23:37, 1st Aug 2008
Ash: This map is aimed at the Starcraft community and is, only in premise, very good. The main issues I have with the map is both the English and 'I-HAS-COOL-MODELS' syndrome.
As opposed to beating around the bush, I'll just come straight out with it; even though your map has good models, it doesn't deter us from the masses and masses of downsides that you've managed to spew out at every possible moment in time.
For example; the aforementioned English problem. Although your credits claim that people have 'proof-read' it, the map still manages to have several thousand errors on both the Grammar and Spelling side of things.
You've then got the Quest Issue, we have no idea what's going on most of the time. A prime example is the second Quest, instead of the Overlord getting killed by the 'Ravage' weapon, it flew off and returned to a Hatchery. That coupled with the fact the explanation was on par to that of a dead fishes on the meaning of life, and you've got one very confusing game.
However, I wouldn't be a critic if I'd only said bad things about this map -- however hard the good things are to find. The balance didn't seem to be an issue and nor did the models. I can only hope that the storyline, and the quality of your writing, increases with time and this map may actually become half-decent.
Ash: This map is aimed at the Starcraft community and is, only in premise, very good. The main issues I have with the map is both the English and 'I-HAS-COOL-MODELS' syndrome.
As opposed to beating around the bush, I'll just come straight out with it; even though your map has good models, it doesn't deter us from the masses and masses of downsides that you've managed to spew out at every possible moment in time.
For example; the aforementioned English problem. Although your credits claim that people have 'proof-read' it, the map still manages to have several thousand errors on both the Grammar and Spelling side of things.
You've then got the Quest Issue, we have no idea what's going on most of the time. A prime example is the second Quest, instead of the Overlord getting killed by the 'Ravage' weapon, it flew off and returned to a Hatchery. That coupled with the fact the explanation was on par to that of a dead fishes on the meaning of life, and you've got one very confusing game.
However, I wouldn't be a critic if I'd only said bad things about this map -- however hard the good things are to find. The balance didn't seem to be an issue and nor did the models. I can only hope that the storyline, and the quality of your writing, increases with time and this map may actually become half-decent.