This is the recent 1.4b version of Cat and Mice.
After my old version non being approved due to "Map Stealing", i changed alot, few triggers, some models, new ingame-hints, new revive-system and the names of the Starcraft-Mappers, who had the original idea of making "Cat and Mice";
All bugs are fixed and the map should work perfectly.
There are two parties: The "Cats"; (2 players) and the "Mice"; (5 players).
The cats are very strong and can kill the Mice with one attack, so the smaller Mice have to hide, build a litte base and to buy units like zerglings, hydralisks, zealots and tanks to kill the Cats.
But the Cats also get money for killed Mice and buildings, and they can buy evil helpers like "Mischamiks", a kind of tower, spy-birds or infested mice, who can also get through little holes that are to big for normal cats.
My guide "Cat and Mice Jungle 7.0", a Starcraft map made by
"Robi[UTRJB" and "Xtremly-Bored", that had been upgraded by "InToTheTuRReT"
For WC3 i hab to do the triggers, units landscape and everything else myself. Only the VERY GOOD idea of this kind of map, which i loved in Starcraft BW, is not by me.
I hope you will enjoy this map, as strong and cruel Cats or as little but smart Mice.
Good Luck and Have Fun with this!
EDIT: I name the names of the Starcraft-Mappers in the Loading-Sreen and during the match, so don't think again i "stole" this map ;-)
You saw (Monks VS Devils) that i am able to trigger a tag map!
1.3a --> 1.3b:
-baby cat has a flowting text now,too
-small holes can be opened for cats now
-new tank model
-terrain changes
-"Attrox" is less good now, new atacking animation
1.3b --> 1.3c:
-small terrain changes
-photon cannon power from 30 to 25
-infested mouse speed from 300 to 320
1.3c --> 1.4a:
-small terrain changes
-High-Mice bug fixed as good as possible (Mice wo't be able to get on the top of the boxe's walls by triggers).
-New minimap
1.4a --> 1.4b:
-"Infested Terran" as a new powerful unit for cats, in two variations (1 for 30€ gold or 3 for 60 gold)
-Zergling HP from 500 to 550
-Civilist HP from 700 to 900
-Infested Mouse doesn't have the ability "Parasite" anymore because it was too stong and didn't work like the Starcraft-ability "Parasite".
-Between buying a Mischamick and posessing a Mischamick, there are two more seconds for avoiding "last minute reviving-mice kill". If cats want to kill mice which are reviving other mices, they have to build the tower much faster now, what makes the move more difficult.
-Zealot does not sound like a woman anymore
1.4b --> 1.4c:
-Main cheese is for free now but needs food, so you can build only up to 20 main cheeses.
Cat, Mice, Cat and Mice, TAG, TAg-game, tag map, cat and mouse, mouse, sheep tag, sheep, kodo, kodo tag, starcraft, protos, protoss, sc, c&m, surv