I am rather new at this, but i do know the basics of spell importing. What I am asking is if there is a more efficient way to do it than the way I do it. Basically, I open the spell map, copy models, units, variables, triggers and w/e else is needed again and again and again. The worst part is that I have to close the map, open my map, paste it, open the previous map, copy, open other map and paste, and then suicide. It sux. Is there a better way to go about this? Please help a newbie out. (Also, what is the most effective order in importing? Copy models, units, variables, triggers? Or some other order? Thank you.
Merry Christmas
Oh, and please no JASS. I'm not touching that with a 4502 foot pole.
Merry Christmas
Oh, and please no JASS. I'm not touching that with a 4502 foot pole.
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