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Survival 1.357

I've started making this map about 4 years ago, so it's filled with different rpg elements (such as item crafting and commander being able to promote other players and do other things like that). This map is recommended to play with 12 players (because it's more fun that way), but can be played with less amount of players or you can even play it alone. Oh and please don't let the empty minimap to fool you. :) This map is somehow like Hero Survival / RPG, but even that doesn't tell everything about this map. Please try it out with more than 1 player and rate it :)

Features of the current version:
  • Being able to be commander. (only 1 player at the same time)
  • Earn military ranks.
  • 5 secondary skills: (orange boxes which you can pick from ground, you can only get 1 of them)
  • Each secondary skill may contain up to 11 sub-skills, some of them having a bit less.

    [*]Mining Pick (being able to get resources)
    [*]Medical Kit (being able to make hp/mp restoring potions + defense/speed/invisibility potions, being able to heal yourself and other players)
    [*]Archeology Tools (being able to find rare items, being able to cast spells)
    [*]Construction Tools (being able to construct buildings)
    [*]Alchemy Kit (Being able to make potions)
  • 3 planets + battleship map.
  • Huge number of items which you can find or produce with secondary skills and knowledge skill.
  • You can earn level ups to each secondary skill. (+to crafting / energy storage)
  • Save/Load system saves your points and your rank.

!!! 1.360 replaced with 1.357. Less features, but much more stable than 1.360.

The new version is coming soon and it's going to include features such as:
-New save/load system. (Already ready in the beta version)
-Medal system: Players can unlock medals which are saved / loaded with code.

Known Bugs: (1.272)
-Getting stuck after ???. Can see all skills, but cannot do anything. Temporary solution: Reselecting your hero fixes the problem. Should no longer appear when using commander menu. Please report if it's still happening.
-Cast animation keeps repeating after using Spellbook Channel ability. Doesn't affect Knowledge or Combat Proficiency skills. During that time, your hero cannot acquire targets automatically. Temporary solution: Performing any other action fixes the problem.

This is the first time I've ever uploaded my map to any website. This map used to have a lot of server splits, but I've finally fixed all of them (hopefully). If you spot any bug or event which causes server split, please PM me or comment here.

This map contains map protection because of the following reason:
Some noob, who downloaded this map from me using battle.net, uploaded this to some other website and pretended to be the author of this map. The risk of that happening again increases a lot since this map is available to everyone from now on.

If you need non-protected version of this map, i can provide you with 1 if you have a good reason for wanting it.

MSN: (masa.knight at luukku.com)

Survival 1.357 (Map)

00:58, 23rd May 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: Added Co-op as a map type.
Level 1
Apr 12, 2009
Just a noobie question but, if none of your friends are private + and the fact that to become a Commander, you need to have a private + rank. If no one can get rank ups in the first place without someone that already has a high enough rank, how do you become a Commander?
Level 3
Apr 4, 2009
Just a noobie question but, if none of your friends are private + and the fact that to become a Commander, you need to have a private + rank. If no one can get rank ups in the first place without someone that already has a high enough rank, how do you become a Commander?

You need 500 points for autopromote to Corporal which is the lowest rank to apply for commander...
Applying for commander: Go to Battleship (with a teleportation device if ur a low ranked or knowledge skill lvl 6 (teleport to battleship) ) and go down to the gate (you need corporal to get trough it) then there is on the left a circle, go there and apply for commander.
simple :D
Level 3
Nov 10, 2008
Does anyone know where I can find a help guide/info sheet about what all the different things do that you can research/build as commander please? I've played as commander several times, and have built stuff/researched stuff, but still not clear on some of the things (eg: what are the rooms for??).

Level 3
Apr 4, 2009
Does anyone know where I can find a help guide/info sheet about what all the different things do that you can research/build as commander please? I've played as commander several times, and have built stuff/researched stuff, but still not clear on some of the things (eg: what are the rooms for??).


why wont ya ask from the forum? i was planning to do a battleship guide but... nah here is the link to survival forums
survival.mybb3.org &bull; Index page <<<<<<<
Level 3
Apr 4, 2009
Not gz... the game is Screwed!
New things on commander= Screwed
New Heros =Screwed
changing my ranking to 1/5!
editors are hax0rs....
edit:i mean... Crappy hax0rs
Level 3
Apr 4, 2009
Dear Dr super good...
The "creator" knows why i hate his stuff..
well few things for u to know
There are lots of typos (like Targret or something like that was)
Only idiot gives commander able to use Nuke bomb
The LoadingScreen is Screwed... better one was way much better
and lots of bugs
Edit: masa didnt screw it
arel did.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Again, hardly very helpful comments.
Anyway, if there are issues, it is up to the authors of the resources to fix them, thus giving good feedback can help. Yes, people can fuck up releases of some versions, but really they only are stupid if they do not bother fixing mistakes.

There are lots of typos
This means nothing, as this has nothing to do with how fun or playable the map is.

Only idiot gives commander able to use Nuke bomb
Why? Why does it make him an idiot and what is so bad about being able to "nuke".

The LoadingScreen is Screwed... better one was way much better
and lots of bugs
Well these I can understand. However loadingscreen is not that important as on any decent PC the start should be under 60 seconds but bugs are bad, maps should be as bugless as possiable before release and if they do exist emidiate action must be done to fix them.

However, I have not played the lattest version, thus can not really comment on how accurate any of these are. Generally it is a good idea to explain why in detail you dislike an area.

After playing it myself, my major complaint is that the commander's command control button is hard to use accuratly all the time. By this I mean that it is all too easy to accidently drop a neutron bomb on your team if your mouse moves the slightlest bit offtrack. I ended up killing my whole team by mistake because the neutron bomb was too close to other abilites and has no confirmation. Thus eithor add the command menu to the esc key, or else make neutron bomb and other such dangerous moves have some kind of confirmation. Basically what happened to me was my hero level up, was researching stuff so tried to get to hero abilities menu but ckicked neutron bomb by mistake and killed my whole team. Honestly this is shocking planning from the makers point of view there was no double click confirmation or target confirmation.
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Level 3
Jun 15, 2009
I like this map, played it two times and i want to play it again and again :)
Nice Ideas like the archeologist. like it 5/5
Level 2
May 21, 2009
I have read some of the comments in this survival game and the comments make my mind think that this game is interesting.However when i played it.I think it is just a normal survival game where enemies will surround you from all sides and they got more powerful every time,isn't it??
If some of you thinks it is a very fun game,could you tell me why it is a great game?
Thank you

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Its enjoyable if you have a competent team which is near impossiable.

Already have resorted to a 9999 general code. If anyoneone can tell me the secrets of how to become a god / or above general rank I would be happy. By this even if you post your account name / a code it would be enough help.

Like I said the nuke should have confirmation.
The commander job needs to be less micro intensive, with simpler economy and slightly better reseach AI system (probably needs total research overhaul). The commander should also be able to attack / move while making these decisions so someone else can micro him. Also the battleship should take less damage all the time at the start when dropping supplies. As for the 75%+ tax rates are pointless as anything beyond 50% kills you.

I also would like to see towers and stuff transfer between planets. Also some form of revive system would be nice as noobs die too much resulting in instant loss due to being swamped.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
heard there a forum for this , can u tell me?

im waiting for the pilot and can u explain the promoting part when ur a commander better plz?
Level 1
Jun 25, 2008
forum: http://survival.mybb3.org
edit: forum is back up

you aren't the only one that is waiting for the other chars, but they aren't finished yet. maybe in 1.37?

check the guides in the forum, they will surely help you. also, the community is friendly and likes to help.
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Level 3
Jan 25, 2008
Lol, i broke ur save code system, very smart to put the 3 "special" letters muhahaha =). IM GOD NOW and my friends.

Edit: But the game is nice, and very fun to play i never get tired of it. Rated 3/5 the terrarain is very bad, its ugly =(.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Oh come on, I had a generator for this map months ago. It took me only 1 hour to make and gives me full low level value control.

I am suprised about the code system. It breaks past 9000, forcing you to be unable to load a "god" rank and only a general. This is a bug and so it should eithor cap your EXP before that value or support up to 9999 (max exp saveable) as a god.
Level 1
Jun 25, 2008
it's not impossible to load a god rank...

it's just that assh**** are too stupid to play the game, so they hack it and come to conclusions, which aren't correct :p

i have to agree that the codesystem is weak, and still i played the game normal and fair.
i earned my points and ranks, do you even now what that is? :p

try to find the secrets if you want to be god, else just stop playing -.-

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Becoming a god is like becoming every other rank, like I said it is impossiable to load a god code with 9999 score as the code becomes curropt (bug). You can load a god however with 8000 score and slightly more and is purly 2 integers above general.

To be promoted to god, you purly need to play for the first 2 planets and the commander can then promote you if hes high enough.
Level 1
Jun 25, 2008
To be promoted to god, you purly need to play for the first 2 planets and the commander can then promote you if hes high enough.

that's why i said the thing above...
hackers know nothing! play the map and find out the real way to become god, or just stop hacking and posting here :p

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Why do you not read the rules.

Nowhere does it say that I can not say that I have exported and manipulated the save system of a map to generate a custom code. It is not like I am harming people via it, on the countary, I am helping the maker as I found a bug with the save system. Also it is not like I am a noob when it comes to playing, I have played 100 odd games of this map, so wheres the problem in cutting corners to waste less of my life.

Also getting a god is hardly hard if you use low exp numbers as it is purly general + 2, if you set your code to the extremities it will not work due to a bug in the save system which should be fixed.

Flamming however will get you banned, now if only map mods were more active.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Why do you not read the rules.

Nowhere does it say that I can not say that I have exported and manipulated the save system of a map to generate a custom code. It is not like I am harming people via it, on the countary, I am helping the maker as I found a bug with the save system. Also it is not like I am a noob when it comes to playing, I have played 100 odd games of this map, so wheres the problem in cutting corners to waste less of my life.

Also getting a god is hardly hard if you use low exp numbers as it is purly general + 2, if you set your code to the extremities it will not work due to a bug in the save system which should be fixed.

Flamming however will get you banned, now if only map mods were more active.

dude you are promoting hackers in the code by like CRAZY. testing other people save codes system? who give u the right to hack someone code system? why cant u just let it be and let the system work it ? why does every hacker think he is right and have the right to break into another person's work?

heh im not flamming him, you can say to an extent im asking the mod a "rude" question. that it.

Lol, i broke ur save code system, very smart to put the 3 "special" letters muhahaha =). IM GOD NOW and my friends.

Edit: But the game is nice, and very fun to play i never get tired of it. Rated 3/5 the terrarain is very bad, its ugly =(.

does it seem like he appreciate the thrill to EARN the rank, NO he DOESNT

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
ironinferno, what you are saying is illogical. Firstly blizzard owns all maps acording to WE ToU.
Secondly I am not distributing any of the triggers, purly stating that I have interfaced with them in a custom maner.

Honestly your making a fuss when there is ne need for one. Noobs are noobs and still will be kicked if they play, weather god or the first rank. Good people will still play normally weather god or normal rank. In the end codes mean nothing as skill always decides in the end.

I play SWAT aftermath with genned codes, and no one gives a shit as I am capable of playing and winning in a NM level, the same applies to this with genned codes and people. In the end you should be playing a map for the enjoyment of playing, not for codes.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
ironinferno, what you are saying is illogical. Firstly blizzard owns all maps acording to WE ToU.
Secondly I am not distributing any of the triggers, purly stating that I have interfaced with them in a custom maner.

Honestly your making a fuss when there is ne need for one. Noobs are noobs and still will be kicked if they play, weather god or the first rank. Good people will still play normally weather god or normal rank. In the end codes mean nothing as skill always decides in the end.

I play SWAT aftermath with genned codes, and no one gives a shit as I am capable of playing and winning in a NM level, the same applies to this with genned codes and people. In the end you should be playing a map for the enjoyment of playing, not for codes.

spoken like a true NON map maker, when u made a map with a specific process, and having people exploiting it LIKE you do ; you will not feel the same. this map is about earning the maps through the thrill and hard work. As for swat ; im ashamed u did that, if u dont like going through saving codes and loading it thend ont play it. map makers uses these feature to make the map for fun but obviously you dont know that concept.

let me dull it down a little, you work hard for something and another person came in with the same amount u earn and did nothing. ty ii

ps . people like you make maps like these VERY unpopular

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
What do you mean not earning it? I toil infront of JASS scripts for atleast 2 hours per map before I get full customization control, by the end I understand the maps triggering better than the makers, especially in this case. I only ever do this after I am bored playing the map inorder to see what the end game stuff is like without wasting my life on a wc3 map.

This is where it becomes very ironic, all SWAT AM skilled players gen, infact redscull even made a generator for them (or a system which allows it). Thus your argument is completly lost on that map. Infact it happens all the time in NM difficulty games when someone does not have a class, someone gens them a R11 in that class.

Really, you are getting agrivated over nothing. If it makes me play a few more games, then it is a good thing, as the map gets hosted more not less. I join a game of this map and load a god rank code and people are happy to see me, I do gold swapping bug, become commander with atleast 8000 gold and then quickly power the ship up. In 9/10 games people compliment me on my work (1/10 games I get booted by people like you while still choosing class just because I have a huge score). In those games they even know I am a cheater and do not care as I play well. In the end its all about playing and not code. Yes I cut corners to get a good code, but it makes no difference at all.

This map is not even very good, it is problem prone and buggy. This also supports genning as that way I actually bother to play it more (normally I would have gotton bored of it or annoyed with it long before reaching the high ranks). The maker is not even updating it, this version is like 6 months old now. Yes he has made a map, but he never finished it.

I will now end by listing faults with the map in a constructive way, incase this pointless argument drowned them.
1. You can tribute gold to other players while choosing character and loading. Combined with the fact that the gold is not reset when the game begins, you can swap glitch all excess gold which can eventually be tributed to the captain for huge early boosts. With a full house of players with 8000 odd rank it is possiable to score a massive 48000 gold to the commander at the beginning of the game, which is mroe than enough to build every building as soon as he can all the way through early and even till late mid game.

2. Incorrected tooltips and poor hotkey positioning. Like I mentioned earlier in the thread, the neutron bomb is positioned right above a key button in the other ability menues, meaning it can be accidently clicked. Combied with poor implimentation it can result in accidental full team TKs. Thus it needs eithor moval to a safer position or a comfirmation dialog to prevent such accidents. Better tooltips in general are also recommended, especially for the weapon and armor items where some of them have unclear requirememnt and effect (chaos knight weapons removing shield).

3. When approching the 9999 rank point mark, codes lose the ability to save when in god status or the rank below. Although it is perfectly possiable to obtain a general with 9999 rank points, this means he can never save a promoted version of himself as the code will be invalid when loading. On top of this, for some reason there are duplicate load and save triggers, avoid excess code and optimize to one for improved game perfomance.

4. With the construction of a portal to the ship, badies can actually use it to get onto the battleship even though they also try and kill the thing. Eithor make it only work for allies, or make it unkillable by the aliens and add a warning message to the construction tooltip about this.

5. The auto research parameters are usless largley due to improperly ballenced research technologies. Technologies usually are cheap enough that you will always be able to aford them rendering some of the behaviours usless and dead ends. This feature is good for saving micro time, but since it can not be configured from the gound it results in a lot of repeated technologies or unefficent researching. This shows largly poor design on the subject and needs scrapping. A new AI is needed, one of which allows conditions so that the whole AI list is evaluated but only techs which pass all or most of the AI conditions are researched. If this system is too complex, there should be simple and probably as useful chance reasearch allocator (dedicating the chance of researching a technology) or a more preceise technology ratio allocator, allowing you to clearly specify the technology ratio you want researched. I would personaly go with idea 2 as it needs the least micro, can be preset to good values for noobs and also allows the best control of research. Additionally no mater the system used, the should also be a force research ability, which ques the next research to be done manually, so you can focus on technologies manually and if you are busy the AI will take over to waste less time.

6. Items and towers needs reworking. The fact you leave them on planets when you leave makes no sense. Eithor they should be transfered to the next planet and dropped over the next few supply droppings from the battleship (towers are reverted to item form and dropped) which would probably be 1/3 each drop for the first 3 drops, or all items and buildings on the planet are "sold" which basically gives the commander some additional funding and additional points to people (for not needing so many items).

7. Some classes need major overhauls for ballence, each should be as useful as each other, thus especially for alien pet and the fel orc class, they both need power boosts to keep in line with the main stream classes. As they are clearly not used, even when people have the option to suspite them meaning to be special.
Level 1
Jun 25, 2008
1. You can tribute gold to other players while choosing character and loading. Combined with the fact that the gold is not reset when the game begins, you can swap glitch all excess gold which can eventually be tributed to the captain for huge early boosts. With a full house of players with 8000 odd rank it is possiable to score a massive 48000 gold to the commander at the beginning of the game, which is mroe than enough to build every building as soon as he can all the way through early and even till late mid game.
ye, masa gave the map to some other mappers and the do not respond. but someone else already started working on a bit older version to fix things and add stuff, that was suggested.

2. Incorrected tooltips and poor hotkey positioning. Like I mentioned earlier in the thread, the neutron bomb is positioned right above a key button in the other ability menues, meaning it can be accidently clicked. Combied with poor implimentation it can result in accidental full team TKs. Thus it needs eithor moval to a safer position or a comfirmation dialog to prevent such accidents. Better tooltips in general are also recommended, especially for the weapon and armor items where some of them have unclear requirememnt and effect (chaos knight weapons removing shield).
better hotkey system was already suggested, why not implemented? you read that above.

3. When approching the 9999 rank point mark, codes lose the ability to save when in god status or the rank below. Although it is perfectly possiable to obtain a general with 9999 rank points, this means he can never save a promoted version of himself as the code will be invalid when loading. On top of this, for some reason there are duplicate load and save triggers, avoid excess code and optimize to one for improved game perfomance.
congrantulations! you found a bug with an amount of points, that will never be possible to reach! what? you didn't read that in the jass code?!?

4. With the construction of a portal to the ship, badies can actually use it to get onto the battleship even though they also try and kill the thing. Eithor make it only work for allies, or make it unkillable by the aliens and add a warning message to the construction tooltip about this.
yeah ofc. it's not realistic that aliens watch you and do the same. they are mindless creatures which only want to kill.....
it's realistic, or not?
the reason why people hate this is cause they die on ship then

5. The auto research parameters are usless largley due to improperly ballenced research technologies. Technologies usually are cheap enough that you will always be able to aford them rendering some of the behaviours usless and dead ends. This feature is good for saving micro time, but since it can not be configured from the gound it results in a lot of repeated technologies or unefficent researching. This shows largly poor design on the subject and needs scrapping. A new AI is needed, one of which allows conditions so that the whole AI list is evaluated but only techs which pass all or most of the AI conditions are researched. If this system is too complex, there should be simple and probably as useful chance reasearch allocator (dedicating the chance of researching a technology) or a more preceise technology ratio allocator, allowing you to clearly specify the technology ratio you want researched. I would personaly go with idea 2 as it needs the least micro, can be preset to good values for noobs and also allows the best control of research. Additionally no mater the system used, the should also be a force research ability, which ques the next research to be done manually, so you can focus on technologies manually and if you are busy the AI will take over to waste less time.
i stopped after reading 2 lines...
the autoresearch system is a feature that got implemented, cause many people wanted it. the fact that they reduced the time between the autoresearches in 1.36 is bad, i must agree. this system could be improved, but who said that you have to use it?
take me for example....i always research manually, since it's fun

6. Items and towers needs reworking. The fact you leave them on planets when you leave makes no sense. Eithor they should be transfered to the next planet and dropped over the next few supply droppings from the battleship (towers are reverted to item form and dropped) which would probably be 1/3 each drop for the first 3 drops, or all items and buildings on the planet are "sold" which basically gives the commander some additional funding and additional points to people (for not needing so many items).
and why should that be? if you build a house for example, it costs money just to remove it! you will never gain anything from it >.>
see some more realistic points...

7. Some classes need major overhauls for ballence, each should be as useful as each other, thus especially for alien pet and the fel orc class, they both need power boosts to keep in line with the main stream classes. As they are clearly not used, even when people have the option to suspite them meaning to be special.
pet was a meant as fun class, since you gain no points.
and a pet can help alot, but also dies easily. however, with a good team a pet can survive.
the CSM is just awful...terrible....the skills are useless, except the copy from CSM

BTW...as i mentioned above, someone else is starting to fix annoying bugs etc from version 1.357 on. he released the new version (today, or yesterday)

i'm looking forward to many of the suggestions we made, i hope they get implemented in the next version. THIS ONE is more like a bug-fixed version of 1.357, so don't expect much..

http://survival.mybb3.org in announcements

P.S.: if you think that hive mods will ban me cause i write my opinion, then they should do so. i don't want to be a part of a community that support hackers....

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Ofcourse you will not be banned, you are entilted to your own opinion. Also I do not hack maps, purly their save triggers and it is a sort of hobbie of mine to save time. Many people in MMORPG buy items with real money to save time, so in WC3 I spend a few hours of my time (which could be looked at as money) to make a code generator for self use. In the end I get more enjoyment from the map and everyone is happy.

The whole thing about the auto research is to save time. When you are choosing technologies you can not attack or move, meaning you are totally usless. On top of that there is time wasted between technologies which the auto research fixes. Ofcourse alternativly they could buffer the wasted time so it does not become wasted (so you can research in batches) or allow you to attack when in the menue so that you are not usless. The whole problem with the auto research actually is the fact that too many buildings technologies get researched, any one of the ideas I gave would fix that and so you should open your mind to new ideas, not cause they change the ballence of the map, but cause they make a job easier.

You can be classed as an "ultra conservitive". This means you are against change in maps you like and even if poorly planed ideas exist, you would rather see them kept than changed to something better or less flawed. In some ways these views are good when it comes to new people taking over making the map, however generally they prevent progress as progress often means change. Ofcourse for every change, there are often people against it, however in the end if you do not like it you can eithor stop playing or just say "meh so what, I will get used to it". If the idea does not work out you can also as a map maker revert to the previous idea, afterall that is often what happens in the development progress.
Level 3
Jan 25, 2008
I never really "hacked" the map, all i did was just guessing the code, and it only took me like 30 mins to figure out what made the code uniqe to all players, then i just wrote down a code i copy from another guy who had the rank "God" with alot of points and rewrote the code to fit me. The code was weak, easy to break.
Level 1
Jun 25, 2008
that's why we are waiting for the new save system quite long now. cause the current one is too weak :)

oh and i don't have anything against changes, as long as they are good or at least well tested. the csm for example is just crap, i wonder what the chosen beta testers were testing...
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
p.s.: If you think that hive mods will ban me cause i write my opinion, then they should do so. I don't want to be a part of a community that support hackers....

right on chrysi!

and you guys give me bad reputation when i didnt flame the map maker or anything, this is a nice community i guess, full of bad emo guys and supportign hackers.
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Level 1
Sep 22, 2009
Hi, i am the current developer of this map, i realise the concerns of some players about the future of this map, so i feel i should clear the mess here.
First, a short story:
After 1.357, masa sort of "retired" and passed on the map to arel. Unfortunately, the next version, 1.360, brought about some frustrating and large changes. Sadly, arel never got about to fixing them as he seemed to have vanished into the depths of cyberspace. Then i took up the map and made 1.370 (which, frankly, was a mess too, i sincerely apologise for that, and hope to make up for it in the next version)

Next, planned changes:
-redesign, balance, and bugfix heroes
-major bugs fixed
-partially implement new commander system (for income only... For now... Goal is to make it slightly more challanging-ish than 1.357, but less than 1.360)

Also in the works:
-New save/load, that is not as crap (frankly, i dont give a damn if there are hackers but w/e).
-"coming soon" fixed.
-storyline! Huzzah!
-possible terrain fix
-and probably much more.

Full changelog may be obtained at our site survival.mybb3.org

Feel free to register there. You can also post a reply here or drop me a pm. I dont visit here too often though, partially due to my exams, so dont expect an instantaneous reply.

Gl and hf.

Edit: towers will still be removed after each planet ;) think of them as permanent structures, you dont expect a house to magically teleport itsele do ya?
The code does not break past 9k points for god, i checked.
Also, god is obtainable through a (not so) secret process, so massive points nor promotions will get you there. (prequisites are field marshall rank though)
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Well, firstly the code system is prety crappy. Like I said a dozen times it bugs with certain score values in a way as to prevent you loading god rank.
Secondly, support for the map has fallen as there has not been a update for many months now.
Finally, as development seemingly has stopped, obviously extra features and site stuff will start til fall to lack of maintence and stop working.

Your code should look like. . .
Apparently you are receiving an extra "-" instead of a character which is logically not valid and I would tend to say (as a guess) that this is caused by your long name bugging the code generator.
I advise using a shorter account name to prevent buggy codes.

Also make sure that the account name or name used in the hall of fame is 1:1 (case included) with your battlenet multiplayer account, as the codes are name locked.
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
My code is "MT6S-AF-E-W6B6" but i can't add score to hall of fome. "Invalid code" Why ?

i have to tell you the home page from the forum is really outdated and score doesnt really update.

@dr supergood

can you stop saying the code is crappy, we already know, as stated in Duckne55's Thread. If you keep insulting this map in your own way, i will have to start reporting your post even if you are a spell moderator. By insulting, I mean , keep reminding people of the flaws when Duckne55 already stated he will fix it with a new version in his post.
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Level 5
May 12, 2009
hm good map
nice variety of classes and items
creeps are balanced and you dont need terain here
i give a 4/5
Level 1
Dec 6, 2009
hi, I have a problem with save/load system. When i die, I type -save then it show the code MT6L-AFBH-WGBG . When I play it again, at the beginning of game, I type -load MT6L-AFBH-WGBG but I recieve a message "authoring: denied invalid code". Did I do something wrong. I am playing version 3.60

By the way, how to promote to the Commander.
Please help me, I love this map.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
hi, I have a problem with save/load system. When i die, I type -save then it show the code MT6L-AFBH-WGBG . When I play it again, at the beginning of game, I type -load MT6L-AFBH-WGBG but I recieve a message "authoring: denied invalid code". Did I do something wrong. I am playing version 3.60

By the way, how to promote to the Commander.
Please help me, I love this map.

I need to tell you, that you probably misstipped in code, since your name looks normal and not (like dr super good mentioned) unnormal. People tend to have a little problem with 6 and G, as well as with 1 and I, what I can fully understand.
I won't bother anyone now with anything, but since duckne55 wasn't able to continue this project (may the cause be the time or the motivation), he sent me the map and i'm working now for about 2-3 weeks on it. The forum gets a permanent update about my current state. But i have to tell something before: This forum will be cleaned out, as soon the new version is released. I will try (as Global Moderator) to solve this problem.
Eighter I ask for Admin-rights and delete all i can find to make a new forum or i found a new forum and the old one dies out.

As for now, be assured, that i will make at least 1 version, that differs a bit to the old one.

@dr_Super_Good: if you want, you can try to make a new code again. YOu will have same bugs as you had weeks/months ago, since i'm not going to change it.
It's a different code-system now. Hope, you will have your fun with it. But i guess, you will be able to break it in 2-3 hours, since protection and so on...

Have a nice day,

Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Good Work Gaegamel, Ignore the code genners out there, if the hive support code genners we should just leave this forum since ours has people already.

Looking forward for the newest version. Hehe

@thehiveworkshop / global moderators / moderators
This thread is promoting this map only but however people use this thread to show that they hack and code genn for this map and you guys don't do nothing to stop/hide these messages. Why are you guys promoting code gens? Do you guys really need there help to hack into maps so you can accumulate resourse for your own little private collections? This could explain both that these code gnners becomes moderrators and also only veteran map maker exist here only on the hive while no new map maker post there maps no more.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I am a moderator because I am very good at WC3 triggers. My rep will show that as a large ammount of it is from helping people with triggers. You do not have to be smart to understand that logically that would enable me to easilly interface with save systems (especially since I can even make save systems).

So why do I do it? Well I get fed up with playing the map so to try and extend my enjoyment I remove the repetitiveness that would normally be required to obtain a certain level and just make myself I high level code. Yes I do ocasionally give a code to a select few people I enjoyed playing with and who request one but most of the time they are for private use. There is also a certain ammusement factor which comes with it watching all the stupified comments of other players when I load something logically not obtainable (not everyone throws a hissy fit an bans me).

In the end, I play official versions, loading valid codes playing with normal people having fun. Is there anything wrong with that? In the end all that maters is skill of the actual player, and if I can fufil that then do I not diserve a certain level code? Afterall that is how SWAT aftermath is played.

Also since when is the hive promoting code genners? As far as I know its policy towards them is undifined (there is none) and I am not activly using it to destroy your map so why should they care (its my private WC3 life). Are the words "Oh I made a code generator for this map and found X bugs with the save system" really that bad? You should be happy that people care so much about the map to even report the bugs.

I will however in future try and not brag about having cracked save systems in maps, as I see some authors take it badly.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
I hope, I didn't offend you with my words. That wasn't my intention. It's good, that some Moderators do some work beyond their normal work as moderators and that's what Hiveworkshop makes unique.
Regarding to my working-treaty, I'm only a Global Moderator (in the Survival Forum), who is supposed to keep the forum clean. And what am i now: the modder.

To make you all happy: I'm going to release a beta for selected persons. The beta should be ready during this week. Experiences have shown, that Beta's are one step before releasing and that a release won't take too much time.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Cause the makers seem a bit unfarmiliar to the design process and apparently are confused at times (reverting versions atleast once in the past already). However it is only understandable if it is their first long term project (which it was, atleast for the orignal maker) as such skills require a lot of practice and time to build and develop. Additionally it may be caused by someone trying to steal the map rather badly, thus best to stick to offical versions.

Apparently you are not aware of the edit button attached to each of your posts in open threads. I advise utalizing this feature to reduce clutter and as a good posting practice in future when commenting.