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[Structure Models] - Heroes of Might and Magic 3 towns

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Level 5
Feb 1, 2009

I believe this is a difficult request, and I know it would demand quite a bit of time, but I'll just try asking for it and see what happens =P.

I need 4 structure models inspired in 4 towns of the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Here are the structures:


The Stronghold looks a bit like the Castle, so it'd be cool if when making the models, the modeler added some differences between them.

There is no need for animations. But if you're feeling generous, I'd love to have animations like flags or something =p

I only need the structure itself. No need for the cliffs where it stays in the game or the flags in the entrances. Also I need them to be kinda big, maybe bigger then the main structures of normal wc3.
Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
Sweet, I wasn't expecting this kind of support in the first few hours after posting ^^.

...But seriously, tell us a little bit about your prodject, storyline etc. and mabey post a few screenshots.

Hope they get made, it would be an enrichment foe THW, they look pretty sweet!

Ok, I'll tell you guys what I have in mind:

First, I was creating a RPG only a little bit inspired in Heroes of Might and Magic. I was going to use a resource system that uses "Might" and "Magic" as the resources. The idea was very vague, actually. I had some difficulties, but started doing the map...

But than a more mature idea began taking form in my mind. Before, I was going to make my own heroes, and I wasn't going to use many elements from the game, actually. Now, I think I could use lots of elements from it, and it would look really cool. Instead of doing my own heroes, for example, I can make heroes inspired in the ones from the game. For example, the Necropolis player will be able to choose between Death Knight and Necromancer. The Castle player, between Knight and Cleric and so on.

Because of that, I don't have any screenshot yet, sorry. One thing I can say is that I'm not going to use the existant idea of doing it turn-based, with the heroes actually controlling their armies, with monsters belonging to their correspondent town. I'm planning on making it more Hero-focused, but still using many of the original game's ideas.

How come you only want those 4? What about the other 5 races (including the Conflux)?

For two reasons... 1 - The initial idea to bring them to wc3 is to start with towns that look like the in-game races. I thought Rampart for Night Elf, Castle for Human, Stronghold for Orc and Necropolis for Undead would be a perfect match.

2 - It's something difficult to model, so I thought asking 9 models right away would be too much.

Thank you guys very much for the support! I hope someone hepls me with this project ^^
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Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
Tower player choosing between Knight and Cleric?

If you manage to create something similar to homm, it would be fun also without those models.

Castle* Player. Sorry that was a typo, I'll edit it...

Well, I aim to create something that is very similar to homm but no being exactly equal do homm. Not that it's too difficult to do, but I think I'd rather play the actual game then play a wc3 version of it. That's why I want to do something that looks like homm, and will make fans remember the game, but with my personal touch.
Magma Elementals were dreadfully underpowered lol. The Conflux had 2 terrible units considering the levels - Fire/Energy Elementals and Earth/Magma Elemtentals. The ones most worth getting were the Storm Elementals (don't bother with air, just go straight to Storm :p), Magic Elementals (Hydra attack that effects ALL units around it? Awesome!) and Phoenixes (Killing them doesn't meant they're dead :D).

As for the actual gameplay of the map, I couldn't agree more. Replicating the game itself wouldn't solve anything, so coming up with a NEW gameplay would be awesome. You could redo the entire melee game to Heroes 3, having creep buildings such as the Golem Factory and the various Dragons. I also reckon that in time, you could just make it so there's a dialog box ingame that allows you to choose your race, making it easier to implement all 9 races. I thought of doing something based on Heroes 3 a while ago, but didn't quite know how I'd do it lol, so I'd rather someone else do it while I work on my other projects. If you need any help with it, I'd be glad to help out with this noble project :D.
Level 5
Feb 1, 2009
Magma Elementals were dreadfully underpowered lol. The Conflux had 2 terrible units considering the levels - Fire/Energy Elementals and Earth/Magma Elemtentals. The ones most worth getting were the Storm Elementals (don't bother with air, just go straight to Storm :p), Magic Elementals (Hydra attack that effects ALL units around it? Awesome!) and Phoenixes (Killing them doesn't meant they're dead :D).

As for the actual gameplay of the map, I couldn't agree more. Replicating the game itself wouldn't solve anything, so coming up with a NEW gameplay would be awesome. You could redo the entire melee game to Heroes 3, having creep buildings such as the Golem Factory and the various Dragons. I also reckon that in time, you could just make it so there's a dialog box ingame that allows you to choose your race, making it easier to implement all 9 races. I thought of doing something based on Heroes 3 a while ago, but didn't quite know how I'd do it lol, so I'd rather someone else do it while I work on my other projects. If you need any help with it, I'd be glad to help out with this noble project :D.

You don't know how happy I am to read this ^^
I'v been looking for a partner for this for some time, but couldn't find interested people. You seem to like the homm series and like rpg, you could make a nice partner. Honestly, I would feel better motivated to do the map if I had a good partner :D
If you really want to do this, PM me.
Sounds cool, Mechanical Man. Although we've already started getting a fair idea of what we want to do for the gameplay and everything, it would be interesting to see what you've got as well. Who knows? You might have something that would really suit our ideas. If we do use any of your ideas, we'll be sure to mention you in the credits :D.
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