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Model - Star wars

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Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
Thanks to olofman and IllidenEvilX we have suffiecent models to make okay star wars maps. However it appears noone has really tackled makeing any Sepertist Capitol Ships. These were the larger space vehicles seen in Revenge of the Sith. Also Droid Control Ships were seen in the first 2 films as well. If someone would make these, it could greatly enhance the star wars space battle experience for me and many others.

In my map, i have some pretty cool land battles. And the space ones dont toatally suck, i have ARC-170s and droid starfighters and the earlier version of Star Destroyers. But it really isnt complete without some cool Sepertist capitol ships like..

Traditional Sepertist Ships:

Droid Control Ships:

Makeing these models will be a big gain for the warIII star wars modding community
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
that will be awsome, althou it is kind of an awkword shape which might bring a few problems. however for like target launch, one could just make it come from behind the center ball, since many weapon systems where there *seen in second picture*

also for the Team Color, makeing stripes along its 2 arms would be realistic. if you would look at the first couple of images here...


youd see on the droid control ships, the blue paint wrapping ontop of the 2 "wings" of the droid control ship. if you could make that the team color part, that be great.
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