There are many things to be done with this project, so we haven't been around this post much, especially seeing as how you're the first person to leave a message for quite a while (it's been about 6 days since the last message, and it wasn't incredibly helpful to the question I asked a while ago about having a '20% to reduce damage of enemy on attack' ability
As I am creating the units and abilities ATM with a few other projects on the go, I'm taking a little bit in my own job, although this is the project I spend the most time on. I also try and get each ability/creature picture perfect and working 100%, which is causing some level of boredom when it comes to working on the Conflux. They have a lot of trigger abilities, which is somewhat irritating (e.g. Fire Immunity, Fire Vulnerability, Meteor Shower Immunity [what an amazingly specific immunity type :S], etc.). Anyway, the Conflux units aren't far from finished, it's just the repetetive creation of the same abilities that makes me sleepy lol.
Well, instead of just telling you this and leaving you in the air, I might as well tell you a little bit about the Conflux. As Pixies/Sprites came in HUGE numbers in HoMM, I'm making it so that you get 2 at once (they are amazingly weak, but are going to be used for high firepower, just like the Zerglings in Starcraft). As they are just like the Zerglings in Starcraft, I naturally want it and WILL make it so that no matter which Pixie/Sprite dies, the remaining one will still take 1 population.
Another feature will be that creatures from levels 1-3 will be even, levels 4-6 will be even and level 7-7 will be even (wait a minute...). This is because each unit has its own tactical use and strength. However, when working on units, I am trying to remove the mental block which prevents me from making level 1 units strong enough to make my statement 100% true. However, they do tend to have their own uses, and units like Skeletons and Troglodytes will be used for spamming purposes primarily, especially seeing as how I think they deserve higher damage with lower health. ATM the Zombies seem a little op (3 of the take out 1 Ghost Dragon, which although it was what I wanted to achieve, neither has the attack/armour advantage, so having either 1 Zombie with full-health or that Zombie with another nearly dead Zombie surviving afterwards is somewhat op. I think the Zombie should have decent health, but have less attack than the Skeleton Warrior).
Although it's been said before, I'll say it again: You MUST pay attention to the attack/armour types of units. I made it so they make a HUGE difference in this map, and if you don't pay attention, you could try swarming Zombies against Archers. Simply enough, Zombies have Light armour which takes extra damage against piercing attacks. By extra, I mean 2 times the normal damage amount. Light armour takes less damage against normal attacks, however, only sustaining 50% of the damage.
And yes, thanks for the support. It is greatly appreciated and we hope to be done with the basics as soon as possible. The hardest part will be all the polishing and triggering that lies ahead of us (*shudder*)...