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New Project, Heroes of Might and Magic 3!!!!!!

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Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
I've been wrking on an idea for a lil bit now, mianly in notes n' such for converting Heroes of Might and Magic 3 into the WC3 engine, turning it into a real time mayhem.

for thoes whom may not know, Heroes of Might and Magic is a Turn Based Stratagy game set in a huge Fantasy setting, sporting Gryphons, Pixies, Dragons and even things like Scorpicores in Heroes 3. Though i own all the games in that series so far, Heroes 3 still remians to me the best one out of all of them.
I need rlly paricipation in this project rather than just mere assistance, this project will include much in the ways of Coding, Triggering and JASS, in which, i hav absolutly no knowledge over. There is also 136 som on models that need to be completed for the projects Units, Just the Units! Thats not mentioning the individual structures and possibly, new spell art aswell...
I need help badly on completing this project, but i would also love to hear opinions of this idea aswell... share with me on here wot u think even, wotever it may be...

im rlly asking for a small team, and i hope its not to much to ask...

pls help me if u can

ty lots guys

Pls PM me if u want further info. Also, im logged ont Yahoo IM everytime im online, feel free to use this aswell, just make sure u introduce ur intentions...
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Aww, HoMM 3 was an awsome game, even if it was turn based...
to me it the best of al turn based games ive got, id luv to take HoMM 3 and mix it with the inovotions of HoMM 4...

who knows, maybe it will be more apealing in a Real Time format, maybe it wont :p
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
i think we can duplicate the Gameply designs pretty well, but u r right, its not gonna be the same...
the game wrked in Chess pieces and being in RTS mode destroys that...

and il try to contact them thnx, :D

if u got any more ideas or opinions, feel free to post them...



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I also thought in making a map like this; but i'm already working for other projects so I don't think I can help; but if I can, I will let you know.
I would love to have the original game of Lords of Might and Magic... I only have a demo :( ... I wished I could play with Death, Chaos etc etc... but in demo you can only play Earth Warrior and Life Mage... oh well I think i'm getting inspired :p

Level 2
Jun 28, 2004
In my eyes Heroes of Might and Magic III is unparalleled in the turn based stragey world. I am a fanatic of this game, I have logged more hours playing it than ones mind can safely handle. I memorized nearly every item, unit, buliding, hero, spell, and mine, along with just about everything else. I would be intrested in this project, as I have followed the series from Heroes I all the way, and am now anxiously waiting for Heroes V, and would be willing to help if it is needed/wanted. I may be overextending myself, as I am currently working on two other projects, but if you want my help PM me.

Question, would this project only include HOMM3 or would it also include its expansions, and would it include In The Wake of Gods, a massive community made expansion?



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Alrighty! I think i'm gonna help you with this! I want this map to look veeery good, and if you need a good terrainer, call me :D
I would also work with Unit Manager, but since Lord Vazacaks seems to know everything from the game, I think we will leave this task for him.

Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
I hav all the units data sets written out, all 136 of them, and yes, this wil include ALL of Heroes 3, including expansions...

to all who've answered my call, Pls contact me via emial, pms or Yahoo IM if u can and il give u all i know,

I started on a Lord of Magic design once, i hav the full version and rlly thought it was a good runner up agianst the Heroes Series. If only it was taken more detial into , that game wouldve been somthing awsome...

Hopfully, having Heroes 3 with the RTS elements will make it the best of both worlds in this respect...
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Sorry Excite, som busyness goin down wher im at... i sent a link Via Yahoo IM, did u not get it?
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Rui said:
Could I be the terrainer? :p I love terraining terraining terraining! :D:D


Yes, send me some stuff for Test maps, i need wel rounded maps that r very balanced and i need atleast one that is completely origanial in design, meaning, its not symetric...
im mianly looking at the detial of balance in the None Symetrical map...

other thing is...

Shrink all map model sizes to about 2/3s of the origianall sizes.. this includes Trees, Rocks, and al other map detials.... No Creeps, No critters... place start locations only, No Gold mines yet
ive found the tree sizes that seem to wrk most for me r ones that r ranging from a scale of 1.00 to .80...
also, make the pathing area for the trees the "Barrel" pathing...
Water would be wanted in all maps, (only for a sense of charm tho, doesnt have to be oceans)
and hav the fog in the right setting for the terrian...
The only Tilesets i dont want used r Outlands and Underground like tile sets... everything else is free game for the mixing...

this counts for all maps and this goes for ALL who wish to me a mapper on this...

Pls follow the Scaling and Pathing reqs carfully, u will see why after i release the first test map...



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Telefragged said:
"i don't have work with terrain"

I guess that is used to say "I don't have to work with the terrain". Besides, excite already said you were the terrainer, so there, you should still be terraining.

He edited the post lol.

Yes, send me some stuff for Test maps, i need wel rounded maps that r very balanced and i need atleast one that is completely origanial in design, meaning, its not symetric...
im mianly looking at the detial of balance in the None Symetrical map...

other thing is...

Shrink all map model sizes to about 2/3s of the origianall sizes.. this includes Trees, Rocks, and al other map detials.... No Creeps, No critters... place start locations only, No Gold mines yet
ive found the tree sizes that seem to wrk most for me r ones that r ranging from a scale of 1.00 to .80...
also, make the pathing area for the trees the "Barrel" pathing...
Water would be wanted in all maps, (only for a sense of charm tho, doesnt have to be oceans)
and hav the fog in the right setting for the terrian...
The only Tilesets i dont want used r Outlands and Underground like tile sets... everything else is free game for the mixing...

this counts for all maps and this goes for ALL who wish to me a mapper on this...

Pls follow the Scaling and Pathing reqs carfully, u will see why after i release the first test map...

Ok. I can't use Dungeon, Underground and Outland tilesets... hmmm I see... I thought you would want some cave but ok then.
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
not yet, eventually we will wrk on the SubLevel world that Heroes 3 has, but, since that is kinda hard to do on WC, thoes might end up being seporate maps for obious reasons...
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Rui said:
And the worse problem is the limit of tilesets :( it will be hard to have all the terrain in perfect conditions if we don't have all tilesets we need :?


u could use mixed sets then if u feel up to it, the outland does hav a few Dirt tiles that i prefer in som terrians...

Awsome Excite! Tnx, keep up the good wrk :D
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