Stormwind's altar of kings

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
This model is the vanilla Altar of kings with the Stormwind banner instead the Lordaeron one, and fire emitters in the coals. I have never understood these coals without any fire...

Stormwind's altar of kings (Model)

Stormwind's altar of kings Portrait (Model)

Mr Ogre man
If you are making a new model, use simple texture paths -like instead of overwritting the original file. Otherwise, you won't be able to play with the original model and yours at the same time. The ORM isn't properly made...
This could have been better. Like, how the Lordaeron emblem is embossed in the banner, you could have done the same with Stormwind's lion emblem. Also, the ORM looks weird, specifically the edit—you just slapped the Stormwind emblem onto where the Lordaeron emblem should be. And you flatten the Normal as well. Looking forward to seeing this model updated and fix. For now, I'd give it a 3/5.
This could have been better. Like, how the Lordaeron emblem is embossed in the banner, you could have done the same with Stormwind's lion emblem. Also, the ORM looks weird, specifically the edit—you just slapped the Stormwind emblem onto where the Lordaeron emblem should be. And you flatten the Normal as well. Looking forward to seeing this model updated and fix. For now, I'd give it a 3/5.
Yeah, my Gilneas Altar has the same problem, I never uploaded it.
@vindorei I compared the vanilla and this edited Altar of Kings, and they darkened and saturated the texture a bit. It must be why you noticed the walls being darker. I personally prefer the original tone, which is less vibrant just a little bit, and it works. They've edited the Diffuse, Normal, and ORM textures.