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Square Enix {Drag warr, Kh, FF, etc..}

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Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
The Thread on your opinion of square enix. I don't know much about Dragon warrior so thats where I could be filled in at.

But let me begin by saying I hate them compared to Squaresoft.
I mean Final Fantasy has gone downhill, and kingdom hearts is such a rip off. I mean from the very little amount of screenshots i've seen of Dragon warrior, they don't seem worthy to hold the rights of Final Fantasy. I mean you stoped hearing things in the gamer world after FFX.
FF X-2 sucked, no summons and dumb turn based fighting system
FF XI sucked, horrible RPG had to pay $100 for on ps2, then pretty much anything you do has an extra fee, plus story sucked.
FF XII is only one of square enix FF i beat, and it sucked. I mean you get so delayed casting spells, you could get 2-3 attacks in the time it takes for a spell. So fighting system wasn't great.
Also they are the ones who made stupid cellphone game, and the game, i forget name but all about vincent from FF VII that did Not get a good rating!

Now KH
It's pretty fun, fighting system bit more unique.
The lore is ok, just that they keep leading you on too much.
But I hate how they take disney, and final fantasy characters together.
Almost ruins it right there.

FFXII was the last straw, need to protest enix, but they won't understand me because they are asian.

But yeah i'll probly still play FFXIII and FFXIII vs FF(idea sounds cool but they won't pull off right.)

Tell me how dragon warrior is if anyone knows, i'm really curious to see how they did with that before the changed to Square enix adding the prefix square.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
FFX seemed allright to me, although I never can finish it untill I get a better PC.

Kingdom hearts is just lame, how can mickey mouse, donald duck, simba, and other weak disney characters even think of scratching a major super vilian like sepheroth who nearly blew up an entire planet to become a god? Another disaster caused by disney (they did some REALLY big deal to get that).

Their GBA remakes I liked, they were less bug ridden and very nice to play, especially FF5 athough their ballence was still lame.

The DS remakes I find a bit crappy, especially since they added too much multiplayer crap and I think removed things like sound test and beastry as well as not actually bothering to use modern style graphics (still very childish although they do not have to be).
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Yeah never played GBA ff cept tactics, original but not much. FF12 has alot of rip off ideas from tactics, ff3 and 4 and probly more.

Not caused by disney, square enix, it had to be their idea or else this disaster would have came sooner. Disney ain't gonna say "no" to having characters in a game they don't have to pay for.

FFX is a great game! But that was Squaresoft, not Square enix. Ever since FFX-2 it's been enix.
Level 5
Apr 12, 2007
FF12 has alot of rip off ideas from tactics, ff3 and 4 and probly more.

Doesn't every FF game rip off ideas from its predecessors? Summons, weapons, a little lore, etc. etc.

FFX - Killing Sin was cool. It had great stuff at its time.

FFXII - The story was O.K., but the gameplay was awesome. Killing chocobos and those Urutan-Yensa (desert guys living in the Yensa Sandsea) was kind of funny. Speaking of Urutan-Yensa, don't those guys look like the Tusken Raiders from Star Wars?

Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 - Only enjoy the gameplay. I thought Square-Enix and Disney working together was a bad idea.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
yensa did look like from star wars. FFXII took alot of ideas, probly least amount of original ideas out of all final fantasies.

yeah and last hard boss of the final fantasies. both kh, and ffXII easy ass end bosses. Jecht was actually hard even when high level. Same wit FFVIII no matter your level Edea is still a challenge.
Adding Final Fantasy characters to the Kingdom Hearts series was SquareEnix's and Disney's biggest mistake.

I find FF XII having the worst battle system ever because I couldn't understand a shit of it.
ATB for the win!

Final Fantasy IX is my favorite FF game, and also the only FF game (except the easy Mystic Quest) I managed to complete (as in killing the final boss).

DSG said:
FFX seemed allright to me, although I never can finish it untill I get a better PC.

PS2 emulators are far from being accurate, same goes for Gamecube and Xbox emulators. No matter how powerful your computer is, the roms are still at low fps and/or somewhat glitchy.

Or is FFX available for PC? I could swear it's only for PS2.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
PS2 emulation on a modern rig for some games is better than on a real PS2 as you can render it at full PC resolution as well as you have the ability to save states to act as an ingame rewind for if you make a mistake. Also FFX is fully playable via emulators, just like I said I do not have a modern PC (no quad core / dual core) so it runs at 50% speed on average which is bad for sound and turn based games are slow enough.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
The old games:

ff tactics (PS), nice, im not really a fan of these sort of games but this kinda brought me in a bit, i loved the options and abilities within it, the creature sprites were cool, but i never finished the game.

ff 7, i liked it, i loved it, but that was in its time. Now it seems old and choppy, but there was alot in that game alright.

ff 8,ehhh, i loved the summons, i found them unique, some monsters were cool and the card system in this was abit clunky and stale, Overall i liked it...there was alot to improve on though.

ff 9, I really disliked the whole olden day elvish style, the story was abit blant, but it was playable...but overall it was ugly and just not ff style.

ff 10, the best ff ever...simple amazing...the flow..the story and battles, it was what made final fantasy final fantasy in my mind. This is by far the best game squaresoft or enix..whatever the hell they are ever made. I just loved the story.
------------------------square enix ones you say? i dunno :/
ff 10-x, i looovveedd the new battle system, that was cool, the new monsters was awesome, but the game overall is a peice of shit with butterfly wings attached to it. Horrible story, they butchered and milked every last bit, horribly.

ff 11, never really played it, but turning it into a MMO kinda killed it from what i imagine.

ff 12, okay, i was expecting some thing good, but no...they went back to the old elve shit and mixed it with ff10, the battle system was new but utter SHIT. It raped and butchered and mutilated the words "final fantasy". It was utter shit, the effects were good and stuff, but..honestly...i was disappointed.

KH/KH2, okay, i loved all the models, the animations and shit, cut scenes were all clean and stuff, the voices in it were cool and it was packed, but...its a game i would not play. The whole mangled ideas of final fantasy and children shit is stupid. It just ...its just a mangled mess, there are some story parts i like but overall, the whole idea of gummie ships and traveling to worlds each with its own Disney shit..its stupid. The battle system is by far the most BORING and HORRIBLE one iv ever seen, god..just so repetitive and...just horrible.. thats a biggy that makes me want to not touch this game.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Lol, Werewulf your post backs up my theory. After the square enix line you pretty much said everything was shit lol. Before X-2 they weren't perfect but they continuously got better(lets ignore 9, imo horrible failure, even the graphics got worse, kinda like how FFX seems to have slightly better graphics than FFXII.

Forgot to cover ff7, which is extremely popular in the final fantasy community, but I could never get into it. I liked alot of ideas in the game alone, but then together was a turn off, best way to describe it. If they make a ff7 remake for the ps3 so help me god(the almighty i do not believe in) give me thy blessed strength to smack the living shit out of every single member of square enix who has a say into what game they make.
Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
I must be the only one who thinks FFX was the WORST FF ever made.

FF7 was amazing for its time and ff9 was pretty good, most of the originals were worth playing, and FF1 was GREAT.


Super mario RPG on the SNES was probably one of the best RPGs ever made.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
need to protest enix, but they won't understand me because they are asian.

Kingdom Hearts is an okay game, in my opinion, but while many people say Disney characters don't belong in there, I think it's the other way around. I think the FF characters don't really fit in there. It's a game of its own storyline that fits quite snugly with Disney worlds, but seeing the FF characters in there just doesn't fit. In fact, the only reason I can find for having FF characters is to attract a more mature audience.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
i agree, i think everyone is good there except ff ppl, like sora, kairi, Riku is fine they are kh not final fantasy, but stole looks. But they are what make the game bearable, purely disney hell no.

I must be the only one who thinks FFX was the WORST FF ever made.

Shadow_Fox please explain why
Of tactical RPG's there are far better games than the Final Fantasy franchise. So if you are fed up by FF then I suggest you to try out some of these games:

Arc (The Lad): Twillight Of The Spirits - Great story, great gameplay and over 30 hours atleast of fun. Also as opposed to so many other games fighting doesn't become boring here as battles don't occur as often but are more engaging. This game is worth all the money.

Grandia I - Though being old and in 2D this is still one of the best turn based RPG's ever made, it can stand up to titles such as FF 7. This game is worth all the money.

Grandia II - Though not as good as the first game this is still very entertaining and is in 3D (though graphics aren't that good of todays standards). It could be compared in quality to games such as Final Fantasy 8 and X-2, not gameplay wise, but quality.

Suikoden III - Excellent game, great story and good graphics for its time. Best of the Suikoden series by far. Won editors choice at gamespot, something not many RPG's gets rewarded with. This game is worth all the money.

There are many others, but this are just a few.
Yes, Super Mario RPG is the best RPG for the Snes. Better than Chrono Trigger in my opinion, though CT is good too.

Suikoden III - Excellent game, great story and good graphics for its time. Best of the Suikoden series by far. Won editors choice at gamespot, something not many RPG's gets rewarded with. This game is worth all the money.

Wasn't Suikoden games made by Konami? In this thread we talk about games made by SquareEnix.

Werewulf said:
ff 9, I really disliked the whole olden day elvish style, the story was abit blant, but it was playable...but overall it was ugly and just not ff style.


Rakdos said:
lets ignore 9, imo horrible failure, even the graphics got worse

Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
If you had read my post in its entirety then you would have noticed that I was giving suggestions for games that are equally good or better than the FF franchise since the author of the thread is fed up with it.

not actually fed up with it, just stating that square enix is taking the FF franchise through the worst it's been since, maybe ever. But I'm hoping it's just because tehy just started working with it, and will improve on it. The FFXIII's White Engine sounds promising, except its "moving at a sluggish pace".

I don't think FFXII took "a lot" of outside ideas.

start looking roundon internet, revieews, ffXII info, and you will see that its a fact they did.
Level 5
Apr 12, 2007
I look and I am not convince that FFXII took a lot of outside ideas. I can agree that they took a few or maybe some, but not a lot.

start looking roundon internet, revieews, ffXII info, and you will see that its a fact they did.

It's more like their opinion, not a fact.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
no they give references to games, then to whats in FFXII. Mainly FF games took an extra-ordinary amount of ideas from, where as usually only a few(major) ideas are taken.
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