Short Story Contest #2

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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Welcome to the Hive Workshop's Second
Short Story Contest
The purpose of this contest is to write a short story based around the characters and existing Lore of the Warcraft Universe.

The theme for this contest revolves around the Emerald Dream. Malfurion is trapped in the Emerald Dream, fighting for his life along side Cenarius to vanquish The Nightmare. You have to follow that basic storyline, but you can take it wherever you want from there.

  • Stories can be of any genre, they can be humorous, angst-ridden, or just straight action.
  • Stories have to be at least 500 words, but can be no longer than 2000 words.
  • Stories must be written in proper novel format, with paragraphs, sentence structure, and proper grammar and spelling.

  • The Winners will be decided by a Public Poll.
  • Please attach a final copy of your story to this thread for judging.

  • First place will recieve 10 reputation points.
  • Second place will recieve 5 reputation points.
  • Third place will recieve 2 reputation points.
  • Fourth place will recieve a pat on the back and my condolences, as they will not be getting any reputation points.

- Horror.Man

If you intend to participate, kindly let me know in this thread so that I may add you to the list. Do not sign up unless you are willing to complete your work.

This Contest will end at 12:00 AM EST or 4:00 AM GMT on August 7th.

Good luck and happy writing!
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Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Sounds awesome. I'll have to learn some background about The Emerald Dream. All I remember from WC3 and WoW is that Malfurion is stuck in it, Cenarius is as well, and Wailing Caverns is an instance in WoW that features The Emerald Dream in the event quest.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Problematic? I chose the Emerald Dream because it is a hot up and coming area of the Warcraft story that needs to be addressed (just like the rise of the lich king) so basically, what I want is to see where you guys take the story from the end of WC3/WoW lore.

If Short Story Contest #3 ever comes to fruition (unlikely if this one turns out stories as bad as the first one did) then I'll take user ideas so that you people can choose a topic that you seem to find elss "problematic".
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Sorry brad, but WoW does not contribute to WC lore. Yes, players will be able to battle their favorite WC3 enemies and allies, but WoW doesn't address anything about the Emerald Dream. We still know that Malfurion and Cenarius are trapped within it.. that's about it.

Many people haven't been "filled in" with the WoW lore, because they either don't play it or they refuse to use it as WC lore. I agree it's a problematic concept, but only because it is SO open-ended.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Must it follow the journey of Cenarius and Malfurion? Or could the story pertain to their journey in fighting the nightmare?
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
I wouldn't mind participating, but I won't formally apply until I have a grasp on the Emerald Dream, and how I'd do my story.

Edit: I have a grasp on both now :grin:
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Level 8
May 27, 2007
Hey brad.dude, I'm very sorry, but I'm pretty sure I will no longer be able to complete my entry for this contest, due to unforseen circumstances. If I had known earlier I wouldn't have entered, but that's how things work lol. Anyway you may aswell take my name of the contestants list, just thought I would be polite and let you know ;) Good luck to you guys who still enter your work.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Heh, I work best under stress. I have kind of an intro, and then an idea of what I'm going to do with the story. I really should be working harder, though.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I wish to join the contest aswell , but i would like to know if i can submit my story between 14:00 - 17:00 pm GMT +2 , because i just found out about the contest. I thank you in advanced.
And I also read about a new storyline topic. . .I would have a suggestion . . .that Storyline Contest #3 should be about the creation of a world , of a univers wich doesnt need to be WarCraft related. Something like Sillmarilion ,where we need to write about gods , about a grand master plan of creation of some sort. Please some feedback on the idea.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Good news!

Since i've been away for the past week, I have been unable to keep up with the contest and provide sufficient support to you all like a good moderator should. Instead, I was off having fun in Indiana. To make up for my shamefulness, I'm going to extend the contest until next Tuesday at EST 12:00 AM or 4:00 AM GMT.

Have fun! Those that have already submitted can now revise their entry before submitting a final copy. To avoid confusion I ask that if you have already posted your story, that you take it down and upload the revision in its place. This will speed the process greatly when it comes time to make the voting thread.

Edhel-Dur, no.

The entire purpose of this forum (and all of the contests in the Hive) are to create fun and challenge with a Warcraft theme. This isn't a Writing Forum. We aren't about creating new worlds and wild imaginitive fiction. We base our work on the Warcraft Universe, like all of the other contests, and that's final.

Plus, no one has the skill here to delve as deeply as Tolkien did and create an entire mythology from nothing but the Norse mythology as inspiration. To do what he did, and make it original (instead of another in the gorwing pile of blatant failed ripoffs) is not possible by any writer that is currently here on our boards.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Heh, I honestly only started writing after that post. I'm sure I could have come up with something, but it was all just a big, vague, fluffy plot in my head.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Sorry for the double posting, but I couldnt attach files by editing.

This version is not properly corected.


  • The Emerald Twins.txt
    6.9 KB · Views: 172
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Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
So the dead line will be on the 7th of August?

I'll make sure to revise a bit more. Something is missing.. hmm.. *delete* *delete* done. Can't wait to post it, :thumbs_up:
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Last night when I was patrolling a nearby Wal-Mart I nearly forgot that brad extended the deadline, so I was rushing to get out of the place when I realized.. "extension idiot".

I really want to post my story now, but *sigh* I must wait.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Re-read, made some further corrections. Here it is. Thank brad.dude03 for the deadline ^^


  • The Emerald Twins.doc
    26 KB · Views: 222
Level 8
May 27, 2007
OK well I haven't been put back on the entrants list yet, but there isn't exactley a landslide of entries at the minute so I guess it won't hurt if I submit mine. So here it is anyway, 738 words just for the record :thumbs_up:

EDIT: Final version attatched to post on page 4 :thumbs_up: don't want to get the wrong version judged, that's all.
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Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I might make one, I already have somewhat half a story in the making, and writing is one of my reluctant passions, but I may or may not be able to finish it, because I only have the ability to write when I'm in the mood for it, ie, rarely.
Level 8
May 27, 2007
Here's an improved version of mine, I think it is quite a bit better since I was very tired when I wrote it originally, anyway 1056 words now :thumbs_up: I'm not sure if I'll review again or not, and if I do it won't be until Monday when I've had some time to forget it a little and approach it with a fresh mind :wink:

EDIT: Final version attatched to post on page 4, don't want to get the wrong version judged, that's all.
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Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Guess I won't join. I'm not wowed by the direction of my half-story, so I'll let it die =/.

I will, however, try to be as much an asshole as I can in critiquing all of your stories, however.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
I have a nice exposition, but I've honestly been stuck. I'm not removing myself from the competition, but I'm sad to say that you shouldn't be surprised if I don't make my submission on time.
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