Starting Terrain ? Recommend ones ?

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I am sure this thread exists already somewhere...
What is the most recommend starting terrain ?
I usually use either ashenvale or city, but they don't really fit to some areas, in case you want to create element-based areas, for example...
Any solution how to get neutral-looking terrain or any recommendation what terrain is neutral enough to fit most themes ?




Ashenvale i think may be like a rain-forest maybe... For Element maybe the lava from dungeon or where i forgot to be Fire, and ice for Ice ._. lol

hm, yeah, but in case you have a map containing all elements ? It is less about the common tiles, more about the cliffs, ashenvale cliffs for example looks odd with ice area or fire area...
Use cityscape terrain. It contains both a bumpy "natural"-type cliff and a straight dungeon-esque cliff.
Everything else doesn't matter, as it can be changed afterwards, including the textures for the cliffs. The only thing you can't change is shape of the cliffs - hence why cityscape is the best choice as it has both.

I highly recommend not to use blizzard cliffs except maybe for dungeon walls, as they look very unnatural. Check out the terraining subforum. Nobody does that anymore. Especially if you want to achieve a lot of terrain diversity, cliffs are very restrictive. There is no tileset that has cliffs that work well for summer AND winter environments.




Use cityscape terrain. It contains both a bumpy "natural"-type cliff and a straight dungeon-esque cliff.
Everything else doesn't matter, as it can be changed afterwards, including the textures for the cliffs. The only thing you can't change is shape of the cliffs - hence why cityscape is the best choice as it has both.

I highly recommend not to use blizzard cliffs except maybe for dungeon walls, as they look very unnatural. Check out the terraining subforum. Nobody does that anymore. Especially if you want to achieve a lot of terrain diversity, cliffs are very restrictive. There is no tileset that has cliffs that work well for summer AND winter environments.

Oh okay, I already saw mappers that use custom doodads and blockers as walls/cliffs. Also wondered how the thing with different cliff highs works. See Iceborn map, for example. The creator uses sth. like invisible platforms and I have no clue about them, but they are a better solution, as you can see in Iceborn.
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