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Straight Cliffs Help

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Level 6
Dec 9, 2014
I need to e able to make straight cliffs in the editor. After looking at quite a few threads and tutorials on it, I found that I needed a specific txt file in the UI folder and I also needed to enable "Allow Local Files" in the WC3 registry. Every site says I need to do this, but none of them say where in the registry I must do this. I need to know which key exactly to edit in the registry. I have edited the registry in the past but only with instructions, meaning I'm not entirely familiar with it and I don't want to mess up my registry but altering the wrong key or anything. Thanks for any help on this.
Level 6
Dec 9, 2014
You need to put this into your UI folder (make a folder with that name if you don't have it) where your WC3 is installed.

I have that but I still can't make the straight inclines I need. I found on some sights that enabling "Allow Local Files" was also needed, but I am unsure where to enable this in the registry.
Level 6
Dec 9, 2014
This is the best incline I can get.


  • WC3ScrnShot_121114_144240_01.jpg
    194.2 KB · Views: 202
As I was saying you can't get straighter than that because of the game itself. Although you can make it look like it's 90% by putting models in there (wall models and etc) to make it look like it's straight.

PS. Don't use the noise tool for making mountains and hills, use the raise or lower tool (plus smooth) to make them natural not awful.
Use Plateau too to make the height of nearby areas similar, like you did in your screenshot. It's easier to make grounds of relative level if you plateau do so.

Additionally the reason why enabling Local Files is not needed here is, by default, the Editor allows view of local files themselves. But to actually see them in-game you have to enable that option.

Since miscdata isn't a resource, the cliffs are accepted in editor - and since the game can only lock off things like references with the option disabled - in game too.

Every site says I need to do this
I'm curious which sites. :eek:
but none of them say where in the registry I must do this
You can use Jass New Gen Pack to do that.
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