Spell help!

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Level 9
Apr 22, 2020
Can anyone tell me how to make the curse spell of a banshee an area of effect as in like Flame strike,Silence,Disenchant etc. Like that kind of area of effect spell instead of a single autocast spell can i change to an area of effect if so then can you guys tell me how?
Level 9
Apr 22, 2020
You would have to trigger it. Can do it for you, since I need a similar system anyway. You will have to wait a little while though.
It's ok just send it to me once you are done im not in a hurry anyway and can you also send some screenshots of how you made once you are done i really need to know how triggers are done with spells:grin::confused:2:grin:
Ok, this should be fine.

The trigger is probably pretty complex for someone new, since most of it is in jass. But logically, it declares a bunch of "local" variables in the first part, then in the "logic part" it iterates each unit within a certain range of the spell location, creates a dummy unit, gives that dummy unit curse, and fixes the curse parameters, such as setting mana to 0, duration to whatever the hero spels duration is, and miss chance to the appropriate value, then it finally orders it to cast curse on the iterated unit. Finally in the "cleanup", where it nulls leaking values.

To import it do the following:
  1. Copy the dummy unit (Dummy Caster) to your map.
  2. Copy the hero spell (Malediction) to your map.
  3. Go to Trigger Editor and copy the folder Spell_Malediction to your map.
  4. If it does not work immediately, make sure that:
  • The MaledictionSpell variable is set to the Malediction spell.
  • The DummyUnit variable is set to the Dummy Caster unit.
  • The DummySpell variable is set to the Curse (Neutral) spell.
  • If you want to alter the miss chances, you can do so in BaseMissChance variable. Which is the default level 1 miss chance the spell causes. And MissChanceIncreasePerLevel which tells the increment each level thereafter.
  • To change Area of Effect and Duration, just change them in the Malediction spell. I've made it so, that it read those two fields directly so it is easier to use.


  • MassCurse.w3m
    24.6 KB · Views: 36
Open the map I linked and the map you want the spell in in warcraft 3 editor.

You can change between the two maps in the "Window" tab.

You copy using "ctrl+c" then "ctrl+v".

The spell and the unit is copied in the "Object Editor". One under Units, the other under Abilities.

The trigger folder is coppied from the "Trigger Editor" in the map I linked, into the "Trigger Editor" in your map.

If you still have problems, which part is problematic?
Level 9
Apr 22, 2020
Open the map I linked and the map you want the spell in in warcraft 3 editor.

You can change between the two maps in the "Window" tab.

You copy using "ctrl+c" then "ctrl+v".

The spell and the unit is copied in the "Object Editor". One under Units, the other under Abilities.

The trigger folder is coppied from the "Trigger Editor" in the map I linked, into the "Trigger Editor" in your map.

If you still have problems, which part is problematic?
I can understand your explaination now but the only problem is that i cannot open your map in the world editor it said "Level Info data missing or invalid"
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