Fixed Things in Star Ship v0.03:
1) All the enemies, give them the unit ability 'locust' it makes them in-selectable
Could not add Locust, Becos i can't even damage them when they got locust. And if I did add it to the ship to, i can't select it whit triggering or not...
2) Make a trigger to keep the selection on the ship
3) State, in the tips, that you should not just evade the bosses, but also attack them. I spent most my time evading them before i got the point
Evry Boss need to be killd.
4) Weaken the banshee enemies.
5) Shorten the range of the damage that the enemies do, when passing by you, they've got a way too big range.
Thats the hard thing of the game
6) Make your movement system respond quicker. I'm needing controllability on the dodge levels!
They are so fast as it can be...
7) Instead of just 'when an enemy dies - spawn the lesser enemy' system, make different kinds of abilities for the units, like, small infernal cannons that stop halfway down the course, and turns to shoot after you, or ghosts that have 'phase shift' (from the faerie dragons) Or, perhaps, some teleporting to the right / left suddenly 1ce at a random time. The possibilities are endless!
That IS Hard... But i can try fix it in the 0.04
8) remove the 'minimum range' on the lvl 10 boss fight cannons. You can get them to move away if you get too close.
Insted i just maded so they can't flee and removed the movment.
9) Shorten the map description, it doesn't fit, some of the text get cut out.
Maded a new.
10) Get your spelling straight. I could possibly help you with that.
You know why I can't fix it so easy.
11) add those upgrades ^^
Two are done.
12) You could possibly add powerups too?
Yes I can in 0.04
13) Vary the amount of gold any enemy will give you. you get the same amount from a boss, as from a wisp.
14) when finishing a level, make sure that all enemies have left the field, before the healing is used. I sometimes start with below 1000 hp because of that.
Maded the wait time betwen rounds to 11 insted of 7 sec.
When you have tested the new verion, Wright a new list!