Spells, Heroes and Units ideas - Nature Outbreak

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Level 6
Aug 13, 2009
Nature Outbreak


This map will be some kind of AoE combined with Mass Control which will provide you a wide group of heroes you may choose and many buildings (spawners) that, each of them, spawns units of a specified kind which you cannot control: they attack without your order. There are 2 teams: The Humans and The Nature, The humans have weak at attack (compared with the nature) but well armored while the nature has units focused on destroying everything on their path but they can easely be taken down. The Nature team has 4 players while the Humans have 6. The Nature has to destroy the whole human camp while the humans have to hold the nature away until the "boss" arrives and well, they have to survive the boss: If they kill the boss then the humans win if the nature kills the human's camp then the nature win. It is pretty simple.

As an order from the king some workers accompanied by soldiers have built a camp inside a pretty cosy valley that had as an objective cutting the forest around it (it'd bring many resources to the kingdom). Some days have passed and the northern part of this land (it was divided by a river) was getting desertified and the forces of nature have met to discuss what they could do to stop the humans from destroying the lung of Earth, they have reached a decision: Destroy the camp even if it were necessary to kill anything on their way. So the battle begins!

I'm needing Ideas for heroes (Human and Nature) and their respective spells, I don't know if I should do this by classes (ex: Archer, Knight, Swordsman,etc) or normal heroes randomly made with their own names.
I'm also needing ideas for the units I should make (Humans must be weaker then Nature because there will be 6 Human players and 4 Nature players)

If you get me a good idea I'll rep you and obviously add you in the map credits.

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Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
You have misspelled cosy as cozy and divided as devided.
If you want to use the english language, learn it first.

Defender of the Realm
A knight imbued with defensive and supportive spells.
Footman sound/model

Skill 1 - Defensive Stance
Reduces the defender's movespeed to increase his defense by (2/4/6/8/10) and causing him to give off a (1/2/3/4/5) defense aura.

Skill 2 - Spirit Shield
Shields a target unit's spirit, causing it to regain (10/15/20/25/30) mana per second and be spell immune. Spell immunity lasts until the unit casts a spell.

Skill 3 - Lockdown
Gives a 15% chance that the defender will land a strike to his target's legs, causing it to be ministunned and be slowed by (10/20/30/40/50)% for 6 seconds. Stacks.

Ultimate - Realm of Sanctuary
Marks a magical zone that causes any ally unit in it to be immune to damage and regenerate (30/60/90) healthpoints per second.
Level 9
Dec 12, 2007
How 'bout Peasant?
a hero with peasant model that is in charge of fulfilling the king's order.

Skill 1 - Woodcut [Target Enemy Unit]
The peasant cut through his enemies like cutting trees, deals cleaving damage and
more damage on primary target. Kill trees that hitted too.

Skill 2 - Frenzy
The peasant goes into a frenzy, gaining increased movement rate and attack rate for a short period like 3-5 seconds.

Skill 3 - Sharp Pickaxe [Passive]
The peasant gains a chance to deals critical damage in his attack, starts with low chance, the chance increases with each attack, and reset when the critical occur.

Ultimate - Battle Gear [Self Cast]
The Peasant equips his battle gear, gaining bonus armor and hitpoint regeneration, but move slower because of heavy armor.
Level 6
Aug 13, 2009
You have misspelled cosy as cozy and divided as devided.
If you want to use the english language, learn it first.

Thank you Mr. Know everything, I edited it: it should be alright now: I'm sorry if I harmed you with that misspelled words (You should be really shocked...).

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll consider and implement them in the map ;)
I've saved them in a Text file on my desktop.

PS: I love the Defender of the Realm concept, its pretty good. And the Peasant its original and funny: should amuse the players using it ;)
Level 2
Nov 1, 2009
You can have all different types of Knight (Im creating a Shadow Knight which i think is going to be really cool) and if u ever have trouble for spell ideas, theres a good formula to follow for a versatile hero: A 3 level positive aura, a 3 level healing ability, a 3 level ally summoning ability and a 1 level super powerful offensive ability.
Just make up random names but really the posibilities are nearly endless; Holy Knight, Angel Knight, Demon Knight, Great Knight, Forest Knight etc etc
Level 6
Aug 13, 2009
I think, that for a good spell combination:

A "knight" type hero must have:
1) Defensive Ability
2) Offensive Ability
3) Party Buff Ability (e.g.: Battle Roar)
4) Aura (e.g.: Endurance Aura)
5) Ultimate: Offensive or Defensive ability (depending how you interprate a knight)

But I still need ideas because I want some kind of innovation and not stuff that already exists in Warcraft III campaign (Or similar)
Level 9
Dec 12, 2007
hmm.... then how bout:

Lord Knight

Skill 1 - Shield of Light (Target Ally)
Creates a shield made of pure light on an ally unit, protecting it from damage for a duration. The shield expires after a period or takes damage several times.

Skill 2 - Mark of the Unholy (Target AOE)
The Lord Knight marks a group of enemy units, causing them to take more damage for a period.

Skill 3 - March of the Righteous (Party Buff)
The Lord Knight and his allies march on his enemies, increases the Lord Knight and his allies's damage for a period. The bonus damage buff lasts for 1 attack or a period.

Skill 4 - Holy Presence (Aura)
The Lord Knight's presence encourage his allies and put fear on his enemies. Increases allied unit's armor and decreases enemy unit's armor.

Ultimate - Battle Oath (Self Cast)
The Lord Knight shall not die until he fulfill his oath. When casted, any damage that would kill the Lord Knight will be nullified. Lasts for a period.

Forgive my bad english...
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Guardian of the Forest (Model: one of the night elf tree)
Forest Jail - Mass Entangling Roots
Brute Force - Temporary increases strenght
Gaia's Defenders - Summon units, type and number depending on geographical position
Forest never Dies - During a short time every units who dies near the hero got x% chances to revive

Druid (Model: DotT or Medhiv or KotG or DotC)
Wolf Form - As its name says, permanently.
Howl Form - As its name says, lasts x seconds. Seconds depending on Hero's intelligence.
Gaia"s Blessing - Every animals near the hero got increased damages (if Forest's units are not only animals, I was thinking about Spirits, living Trees etc...)
Nature Outbreak - Raise lots of trees around the hero (Dont know how you can use it, maybe with another hero ? Or to jail Human units...)

Wolf, Living Trees, Spirits (Ghosts, Wisp), Beasts (Jungle Trapper, Wendigo), Green and Bronze Dragon, Spiders...
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Those are boring classes' names.

GotF may be... Gaia's Keeper ? Gaia's Chosen ?

The Druid ? can be... Forest wanderer ? Hmm...
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
Shadow Mage
A mysterious alchemist, greatly untrusted as no one understands his motives for helping [whatever race you want him on, it will work either way :grin:].

Shadow Strike Sends a bolt of pure dark energy at target.
Offensive Spell, single target
Level 1: Deals 50 damage and stuns for 1 second. If the time of day is night the damage is 100.
Level 2: Deals 75 damage and stuns for 2 seconds. If the time of day is night the damage is 150.
Level 3: Deals 100 damage and stuns for 3 seconds. If the time of day is night the damage is 200.
[if there are more levels to each spell, you can detect some sort of pattern =D ]
Shadow Refuge The Shadow Mage casts a spell, enabling him to recover HP and gain Armor for a few seconds.
Level 1: +5 HP/Sec and +2 armor for 10 seconds. +10 HP/Sec and +5 armor at night.
Level 2: +10 HP/Sec and +4 armor for 10 seconds. +15 HP/Sec and +7 armor at night.
Level 3: +15 HP/Sec and +6 armor for 10 seconds. +20 HP/Sec and +9 armor at night.
Summon: Shadows Summons a number of shadows equal to the casters level. Shadows deal 15-19 piercing damage at a 1.1 rate. Shadows also have a 50% evasion, true sight, and only 220 health. Shadows can hover.
Level 1: Summons 1 shadow for 30 seconds. Summons 2 shadows at night.
Level 2: Summons 2 shadows for 40 seconds. Summons 4 shadows at night.
Level 3: Summons 3 shadows for 60 seconds. Summons 6 shadows at night.

Shadow Form ULTIMATE: Allows the Shadow Mage to become impervious to damage for 15 seconds. The Shadow Mage can not be damaged [but can be attacked], when this spell ends he will be set at 5% life. If this spell ended at night, his life will be set at 100%.
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