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Survival 1.357

I've started making this map about 4 years ago, so it's filled with different rpg elements (such as item crafting and commander being able to promote other players and do other things like that). This map is recommended to play with 12 players (because it's more fun that way), but can be played with less amount of players or you can even play it alone. Oh and please don't let the empty minimap to fool you. :) This map is somehow like Hero Survival / RPG, but even that doesn't tell everything about this map. Please try it out with more than 1 player and rate it :)

Features of the current version:
  • Being able to be commander. (only 1 player at the same time)
  • Earn military ranks.
  • 5 secondary skills: (orange boxes which you can pick from ground, you can only get 1 of them)
  • Each secondary skill may contain up to 11 sub-skills, some of them having a bit less.

    [*]Mining Pick (being able to get resources)
    [*]Medical Kit (being able to make hp/mp restoring potions + defense/speed/invisibility potions, being able to heal yourself and other players)
    [*]Archeology Tools (being able to find rare items, being able to cast spells)
    [*]Construction Tools (being able to construct buildings)
    [*]Alchemy Kit (Being able to make potions)
  • 3 planets + battleship map.
  • Huge number of items which you can find or produce with secondary skills and knowledge skill.
  • You can earn level ups to each secondary skill. (+to crafting / energy storage)
  • Save/Load system saves your points and your rank.

!!! 1.360 replaced with 1.357. Less features, but much more stable than 1.360.

The new version is coming soon and it's going to include features such as:
-New save/load system. (Already ready in the beta version)
-Medal system: Players can unlock medals which are saved / loaded with code.

Known Bugs: (1.272)
-Getting stuck after ???. Can see all skills, but cannot do anything. Temporary solution: Reselecting your hero fixes the problem. Should no longer appear when using commander menu. Please report if it's still happening.
-Cast animation keeps repeating after using Spellbook Channel ability. Doesn't affect Knowledge or Combat Proficiency skills. During that time, your hero cannot acquire targets automatically. Temporary solution: Performing any other action fixes the problem.

This is the first time I've ever uploaded my map to any website. This map used to have a lot of server splits, but I've finally fixed all of them (hopefully). If you spot any bug or event which causes server split, please PM me or comment here.

This map contains map protection because of the following reason:
Some noob, who downloaded this map from me using battle.net, uploaded this to some other website and pretended to be the author of this map. The risk of that happening again increases a lot since this map is available to everyone from now on.

If you need non-protected version of this map, i can provide you with 1 if you have a good reason for wanting it.

MSN: (masa.knight at luukku.com)

Survival 1.357 (Map)

00:58, 23rd May 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: Added Co-op as a map type.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Yeah, I agree somehow. It's way too easy to get the first 10 lvl ups, but after that it gets quite hard to get lvl ups. Still with that amount of lvl ups you can only get 1/4 of the skills. I've intended to make it like that because after 10 lvl ups you are forced to take some other skill.

About secondary skill level ups: i know that some of them might be easier to lvl up than the others and I'm planning to fix it soon. Still, it's quite hard to get max secondary skill lvl of 20 by the second planet.

Anyway, thanks for writing all of that. It's always great to see what others think about my map. ^^
Level 1
Sep 24, 2007
First of all, I have to say that this map is awesome, really fun and I like the way the skills are done, but, I have a few suggestions.

Terrain. Map would be much better with decent terrain variation and possibly places to bunker down and hold the fort.

Secondly, the neutron bomb, I'm not sure if you were trying to trick people into using it, but I used it and it only took around 1/4 of the ghost boss's shield health, and then it went and killed my character, a little more warning for the bomb would be nice.

While on the topic of neutron stuff, the neutron gun was a big disappointment, It takes quite a bit of knowledge to get it, as well as mining, and then you find out that only someone who has max accuracy can use it, some extra info on the weapon so that I don't make it without knowing I can't use it would be nice.

Death. I really wish people weren't forced out of the game once they die. It would be better in my opinion if they could at least watch, or, be revived or "cloned" somehow.

As for the battleship, the training room doesn't work correctly for experience training after a certain point it seems, it would also be nice if the battleship was larger with more terrain and other things, as well as being able to tell how much damage the battleship has taken.

Thats all, I hope you keep making this map, I really like it.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Terrain. Map would be much better with decent terrain variation and possibly places to bunker down and hold the fort.

True, but I suck at terrain editing so that's quite serious problem :)

Secondly, the neutron bomb, I'm not sure if you were trying to trick people into using it, but I used it and it only took around 1/4 of the ghost boss's shield health, and then it went and killed my character, a little more warning for the bomb would be nice.

Yeah I kinda thought that it was fun when some noobs accidentally killed the whole team with it, but obviously it isn't for most people. I should add some kind of warning, since that text "This one could blow the entire planet" doesn't seem to be enough. :x

While on the topic of neutron stuff, the neutron gun was a big disappointment, It takes quite a bit of knowledge to get it, as well as mining, and then you find out that only someone who has max accuracy can use it, some extra info on the weapon so that I don't make it without knowing I can't use it would be nice.

Yeah, sorry about that. That skill definitely needs better description than it currently has. Going to add it right away.

Death. I really wish people weren't forced out of the game once they die. It would be better in my opinion if they could at least watch, or, be revived or "cloned" somehow.

I know that some people would like it that way, but I personally think that reviving dead players would make the game too easy. IF I'm going to add that, reviving skill would have like 40-50s casting time.
It's quite big advantage if someone who sees the whole map can warn others about enemies, but the main reason why I don't want them to stay is the fact that dead people shouldn't talk :)

As for the battleship, the training room doesn't work correctly for experience training after a certain point it seems, it would also be nice if the battleship was larger with more terrain and other things, as well as being able to tell how much damage the battleship has taken.

Umh, I'm quite sure that there shouldn't be any bugs with experience/stat training in battleship. I might be wrong though.. Was it clearly a bug or does it just get too expensive?
I'm going to add more buildings/shops to battleship later, but that's all. Like I said, I suck at terrain editing. :(
You can already tell how much damage battleship has taken, but only if you are the commander.

Thats all, I hope you keep making this map, I really like it.

Thanks for your comments ^^
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Level 1
Apr 19, 2008
Fun map, but it'd be nice if you can have a better tutorial in the quest section..especially about the commanding part. Also, It'd be nice if players can actually see the buildings the commander built, most people don't know how to use medical facilitate and stuff like that. And the research for commander is kind of confusing, too.

Nice, all my concerns are addressed, keep up the good work!
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
is there a reason why I cant make a game with this on battle net. And I doubt a good map is 772 KB.

I don't really know what's your problem with that. At least I'm able to host a game with this map.

About size, are you saying that the size of this map is too large or too small? It's easy to manipulate file size so you don't obviously know what you are talking about.
More custom models/icons = bigger file size
Less custom models/icons = smaller file size
It's as simple as that, so file size doesn't really matter and it doesn't tell much about the map.
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Level 2
Apr 9, 2008
I really like this map but people take one look after the game has started and leave. They think it looks like crap and garbage with terrain or anything. You should really add terrain instead of just emptiness. It's a pity people do see the amazing skills before they leave?
Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
Quite honestly this map is simplicity wrapped with excellency, i like how this map functions and how it works, though once you get to the 3rd level, at least in the version i played (1.02) it was kinda ridiculous how we died like, in 80 seconds D:
Also, revive IMO, would TOTALLY ruin this map...would be pretty lame. I'll try the new version and give comments.

New version: Awesome! Um, EPIC BUG, if your bship is destroyed, you can still go inside it with warp gate, and if you step on the circle ifo power your unit gets frozen as a result, and you can't move -.-
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
I just want to play it and the invalid file message is annoying. No offense about the size Im just saying Ive never played a awesome game with a small filesize. It just usually means not much was put in them.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
New version: Awesome! Um, EPIC BUG, if your bship is destroyed, you can still go inside it with warp gate, and if you step on the circle ifo power your unit gets frozen as a result, and you can't move -.-

Thanks for telling me that. Going to fix it right away.
Btw, there is a way to get out of the circle with -unstuck command. Sorry about the fact that the command is more or less secret. (that's because it can be abused somehow..)

I just want to play it and the invalid file message is annoying.

Maybe you don't have Frozen Throne expansion?

could you make it a ship ability and maybe make you need to gather certain things to revive a person?

Sorry, no. Revive is not coming back because that skill just doesn't fit to this map.
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Level 1
Sep 24, 2007
"As for the battleship, the training room doesn't work correctly for experience training after a certain point it seems."

"Umh, I'm quite sure that there shouldn't be any bugs with experience/stat training in battleship. I might be wrong though.. Was it clearly a bug or does it just get too expensive?"

Ok, sorry about that, turns out it works fine, just gives a very small amount of xp at first.

About death, maybe could have it so that their view is limited to what their allies can see, so that they can't warn? Or, possibly, they can only see the view of a single person at a time. Sometimes when I play this with friends, I don't want them to have a forced leave when they die. One of my friends (commander) managed to get to level 3 on his own from level 2 and I would have kinda liked if I could have at least watched.

" I tried to replace create potion of invisibility with revive, but since that didn't work I don't really know which skill I should make to replace it. If you've any ideas, please let me know :)"

Maybe instead of invisibility, you could have temporary invulnerability or an armor increase similar to the ghost's. Oh, and hooray for updates, I hope you can find someone to do terrain for you, or learn yourself.
Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
How about a command to switch map views (ie: -planet1 which would show the first levelview, and -bship which would show ship view), so if your sitting in there and dont have an easy way of returning to thr bship you can see what's going on before leaving. Also yesterday when i played this i had a server split, occured right before the ice queen boss. :/
Level 2
Jan 25, 2008
Every time i've reached the frozen planet, the battleship is automatically destroyed. I've had it around 7/7 and it is still destroyed at the moment of change. Is this intentional and the battleship is just to provide some help in the beginning, or is it a bug of some sort?
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Every time i've reached the frozen planet, the battleship is automatically destroyed. I've had it around 7/7 and it is still destroyed at the moment of change. Is this intentional and the battleship is just to provide some help in the beginning, or is it a bug of some sort?

Good question. Your battleship can lose hp every 120 seconds. The max amount of hp that can be reduced that way is the same as the amount of players currently playing, but it's still random so i guess you were just unlucky. So, without any upgrades it can be destroyed even if it has max hp, but there are some ways to prevent that:
-Titanium Coating increases the hp of the battleship by 2 so even with that, your battleship can't be destroyed if it has full hp.
-Titanium shields prevents damage with quite high change. (50%)
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Level 2
Jan 25, 2008
I've had the battleship legitimately destroyed in the past, which is why I think this specific event isn't intentional. I have never played the game with more than 5 people. I've always played the commander as I enjoy the role. I have watched carefully during the change and there has never been a comment about the battleship being damaged. It simply becomes impossible to access.

Another odd fact is that I'm left alive in the battleship. When it is actually destroyed and I am inside it, I die. However, during the planet change I am left alive inside the battleship and freely able to leave, but I cannot enter the ship again. I'm still able to access the command menu except for the research section, which makes me wonder if that is part of the cause. Perhaps I cannot be researching during the change or the ship bugs.

This has happened to me every time I have been to the ice planet--basically 13/15 games--and I have never seen the "The battleship has been damaged" spam during the planet transition. It just tells me the battleship was destroyed. A few times I had the laser shield, and the higher level coating--I don't remember what it's called, and it was still destroyed during the transition in a 3 person game. One time I had everything constructed up to science 10--in the previous version--and it was still destroyed when we left the planet. I really enjoy the map, but this is kinda killing it for me. I enjoy the role of the commander, and to always find my work was for nothing is somewhat frustrating.

Either I am incredibly unlucky, or I am triggering some constant that messes with the battleship during the change.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Another odd fact is that I'm left alive in the battleship. When it is actually destroyed and I am inside it, I die. However, during the planet change I am left alive inside the battleship and freely able to leave, but I cannot enter the ship again. I'm still able to access the command menu except for the research section, which makes me wonder if that is part of the cause. Perhaps I cannot be researching during the change or the ship bugs.

The whole thing might have been caused by "empty players" being defeated during planet change. When a player leaves, -1 hp and max hp is reduced from the battleship. That could've reduced hp to 0/0 and battleship got destroyed when it was trying to drop items. (every 120 seconds)

I'm glad to say that I've already fixed the whole bug at version 1.092 or 1.091. Can you confirm if the bug still exists in current version?
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Level 2
Jan 25, 2008
The 13/15 I mentioned before was done on 1.093.

I have only tried the new version once, and the same thing happened. I will probably have a chance to try it again tonight. If I do, then I'll post the result here.

Oh, and I actually like the new version, especially the commander changes. Previously it was insanely easy to keep everything constructed with very little impact on gold. Now it actually involves some caution even when Commerce is high. It makes it more interesting.

One question though, does the commander have the ability to summon troops? The training facility mentions that ability, but I haven't noticed any option, which would allow that.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Oh, and I actually like the new version, especially the commander changes. Previously it was insanely easy to keep everything constructed with very little impact on gold. Now it actually involves some caution even when Commerce is high. It makes it more interesting.

Thanks, I really tried to make it that way, but atm it might be a bit too hard to construct buildings. Actually I also added some noob friendliness because commerce also increases your income when certain time passes (less time required with high commerce research) so now it's impossible to get permanently stuck with 1 gold income and not being able to research commerce bc of lack of gold.

One question though, does the commander have the ability to summon troops? The training facility mentions that ability, but I haven't noticed any option, which would allow that.

1 new building actually appears to battleship when you've constructed training facility and you can train units there.
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Level 2
Jan 25, 2008
Right now it's nearly impossible to keep any gold if you have 1-2 construction projects working. However, in my last game I had around 200 income and was able to construct 3 lower tier projects, while constantly researching with no difficulty. Commerce proved to be extremely useful in that game, which I liked. I tried that again solo and found that commerce was laughable as I ended up with 20 income at commerce 6, which cost around 400 gold for 7, and one construction project destroyed my entire gold stash within a few ticks. Does income scale with the number of players, or something such?

Haha! I did not notice the spawning building at all! Apparently I need to detach myself from my lovely commander menu every once in awhile.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Right now it's nearly impossible to keep any gold if you have 1-2 construction projects working. However, in my last game I had around 200 income and was able to construct 3 lower tier projects, while constantly researching with no difficulty. Commerce proved to be extremely useful in that game, which I liked. I tried that again solo and found that commerce was laughable as I ended up with 20 income and one construction project destroyed my entire gold stash within a few ticks.

You should be able to get gold a bit more easily in current version.

Does income scale with the number of players, or something such?

No, only commerce research affects it and you can reduce your income by promoting players.

Haha! I did not notice the spawning building at all! Apparently I need to detach myself from my lovely commander menu every once in awhile.

That feature only works with training facility atm.
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
stopping in wondering why its still an invalid file. Also why did you go from 1.90(or so) to 1 goto V2 instead of down in the versions.
Level 2
Jan 25, 2008
Commerce has absolutely no effect on Income in this version. At 6 commerce I had 5 income, and that was from the steady increase of +1 every little bit.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Commerce has absolutely no effect on Income in this version. At 6 commerce I had 5 income, and that was from the steady increase of +1 every little bit.

In this version commerce increases your income over time, not immediately. For example 10 commerce gives +1 income every 20 seconds, 5 commerce: +1 income every 40 seconds and so on.. but I agree, it's way too useless atm.
EDIT: commerce is now 2x more efficient at increasing your income.

nice map, I just found one error not actually a bug. when you hold the cursor over the shockwave grenade in the store its just written purchase. just to let you know:)

Thanks, fixed :)
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Level 2
Jan 25, 2008
Hm, that's interesting. How about a combination of both those effects? I like the idea of gaining salary steadily with more commerce, but perhaps it could be combined with a lump sum gained on learning it as well. The sum could be less than before, but still a decent amount. It would keep the player from having an enormous amount of commerce early on, which would make it too easy, but it would easily supply the player with a large amount of commerce over time for the late game.

I haven't tried the newest version though so I'm not sure what the commerce changes were.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Hm, that's interesting. How about a combination of both those effects? I like the idea of gaining salary steadily with more commerce, but perhaps it could be combined with a lump sum gained on learning it as well. The sum could be less than before, but still a decent amount. It would keep the player from having an enormous amount of commerce early on, which would make it too easy, but it would easily supply the player with a large amount of commerce over time for the late game.

It was like that in some older version, but I decided to remove the instant effect of commerce. You should already gain income quite easily so additional income increases are not needed.
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Level 2
May 6, 2008
Masa1 you did interesting map, this is good, but there is some problem, not all people is playing good and they often dies, revive players would be good thing, and it would be nice if you change exp from 10 lvl to go faster, because it is almoast imposible to reach lvl 20 or higher, and maybe remove teleportation devices and add teleportation skill to all players, and one more thing, make that commander can give promote itself ,because he is always private rank. maybe this would be the only version for noobs
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Masa1 you did interesting map, this is good, but there is some problem, not all people is playing good and they often dies, revive players would be good thing, and it would be nice if you change exp from 10 lvl to go faster, because it is almoast imposible to reach lvl 20 or higher, and maybe remove teleportation devices and add teleportation skill to all players, and one more thing, make that commander can give promote itself ,because he is always private rank. maybe this would be the only version for noobs

That revive skill is ready, but it's disabled atm. I decided to disable it because it ruined the whole map. Reviving noobs actually hurts you more than it helps and reviving good players means that it's impossible to get defeated.

Yeah, it gets quite hard to get level ups at some point, but that's the way how i wanted it to be. I don't want any situation where every player has like 30/40 skills. That would only mean that players don't need to help each other because every player already has most of the skills.

There's already teleportation skill "for all players". You can get it with lvl 6 knowledge. There's also a building which allows you to warp into battleship. (Warp Gate) Only one player has to make it and everyone can use it. I plan to do something about teleportation devices because they're usually "abused" by noobs.

Being able to promote yourself leads to a situation where commander only cares about himself and that's not fun or nice.

Summa summarum, I don't want to make a version for noobs. I want them to die as fast as possible and only good players should be able to survive in this map.
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
Question, what does science and habitat research do?

Also, does commerce affect the entire brigade or just the commander?

Science reduces research times and allows you to construct more advanced buildings. It also reduces price of habitat research.

Habitat increases max population of battleship. Higher max population makes it more likely that you can get more population. Higher population means better income and faster construction speed.

Another question, how did the battle ship die?
I even build shields and it died...

It got destroyed because you didn't repair it. Coating construction has to be finished before you can start repairing.
Level 2
May 24, 2008
If science allows you to construct more advanced buildings, then what does construction do?

And coating construction is the only thing that repairs the battle ship?
Level 2
May 24, 2008
Found a bug, when I died and I was in commander screen or something this happened and I couldn't type or anything:


  • Untitled.jpg
    195.2 KB · Views: 408
Level 6
Jan 1, 2008
If science allows you to construct more advanced buildings, then what does construction do?

And coating construction is the only thing that repairs the battle ship?

Construction allows you to construct faster. Coating construction isn't the only one. After you've finished it you can see "Repair battleship" in construction menu.

Also, what do points do?

If you've 10 points at the beginning (can be acquired with -load command) you can select other hero. Having more points than other players also makes it more likely that commander promotes you.

Another question, does anything increase the damage of skills from Arch?

Yeah, they can get level ups if you get high archeology level. Max levels of archeology damage spells are: Frost 4, Fire 3, Lightning 3, Earth 2.