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Nature Outbreak

This map will be some kind of AoE combined with Mass Control which will provide you a wide group of heroes you may choose and many buildings (spawners) that, each of them, spawns units of a specified kind which you cannot control: they attack without your order. There are 2 teams: The Humans and The Nature, The humans have weak at attack (compared with the nature) but well armored while the nature has units focused on destroying everything on their path but they can easely be taken down. The Nature team has 4 players while the Humans have 6. The Nature has to destroy the whole human camp while the humans have to hold the nature away until the "boss" arrives and well, they have to survive the boss: If they kill the boss then the humans win if the nature kills the human's camp then the nature win. It is pretty simple.
As an order from the king some workers accompanied by soldiers have built a camp inside a pretty cosy valley that had as an objective cutting the forest around it (it'd bring many resources to the kingdom). Some days have passed and the northern part of this land (it was divided by a river) was getting desertified and the forces of nature have met to discuss what they could do to stop the humans from destroying the lung of Earth, they have reached a decision: Destroy the camp even if it were necessary to kill anything on their way. So the battle begins!
I'm needing Ideas for heroes (Human and Nature) and their respective spells, I don't know if I should do this by classes (ex: Archer, Knight, Swordsman,etc) or normal heroes randomly made with their own names.
I'm also needing ideas for the units I should make (Humans must be weaker then Nature because there will be 6 Human players and 4 Nature players)
If you get me a good idea I'll rep you and obviously add you in the map credits.
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