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Short Story Contest #1

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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
The purpose of this contest is to write a short story based around the characters and existing lore of the Warcraft Universe.

You are to write a story about what you think went on right after the events of The Frozen Throne, starting immediately after the final cinematic.

- Your story must be at least 500 words, and no greater then 2000 words
- Your story can be sad, romantic, humorous, or serious, try and be creative!
- Your story must be written in proper novel format, with paragraphs, sentence structure, and proper grammar and spelling

-The winners will be decided by a public poll after the contest has ended
- Please post a final copy of your short story in this thread

- 1st Place will recieve 25 reputation points
- 2nd Place will recieve 15 reputation points
- 3rd Place will recieve 10 reputation points

The Contest will end in two weeks time 12:00 AM EST (Eastern Time) or 4:00 AM GMT on May 19th 2007.

Good luck and happy writing!

UPDATE: To confirm that you are participating in this contest, state so, and I will add you to the list.

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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

I hope that this contest will stimulate some interest in this section and at the same time will NOT draw any of it away from the usual clash of titans in our Arena forum.

Now I just need to play TFT again to refresh my memory of the lore.

Deadline:19 May 2007 12:00 AM EDT Eastern Time (4:00 AM, GMT)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I think the rep awards are too great. Not many people will enter and thus there is a high chance to win atleast som rep by entering this. I recomend you atleast drop third place if not reduce second place since that is 50 rep awarded currently, which is far too high for a mini compitition. Also winners deserve more rep and thus maybe consider upping the rep award to 30 meaning that second place will receive half as much as the winner.

You should include that you can use a word processing package to spell check your work since otherwise some less experienced computer writers may have easily avoidable spelling mistakes or typos. Also state that it must be english or some geek may post a 2000 word story in latin or arabic (although it goes against site rules) just because you did not say you were not allowed to.
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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
... If some noob posts in another language, well I can't read it, therefor it xan't be judged, so they lose automatically.

Secondly, first place is 25 rep.... so what? 15 rep for second place seem reasonable and 10 for third... Wolverabid suggested the numbers, so take it up with him :p
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
You're on brad.dude03, I'm going to get my rep back and not even you can stop me, muhahaha---(cut off to prevent spamming). If you didn't already get it I'm in.

Did you ever have rep -.-? what rep? it was stolen?..

uh, the only story that comes to me modifies lore order... and the other one isnt related. I CANT WRITE A STORY... w/o changing lore...

There has been no story what happend after the frozen throne was token by arthas (as far i as know..) .. after Wc3 TFT there was a black spot .. and then .. W(h)o(a)W .. o_O !!
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
I won the state reflections writing contest with my sexy describing skills, so I'm going to write in from Arthas's point of view (first person).

Great minds think alike fellow first person view artist.Thats a good idea for state, but hey, I won 5 sexy writing awards for writing at my school, and in my cousins college when I was visiting. But I won't write just about his first person view...I will write the sexy move called "the ninja" first person view+enviremet view=sexy ninja stealth backrounds. [english]I will write in a first person view, but with the backround objects reflecting it to make it sound better, I also can't wait to see Scyth's moves.[/english]
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
I’m better than anyone I have ever faced, in my lifetime, in anyone’s lifetime. Ghouls have touched hands with me, as I’ve descended down into the depths of the underworld, now, I must be rewarded. Rewards come for the saviors, the saints. I know it to be true that these voices will stop once I wield my icy blade, once I redeem the Lich King’s actions. These glaciers, betrayers of light, are in a way my friends, my saints. Traitor! I clench my fists. Voices, in my head, all in my mind. You blubbering fool! Oh your expression when I beheaded you so glorious, I will never forget you, slayer of orcs… “pity,” I spit, and watch in wonder as it freezes on my plated boots. I finally look up at the top of the Frozen Throne, freezing, it bites my fingers as I bit the people in my mind, fools, all of them. Pity you had to be such a thorn in my sides, fools’ errand to threaten me! I remain walking as to nowhere, round and round I go… round and round--I’m interrupted by a voice, louder and louder it goes: Arthas, why?! This is why, naïve, a woman’s voice is more gentle, but still has no effect on my actions.

That's the start, I'm going to writte it completely from the crazy guy point of view.
Level 7
Sep 25, 2006
I’m better than anyone I have ever faced, in my lifetime, in anyone’s lifetime. Ghouls have touched hands with me, as I’ve descended down into the depths of the underworld, now, I must be rewarded. Rewards come for the saviors, the saints. I know it to be true that these voices will stop once I wield my icy blade, once I redeem the Lich King’s actions. These glaciers, betrayers of light, are in a way my friends, my saints. Traitor! I clench my fists. Voices, in my head, all in my mind. You blubbering fool! Oh your expression when I beheaded you so glorious, I will never forget you, slayer of orcs… “pity,” I spit, and watch in wonder as it freezes on my plated boots. I finally look up at the top of the Frozen Throne, freezing, it bites my fingers as I bit the people in my mind, fools, all of them. Pity you had to be such a thorn in my sides, fools’ errand to threaten me! I remain walking as to nowhere, round and round I go… round and round--I’m interrupted by a voice, louder and louder it goes: Arthas, why?! This is why, naïve, a woman’s voice is more gentle, but still has no effect on my actions.

That's the start, I'm going to writte it completely from the crazy guy point of view.

Sounds so much like H.P. Lovecraft - and that's a good thing! lol
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Nice begining, but its kinda better if you write the whole thing. But....

- Your story must be at least 500 words, and no greater then 2000 words
- Your story can be sad, romantic, humorous, or serious, try and be creative!
- Your story must be written in proper novel format, with paragraphs, sentence structure, and proper grammar and spelling

You had alittle bid of that, but you didn't have a new paragraph which is required. Your good so far, we are just thinking now:p not our bestest.
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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Doesn't matter. The rules are, like every contest, that you can only post an entry that has been started after the contest was created and began. It's like saying that just because I only have the the terrain or you only have the object data done in a map that it's still fair for you to enter in a mapping contest. Sorry, but it doesn't go. You start fresh or your entry will be disqualified.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Seeing as though i only have finished 1 chapter (that needs to get changed to work into the plot) and not even a hint of an idea for chapter two, i see no problem...

Sad thing is, if you hadn't have mentioned it, and just made the revised version for the contest, nobody would have known.

Shh...I say too much..
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yeah, that's the problem with these contests. You take people on trust and trust alone... oh well, if you're ever caught cheating in this contest then you will be disqualified and possibly banned from participating in further Writing contests depending on the seriousness of the rule-breach.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
Nice begining, but its kinda better if you write the whole thing. But....

You had alittle bid of that, but you didn't have a new paragraph which is required. Your good so far, we are just thinking now:p not our bestest.

OK Sacrimo, when you copy and paste from Word Processor the paragraphs (tabs) are not saved, and the sentence structure is not correct, I am a writer, I don't make those kind of mistakes, why would I be entering a writing contest if I did?
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
OK Sacrimo, when you copy and paste from Word Processor the paragraphs (tabs) are not saved, and the sentence structure is not correct, I am a writer, I don't make those kind of mistakes, why would I be entering a writing contest if I did?

Ah, I use appleworks, never did that to me, not much into the "Word" prduct, sorry if I judge to soon. Keep up the good work, im on chapter 3 and so far I got 1354 letters
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Alright guys, Word is actually a really nifty piece of software. I use Word 2000religiously. I shalt have no other version :D

All the other Word Processors i've used just haven't been good enough...

Anyway, remember, it doesn't have to be 2000 words, it can be anywhere between 500 and 2000, so if your story isn't that long then don't sweat it.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Does the story have to be in the Warcraft world?

Not sure what you mean by this....

If you're saying "Does the story have to be warcraft related, or can it be about anything?" then the answer is no, absolutely not, it must be about Warcraft as was stated in my original post.

If you're asking "Does it have to take place in Azeroth?" then the answer is yes, preferablly. You can use Outland I suppose, but the Lich King's base of operations is in Azeroth, he want sto take over Azeroth, so I don't really see how any other Worlds can be at all related to the topic that I have assigned for this competition....

PS 9 Days to go guys!
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