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Spell suggestion for this Hero's ulti...

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Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Suggestions for this Hero's 4th skill, pls?

Alright, I have a hero named Ayame. She's using the Hero Warden model file and voice... She's called the Bladesmistress, and I gave her the following abilities:

1. [D]ual Blades - Hurls two glaives that strike targets within a 500 radius of the target point. The blades bounce up to 7 times, dealing 15% less damage per bounce.

2. Danc[e] of the Glaive - Summons glaives that protect Ayame from attackers. Each glaive deals a minimum of 25 damage, and a maximum of 40 damage, and intercept targets in a 400 AoE.

3. Sonic Edge - Ayame's specially designed weapon gains momentum with each attack, giving her a stacking attack and movement speed amplification that lasts 6 seconds. The intense physical strain of this technique reduces her hit points by 2 stacking damage per second.

4 [F]atal Drive - The Bladesmistress blinks to a target foe, and deals damage to all units within an area of her prey. The force of impact slows down all affected units by 25%. he primary target is deals additional damage based on the Bladesmistress' Agility. (THANKS TO FLAME_PHOENIX AND NEED_O2)
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Well, My suggestions would be to make something like the final blast on my map.
The hero attacks the enemy unit dealing 600% it's agility in damage. The blast is so strong that the unit will also be slowed for 5 secs. I would also suggest some miss or stun instead of the slow if you prefer.

Diminishing the armor of the target would also be a good idea for a side effect.

The damage part is nothing special, the real magic will lie in the side effect you want to add.

If you like, you can also knock back the enemy unit, destroying any nearby trees, per example, or pushing back any nearby units.
Lastly, you can simulate the target falling - just play his death animation.

Hope I helped =)
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
it should fly throught target point with high speed and some black effects
and should Slow and Curse Everyone around
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Erm, slow and curse... seems live a stun to me. Your movement is disabled, and you can't attack properly. Only difference is you can still cast.
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
4 [F]atal Drive - The Bladesmistress blinks to a target foe, and deals damage equal to all units within an area of her prey. The force of impact slows down all affected units by 25%. he primary target is deals additional damage based on the Bladesmistress' Agility.

Thanks to you guys.
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Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Ah was just gonna suggest something to do with knockbacking but you've written that already.

Nah, I cancelled the knockback. It was...kind of hard to make MUI... especially since blinking to a unit warps you to a random point around the target, (due to collision) the target sometimes gets knocked back forward instead of backwards.
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