Story & Lore Mini-Contests: Remote Building

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Level 7
Dec 26, 2010
I am so, SO sorry for running late, I have been bussy with something called life :razz:

Anyways, results will be available for Phar to publish them in maximum of 12 hours, if everything goes right. If not, I'd say 18 hours. To try to make up for my bad timing, expect lenghtier reviews and more tips. Knowing me, even I wonder is that possible, if you know what I mean :grin:

Again, my apologizes :(
Oh, and good luck. You'll need it >:)

Life is overrated!! Lol, no need to rush yourself, you finish the reviews when you finish them.

Mine registered at exactly 3,232. That's pretty mini from my perspective.

Agreed, I'm surprised mine turned out as short as I did, though I did cut a fairly long section out of it, I pass the 3k mark in my stories before I even start getting warmed up.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
I think the only way that your gonna be able to force a writer to use less words is implement a tweet system. 1 Tweet per chapter :L
Best story eva !
Level 7
Dec 26, 2010
If you force a writer to write within such ludicrous constraints, he likely won't write anything of quality.

I agree, I can see some limits as to provide a certain target of writing, such as in this contest, but in the sense of free writing, limitless is the way to go. Allow one to tell as much as a story as those who would be there to hear it continue to listen.

How you were deemed fit to host a writing contest is beyond me. Good thing you aren't a judge.

I think that the best story comment meant as a joke?
Level 6
Mar 31, 2012
That's not a sign of a troll. It's just a sign of an apathetic buttsmuggler who decided it would be a good idea to change his personality in order to avoid having to explain his actions, though they were admittedly easily explained using reason and the process of elimination.

Then again, logic has been hard to come by since religion and Mitt Romney came to town.
Level 5
Jul 22, 2007
Then again, logic has been hard to come by since religion and Mitt Romney came to town.

Didn't you mean the Mayor of Whoville ?
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Do we really need a whole page of just random crap due to the end of the contest; or can we just close this thread until Apheraz has finished judging and the results have been put up, since I only see digressions.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Do you read nothing?

This is a really irritating statement when we're talking about a subject as serious as the death of a young woman.

I really don't like where you're going with this. When someone is very ill, and you say God help them, it is not a religious thing, it's a human thing, it's a great show of empathy for that person. You're always going to fear what you don't understand, and you don't understand religion, and what separates the bad from the good, and when it's appropriate to be a politically short-sighted American.

Now I'd suggest you stop trolling before I report you.
Level 6
Mar 31, 2012
Excising stupidity is not being fearful or shortsighted, but I'll readily admit to being afraid of the retards in the White House.

"God help her" is an entirely-ridiculous statement. God doesn't exist; mythology cannot help her. If you want her to receive help, you know how you do it? You help her. Yeah, fancy that. Best wishes for wellbeing are a nice sentiment, but they're banal and useless down to their very nature. If a boulder is rolling down a hill and you're caught in the path, me saying "Stay safe!" will have no effect on the boulder.

Use logic. Your personal outlook on reality has no effect on that reality. As much as you and (believe it or not) I hope Apheraz pulls through, it has no effect on whether or not she will pull through. If you can't help her, then I understand why you offered a contrived "God help her", but don't pretend such a statement is above my or anyone else's reproach. If you want to help her, and you have the means to do so, why are you wasting your time on a declining forum?

Either way, your effort is as useless as mine no doubt was in trying to explain this to you.
Level 5
Jul 22, 2007
Now I'd suggest you stop trolling before I report you.

I don't think he's trolling, he's being completely logical. This is a bad case of indifference.

Pr0nogo, I get what you're saying and trust me when I say I know how irritating it is for an atheist to hear or witness an evidence of how religious propaganda integrated deeply within society that the majority of people think of "God" on a subconscious level when threatened with things beyond their controls...


as RiotZ stated

When someone is very ill, and you say God help them, it is not a religious thing, it's a human thing.

So, Pr0nogo ,I don't know you well enough to judge your intention, for all I know you could be sincere with the explanation. However, this attempt to "correct" an expression of empathy is rather... distasteful in this situation.

I wish Apheraz the best :(
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
I'm a Humanist. I've gone to Christian school for a very long time, and I'm well aware of the bane that religion has been to society, and the millions of innocent people who have died because of it, but this whole argument is just idiotic.

And I speak with Amar when I say, let's cut the shit, and just wait for moderation.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Umm... Irregardless of religion, it's a kind social mechanism to wish someone well (regardless of the admitted inefficacy of the statement), is it not? Solidarity and all that.

Now, of course, if it were possible to help, I would submit that "actions speak louder than words"... But that does not mean words do not 'speak' at all, right?
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
If actions speak louder than words, how then is the pen mightier than the sword?

Food for thought.
Dude, you made a big mistake in not respecting a fellow human in a very bad state. I don't think now is the right time to still claiming being right that God doesn't exist.
I mean, I don't believe in God either, but at least I respect that some do. And when somebody uses God to wish the best of another dying human, it shouldn't be questioned.

If I were you, I'd say sorry, try learn from my fault (I know that most people have a hard time looking at things from different perspectives, but prove that you are not one of those) and leave the discussion to die out. As I said, in some post above, this is not really something that should be discussed.
Level 6
Mar 31, 2012
You'll have to not be so dense as to assume I'm going to let you insult me, feign the social importance required to deign to my ostensibly lower stature, and then finally say 'leave the discussion to die out'. That's a very disingenuous and dishonest attack on my intelligence.

You might respect that some people are dependent on amoral, antiquated, and abhorrent ideologies. I don't. I certainly don't see the individual justice in respecting someone who claims that because I disagree with them, I'm destined for pits of eternal hellfire until the end of time. I don't see the justice in respecting someone who decides that he will attain a throng of sexual partners as a reward for shattering the lives of countless innocents. I don't see the justice in respecting those who persecute others for the betterment of their own false idols.

But this is all beside the point. The moral crusaders jumped to a stunningly stupid conclusion that I was seriously criticising someone's religious beliefs by attacking them for their usage of "God" in a get well greeting, and continue to do so despite the fact that I have not responded to religious influences in their rebuttals at all - I merely explained a concept, in a post that few of you indeed have read through. The fact is that I was changing the subject, because as I pointed out, there is no sense in discussing an event that could not have been prevented by us, could not have been changed by us, and can not be helped by us.

What better way to accomplish what I had wanted than to engage in pissing contests amongst the moral crusaders of this... "discussion board"? I must say, you've certainly won this one.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
You'll have to not be so dense as to assume I'm going to let you insult me, feign the social importance required to deign to my ostensibly lower stature, and then finally say 'leave the discussion to die out'. That's a very disingenuous and dishonest attack on my intelligence.

You might respect that some people are dependent on amoral, antiquated, and abhorrent ideologies. I don't. I certainly don't see the individual justice in respecting someone who claims that because I disagree with them, I'm destined for pits of eternal hellfire until the end of time. I don't see the justice in respecting someone who decides that he will attain a throng of sexual partners as a reward for shattering the lives of countless innocents. I don't see the justice in respecting those who persecute others for the betterment of their own false idols.

But this is all beside the point. The moral crusaders jumped to a stunningly stupid conclusion that I was seriously criticising someone's religious beliefs by attacking them for their usage of "God" in a get well greeting, and continue to do so despite the fact that I have not responded to religious influences in their rebuttals at all - I merely explained a concept, in a post that few of you indeed have read through. The fact is that I was changing the subject, because as I pointed out, there is no sense in discussing an event that could not have been prevented by us, could not have been changed by us, and can not be helped by us.

What better way to accomplish what I had wanted than to engage in pissing contests amongst the moral crusaders of this... "discussion board"? I must say, you've certainly won this one.

You insulted an individual on the brink of death, and now seek to avoid responsibility for your actions by projecting me, a sometimes self-proclaimed Atheist, as a logically-disinclined zealot, trying to impose my beliefs on your incomprehensibly feeble-minded self.

If I did not value my time here, I would recant to your next statement by telling you to go fuck yourself.

No matter how many cleverly assembled paragraphs you will ensemble over the course of this disgraceful disregard for the feelings of your peers, it can only end one way, with an infraction for you, and a lot of work for a forum moderator, so how about you just give it a rest, and apologize for your amoral sensibilities.

It's a 4 against 1 argument here, so there's an 80% chance you're wrong.
Level 5
Jul 22, 2007
Ok, so I'm gonna indulge by making another attempt at an input regarding this topic of conversation.

We're all civilized here, let's get logical.

You'll have to not be so dense as to assume I'm going to let you insult me, feign the social importance required to deign to my ostensibly lower stature, and then finally say 'leave the discussion to die out'. That's a very disingenuous and dishonest attack on my intelligence.

First of all, the irony in the last statement. Have you given a slightest change in perspective and realized that this argument was sparked because ...oh, I don't know... maybe you might have offended RiotZ when you "corrected" his sincere expression of empathy ?

Secondly, the irony of shoving your opinions down people's throat and blatantly calling them "stupid". Being against religions in general, you do sound like one of those Westboro Baptist hardcore supporters. Opposite point of views, same expression.

Now, I'm not going to argue the validity of God with you because it does not matter if he exists or not..

.. what really upset me is this statement you bolded out like you're trying to make a new point in-relation with your anti-god stance.

there is no sense in discussing an event that could not have been prevented by us, could not have been changed by us, and can not be helped by us.

This statement right here is what's wrong with you.. and surprisingly the world, as well.

However, you keep insisting that all these wishes are useless in comparison to actual actions to help someone out.

You're not wrong... but you also shouldn't have disregard any kind of emotional condolences because , guess what ? , we're all human here. A lot of people even know her personally. We can all relate to Apheraz's situation and we feel the need to respond with an honest feedback that we wish her well because deep down in ourselves, we know that being in her situation, we will need emotional support.

This psychological bond is the whole foundation of human civilization and it became "common sense" grafted into our mind we learnt growing up.

I don't know why am I explaining a "common sense" in details to you, everyone should subconsciously feel in similar way.



1. You were the one who start insulting people's sincere expression of empathy in this sensitive and emotional situation. Not cool.

2. You're not entirely wrong but your input is highly unwelcome and distasteful.

3. You start implying that everyone is stupid when they're not agreeing with you. Considering how you keep pressing on an anti-religion stance, you do sound like the religious people. Well, hello there hypocrisy.

4. If you strongly feel the need to discuss this statement further

there is no sense in discussing an event that could not have been prevented by us, could not have been changed by us, and can not be helped by us.

well, I, for one, don't care if you'd wreck havoc in your undergarments to prove any point. Keep the discussion away from Apheraz and any emotional feedback in regards.

Make another thread, state that you meant no disrespect and start "discussing" or whatever.

that is all.
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