Once again thanks for testing the map.
It's unfortunate that you have to find a major bug like the 'chain lightning spell.'
I am clueless how it ended up there, I have tested the magic mirror spell plenty of time, and now there is a whole other (disfunctional) spell in that slot... -_-
Well I opened to map, and the Ability list for Rogue Archer shows Discharge not magic mirror. So that's that.
I don't understand what you are referring to regarding the 'Spell Power'. I have tried really hard to make all the wording standard, and after checking all the spells, I couldn't find any that had 'spell power'. Perhaps I missed something.
Its actually my bad, I misread spell damage as spell power.
Regarding the innate skills. The weakness depends on how you create your character. An attack skill point is worth 1,75 damage, a primary attribute skill point 0,5 but has other advantages like more powerful skills, attack speed etc. But it deserves some time balancing.
Think about it this way.
With attacks, you can increase attack-speed and have two forms of flat damage scaling; attack power and prime stat.
With innate skills, you have
- 1 form of damage scaling
- Windup time
- Base damage lower than an auto hit
The prime example is the pain mage's innate.
You can do up to 20% of normal creep's health
on condition it is severely injured.
I have not come across a time where an auto attack would not have finished the job quicker, better and under less strict conditions.
As for the golem, it kinda is a meat shield literally. I have been thinking about an active, with a delay that would let him explode, could add a little extra sumething to it. Never had the time to do it though.
Being a meat shield is fine. It's just that
15 health per second, while channelling and requiring a corpse doesn't cut it when the golem has 1900 hp.
I'll upload a corrected one as soon as i got it.
Dont rush it, make it good.
After I played abit more, these are some of the conclusions I found.
Creep variety and tiers.
In a melee game, creeps come in packs. A larger commander often comes with smaller ones, and the abilities they have are balanced around this.
- Small creeps often have no abilities or very weak ones because they numerous.
- Big creeps have big decisive skills that support the smaller mobs. Stuns, auras etc.
This all falls part here because you spawn them based on unit level.
- Early levels are a bore since they do mostly nothing.
- Late levels are an annoyance since the monsters have lots of stuns and have very large collision sizes.
Hurl Boulder-ring Golems were not balanced around being able to mob you 6 or more at a time.
Having more unit types with commander-eque skills early, and more "stat meat" monsters later would be nice.
ie. monsters should feel more like a proper squad, big guys supporting a mob of smaller ones.
Monster Skills
There are some mechanics that really don't fit this type of game.
That being those that take away control for extended periods of time and or those that simply force you to wait.
If you bring an enemy Blademaster hero down to low health, he wind walks and you have to wait since there is no detection in the game. Combine that with Wind Walk having no cooldown and you have to
hit >enemy wind walks> you wait >repeat.
Same can be said for Divine Shield. (Though when used by non hero mobs its actually kind of fine, since you can often just switch targets and hit something else.)
Sleep as a normal mob skills is stupid, its long and not balanced around a game where you control 1 hero.
In a melee game, you get hit by sleep > go control something else.
Here, you get hit by sleep > brb afk a for abit.
Its not difficult or challenging, just waiting.
Its really nice but could be improved on.
They spawn far too rarely, which is a missed opportunity since they are one of the few things that actually give you an incentive to move your position instead of camp the middle.
Character Skills
The general feel I get from a lot of skills is that their cooldowns need to scale with skill level. They are fine at low levels but become very long at higher levels.
Pain Mage
- Innate - Explained above, arguably the weakest innate.
- Orb of Pain - Interesting concept, fairly weak in practice. In order to farm damage for this skill you have..
- Auto attack
- Golem (measly damage)
- Telekenesis (long cooldown)
- Ult (unreliable)
Auto attack is by far the most effective way to charge the skill.
- Golem - Decent meat early. Long cooldown at high levels, gets torn apart at late game.
- Telekenesis - This skill is worded far more complex than it actually is.
It lifts (at max level) 500-750 height and deals 16% height in damage.
Which is a more convoluted way of saying lifts enemies and deals 80 - 120 damage.
Its not like the player is able to control how high the lift is going to be.
- Ult - Annoying to use and weak.
Taking control of a single enemy is fairly "meh", dealing some damage to 1 target is also pretty "meh".
Combine that with having to calculate the "mind control threshold" and you have a skill that's nowhere near worth the effort you put into using it.
Rogue Archer
Probably the best designed hero atm, innate aside.
- Innate - Okay-ish, gets obsolete very quickly as your attack-speed vastly outstrips the fixed cast-point of the skill.
- Disturbed Dimensionsm - Great skill, has nice tactical use with W. Only gripe is that the damage calculation is near unreadable.
- Charon Ward - Great skill, cooldown at max level is abit high.
- Ult - Good skill, allows you to stop casters later on and the meat shield summon is nice.