I've been wrking on an idea for a lil bit now, mianly in notes n' such for converting Heroes of Might and Magic 3 into the WC3 engine, turning it into a real time mayhem.
for thoes whom may not know, Heroes of Might and Magic is a Turn Based Stratagy game set in a huge Fantasy setting, sporting Gryphons, Pixies, Dragons and even things like Scorpicores in Heroes 3. Though i own all the games in that series so far, Heroes 3 still remians to me the best one out of all of them.
I need rlly paricipation in this project rather than just mere assistance, this project will include much in the ways of Coding, Triggering and JASS, in which, i hav absolutly no knowledge over. There is also 136 som on models that need to be completed for the projects Units, Just the Units! Thats not mentioning the individual structures and possibly, new spell art aswell...
I need help badly on completing this project, but i would also love to hear opinions of this idea aswell... share with me on here wot u think even, wotever it may be...
im rlly asking for a small team, and i hope its not to much to ask...
pls help me if u can
ty lots guys
Pls PM me if u want further info. Also, im logged ont Yahoo IM everytime im online, feel free to use this aswell, just make sure u introduce ur intentions...
I've been wrking on an idea for a lil bit now, mianly in notes n' such for converting Heroes of Might and Magic 3 into the WC3 engine, turning it into a real time mayhem.
for thoes whom may not know, Heroes of Might and Magic is a Turn Based Stratagy game set in a huge Fantasy setting, sporting Gryphons, Pixies, Dragons and even things like Scorpicores in Heroes 3. Though i own all the games in that series so far, Heroes 3 still remians to me the best one out of all of them.
I need rlly paricipation in this project rather than just mere assistance, this project will include much in the ways of Coding, Triggering and JASS, in which, i hav absolutly no knowledge over. There is also 136 som on models that need to be completed for the projects Units, Just the Units! Thats not mentioning the individual structures and possibly, new spell art aswell...
I need help badly on completing this project, but i would also love to hear opinions of this idea aswell... share with me on here wot u think even, wotever it may be...
im rlly asking for a small team, and i hope its not to much to ask...
pls help me if u can
ty lots guys
Pls PM me if u want further info. Also, im logged ont Yahoo IM everytime im online, feel free to use this aswell, just make sure u introduce ur intentions...