him. Nerf abilities perhaps?
[-] Extreme lag at some point, (I think it was when we charged the Arcane Tower?) I'm not sure if it was the Arcane Tower or over-spawning of creeps
[-] Enemy heroes are too powerful in my opinion (even on easy)
Typed Review: Great survival fun. Save/Load system gives awards to encourage players to keep surviving. Various missions to accomplish makes this a challenge. Difficulties are great for both newbies and pros.

Rating: 4/5

Approval. (Eh, already approved anyways)

Great work! :thumbs_up:
Level 1
Oct 4, 2009
love this map, play it alot
some thing i would like to see changed and maybe added is the NAGA, they are so powerful D:, and also i would like to say that keep it up and updating : )
i dont know what else to say except that maybe reduce the cd on cluster rockets? : D
take so long.