[Solved]Game is bugged with new patch(structs ?)
I i am a new jasser after few test i saw new patch make my strutcs unable to be in map..... those librairy were really usefull for me is there any way to fix it??
i got 2 structs i mainly use isnt there any way to fix or at least a system that could replace them ..........
+rep will be give + credits in my map project Called ''Naruto tribute''
EDIT : PROBLEM IS FIX its wasnt structs it was an indexing problem.... somehow special effect cant be index now @_@, we can close topics i juast hope poeple will fix it in jngp
i use Newjassgen 1.5d i updated it with files gave by ''dr.supergood'' on topics
SYSTEM DOT(Damage OverTime)
I i am a new jasser after few test i saw new patch make my strutcs unable to be in map..... those librairy were really usefull for me is there any way to fix it??
i got 2 structs i mainly use isnt there any way to fix or at least a system that could replace them ..........
+rep will be give + credits in my map project Called ''Naruto tribute''
EDIT : PROBLEM IS FIX its wasnt structs it was an indexing problem.... somehow special effect cant be index now @_@, we can close topics i juast hope poeple will fix it in jngp
i use Newjassgen 1.5d i updated it with files gave by ''dr.supergood'' on topics
//SYSTEM FOT(Fading OverTime)
library FOT initializer Init
private keyword Data
private timer tim
private constant real interval = 0.05
private Data array dat
private integer total = 0
private function Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local Data d
local integer i = 0
local integer i2 = R2I( 100. * I2R( 255 ) * 0.01 )
exitwhen i >= total
set d = dat[i]
set d.fadecheck = d.fadecheck - d.fade
if d.fadecheck > 0. then
call SetUnitVertexColor( d.faded, i2, i2, i2, R2I( d.fadecheck * I2R( 255 ) * 0.01 ) )
call RemoveUnit( d.faded )
set d.faded = null
call d.destroy( )
set total = total - 1
set dat[i] = dat[total]
set i = i + 1
if total == 0 then
call PauseTimer( tim )
private struct Data
unit faded
real duration
real fade
real fadecheck
static method Create takes unit faded, real duration returns nothing
local Data d = Data.allocate( )
set d.faded = faded
set d.fade = 100. / duration * interval
set d.fadecheck = 100.
if total == 0 then
call TimerStart( tim, interval, true, function Loop )
set dat[total] = d
set total = total + 1
function Fade takes unit faded, real duration returns nothing
call Data.Create( faded, duration )
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
set tim = CreateTimer( )
SYSTEM DOT(Damage OverTime)
library DOT initializer Init
//DOT system current version 1.2 - Personally updated by Wizardum
private keyword Data
private constant real interval = 0.05
private timer tim
private Data array dat
private integer total = 0
group DOTunits
private function Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local Data d
local integer i = 0
local real array r
exitwhen i >= total
set d = dat[i]
set r[1] = d.dmg * d.dur
set r[2] = d.heal * d.dur
set r[3] = GetWidgetLife( d.target )
if r[3] < 0.405 then
set d.dmgcount = r[1]
set d.healcount = r[2]
set d.counter = d.counter + interval
if d.counter >= d.icheck then
set d.counter = 0.
if d.dmgcount < r[1] or d.healcount < r[2] then
set d.dmgcount = d.dmgcount + d.dmg
set d.healcount = d.healcount + d.heal
call SetWidgetLife( d.target, GetWidgetLife( d.target) + d.heal )
call UnitDamageTarget( d.source, d.target, d.dmg, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null )
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( d.insEffect, d.target, d.attach ) )
call DestroyEffect( d.effectOT )
call GroupRemoveUnit( DOTunits, d.target )
set d.effectOT = null
set d.source = null
set d.target = null
call d.destroy( )
set total = total - 1
set dat[i] = dat[total]
set i = i + 1
if total == 0 then
call PauseTimer( tim )
private struct Data
unit source
unit target
real dmg
real heal
real dur
real icheck
string insEffect
effect effectOT
string attach
real counter
real dmgcount
real healcount
static method Create takes unit source, unit target, real dmg, real heal, real dur, real icheck, string insEffect, effect effectOT, string attach returns nothing
local Data d = Data.allocate( )
set d.source = source
set d.target = target
set d.dmg = dmg / dur / icheck
set d.heal = heal / dur / icheck
set d.dur = dur
set d.icheck = icheck
set d.insEffect = insEffect
set d.effectOT = effectOT
if attach == "" then
set d.attach = "chest"
set d.attach = attach
set d.counter = 0.
set d.dmgcount = 0.
set d.healcount = 0.
call GroupAddUnit( DOTunits, d.target )
if total == 0 then
call TimerStart( tim, interval, true, function Loop )
set dat[total] = d
set total = total + 1
function DamageAttach takes unit source, unit target, real totaldmg, real duration, real intervalcheck, string insEffect, string effectOT, string attach returns nothing
local effect e
if not IsUnitInGroup( target, DOTunits ) then
set e = AddSpecialEffectTarget( effectOT, target, attach )
call Data.Create( source, target, totaldmg, 0., duration, intervalcheck, insEffect, e, attach )
set e = null
function HealAttach takes unit target, real totalheal, real duration, real intervalcheck, string insEffect, string effectOT, string attach returns nothing
local effect e
if not IsUnitInGroup( target, DOTunits ) then
set e = AddSpecialEffectTarget( effectOT, target, attach )
call Data.Create( null, target, 0., totalheal, duration, intervalcheck, insEffect, e, attach )
set e = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
set tim = CreateTimer( )
set DOTunits = CreateGroup( )
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