Hello, I am Karkul also known as Krackles on warcraft 3.
I made many maps and I am actually coworking with redbaron4850 on a new project.
This project is probably the biggest in the star wars universe in this game.
Called Star Wars Empires, the map cover the troubled times of the end of the Republic and the Galactic Civil War.
It is a strategy wargame(a good reference to the style of gameplay would be The Alternate Future Advance and Diplomacy) with 12 independant factions doing their own diplomacy and wars across the galaxy.
For this map, thanks to Fingolfin, Olofmoleman and Illidan_X we have plenty of models available. However, I would like to see more models for the sake of that ambitious map so I come here to ask modelers still roaming this site for their voluntarily contribution.
All help is welcome and at any skill level.
To help you in helping us, here a list of models needed:
-Palpatine model(one exist but too large in data)
-Ashoka Tano
-Anakin Skywalker
-501th Clone
-Senate Guard
-Interdictor DEstroyer
-TIE Bomber
Blue(Jedi Order):
-Various jedi masters
-Temple Guards
-Guardians of the Whills
-Green Jedis
-Padme Amidala
-Satine Kryze
-Naboo Guard
-Neo-Mandalorian Guard
-Naboo Speeder
-Corellia Gunship
-Dauntless Cruiser
-Bulwark Cruiser
Purple: (Mon Calamari/Gungan)
-Boss Nass
-Ros Tarpal
-Gungan Army
-Gungan cAtapult
-Admiral Ackbar
-Mon calamari army, knights, etc
Yellow: (Hutt Empire)
-Aurra Sing
-IG assassin droid
Orange: (Clone army/Kamino later chiss/empire)
-Chiss soldiers
-Clone aRtillery
-Arquitens Frigate
-Galactic Marines
-V19 Torrent
-Pelta Frigate
-Theta-class shuttle
-Nuta-class shuttle
-Hammerhead Frigate
Green: (Wookies/Ewoks)
-Wookie Warriors
-Agr Fighter
-Blade Bomber
-Battle scythe Tank
-Kas Tank
Pink: (wi'Lek Resistance)
-Twi'Lek soldiers
Gray/LB: (CIS/Trade Fed)
-CIS leaders(Wat Tambor, Nute, Durge, San Hill, etc)
-Commando Droid
-N99 Persuader Tank
-Hyena Bomber
-Recusant Frigate
-Subjugator-class warship(Malevolence)
DG: (Nightsisters/Shadow Collective):
-Savage opress
-Black sun members
-Pyke sindicate
-Rihkxyrk Fighter
-Zabrak Warrior
Brown: (Death WAtch)
-Pre Vizla
-Death Watch Soldiers
-Death Watch Tank
-Fang Fighter
-Basilisk Tank
-Kimogila Bomber
-Kom'rk-class fighter/transport
-Crusader Frigate
-Keldabe Cruiser
-Vengeance Cruiser
I made many maps and I am actually coworking with redbaron4850 on a new project.
This project is probably the biggest in the star wars universe in this game.
Called Star Wars Empires, the map cover the troubled times of the end of the Republic and the Galactic Civil War.
It is a strategy wargame(a good reference to the style of gameplay would be The Alternate Future Advance and Diplomacy) with 12 independant factions doing their own diplomacy and wars across the galaxy.
For this map, thanks to Fingolfin, Olofmoleman and Illidan_X we have plenty of models available. However, I would like to see more models for the sake of that ambitious map so I come here to ask modelers still roaming this site for their voluntarily contribution.
All help is welcome and at any skill level.
To help you in helping us, here a list of models needed:
-Palpatine model(one exist but too large in data)
-Ashoka Tano
-Anakin Skywalker
-501th Clone
-Senate Guard
-Interdictor DEstroyer
-TIE Bomber
Blue(Jedi Order):
-Various jedi masters
-Temple Guards
-Guardians of the Whills
-Green Jedis
-Padme Amidala
-Satine Kryze
-Naboo Guard
-Neo-Mandalorian Guard
-Naboo Speeder
-Corellia Gunship
-Dauntless Cruiser
-Bulwark Cruiser
Purple: (Mon Calamari/Gungan)
-Boss Nass
-Ros Tarpal
-Gungan Army
-Gungan cAtapult
-Admiral Ackbar
-Mon calamari army, knights, etc
Yellow: (Hutt Empire)
-Aurra Sing
-IG assassin droid
Orange: (Clone army/Kamino later chiss/empire)
-Chiss soldiers
-Clone aRtillery
-Arquitens Frigate
-Galactic Marines
-V19 Torrent
-Pelta Frigate
-Theta-class shuttle
-Nuta-class shuttle
-Hammerhead Frigate
Green: (Wookies/Ewoks)
-Wookie Warriors
-Agr Fighter
-Blade Bomber
-Battle scythe Tank
-Kas Tank
Pink: (wi'Lek Resistance)
-Twi'Lek soldiers
Gray/LB: (CIS/Trade Fed)
-CIS leaders(Wat Tambor, Nute, Durge, San Hill, etc)
-Commando Droid
-N99 Persuader Tank
-Hyena Bomber
-Recusant Frigate
-Subjugator-class warship(Malevolence)
DG: (Nightsisters/Shadow Collective):
-Savage opress
-Black sun members
-Pyke sindicate
-Rihkxyrk Fighter
-Zabrak Warrior
Brown: (Death WAtch)
-Pre Vizla
-Death Watch Soldiers
-Death Watch Tank
-Fang Fighter
-Basilisk Tank
-Kimogila Bomber
-Kom'rk-class fighter/transport
-Crusader Frigate
-Keldabe Cruiser
-Vengeance Cruiser