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[Spell] Dragons' Horde

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Level 2
Jun 28, 2007
Dragons' Horde



- Description of spell is in the screenshot.
- Spell's Code:
//**                                                                                   //**
//**                               Name : Dragons' Horde                               //**
//**                                                                                   //**
//**                               Author : --Thanatos--                               //**
//**                                                                                   //**
//**                                                                                   //**
//** Credits: KaTTaNa's Handle Vars                                                    //**
//**                                                                                   //**

//##                                                                                   //##
//##              Change the part "return ****" with your configuration.               //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_Rawcode takes nothing returns integer                  //##
    return 'A000'                                                                      //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Spell's Rawcode. Base it on Vampiric Aura ('AIpv'). Change duration here.         //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_BuffRawcode takes nothing returns integer              //##
    return 'B000'                                                                      //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## The Immolation's Buff's Rawcode.                                                  //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_BreathRawcode takes nothing returns integer            //##
    return 'A007'                                                                      //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## A Breath ability. Base it on Carrion Swarm ('ACca').                              //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_FrostArmorRawcode takes nothing returns integer        //##
    return 'A002'                                                                      //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## The base of slowing frost. Base it on Frost Armor ('ACfa'). Change slow duration  //##
//## here.                                                                             //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonRawcode takes nothing returns integer            //##
    return 'h004'                                                                      //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## The unit used as the dragons. Should act like dummies, have Movement Speed of 1,  //##
//## or more, Movement type of flying, ability Locust ('Aloc'), and Invulnerable       //##
//## ('Avul'). (Should act like a dummy)                                               //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_Radius takes nothing returns real                      //##
    return 700.                                                                        //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Radius of enemies from the dragons that shall be breathed by the dragons.         //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonSpeed takes nothing returns real                 //##
    return 600.                                                                        //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Movement Speed of the dragons. This may pass the Movement Speed limit.            //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonSpeedDist takes nothing returns real             //##
    return 300.                                                                        //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Distance between Minimum and Maximum Movement Speed with it's default.            //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonSpeedSpeed takes nothing returns real            //##
    return 600.                                                                        //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Movement Speed change per second.                                                 //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonRadius takes nothing returns real                //##
    return 300.                                                                        //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## How far the dragons should be from the caster.                                    //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonRadiusDist takes nothing returns real            //##
    return 150.                                                                        //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Distance between Minimum and Maximum Range of the dragons to the caster with it's //##
//## default.                                                                          //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonRadiusSpeed takes nothing returns real           //##
    return 150.                                                                        //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Range change between dragons to caster per second.                                //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonHeight takes nothing returns real                //##
    return 150.                                                                        //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Flying height of the dragons.                                                     //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonHeightDist takes nothing returns real            //##
    return 50.                                                                         //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Distance between Minimum and Maximum Flying Height with it's default.             //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DragonHeightSpeed takes nothing returns real           //##
    return 25.                                                                         //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Flying Height change per second.                                                  //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_TimerPeriod takes nothing returns real                 //##
    return .02                                                                         //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Period of the main timer. The best should range between .01 - .05.                //##
//## The less it is, the laggier it is. However, the less it is, the better the        //##
//## resolution is.                                                                    //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_RegistryPeriod takes nothing returns real              //##
    return 1.                                                                          //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Period of the registry timer. Best is to keep it at 1..                           //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_DamagePoint takes nothing returns real                 //##
    return .75                                                                         //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Damage point of the dragons' animation.                                           //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_Dragons takes integer level returns integer            //##
    if     level == 1 then                                                             //##
        return 2                                                                       //##
    elseif level == 2 then                                                             //##
        return 2                                                                       //##
    elseif level == 3 then                                                             //##
        return 3                                                                       //##
    else                                                                               //##
        return level / 2 + 1                                                           //##
    endif                                                                              //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Quantity of the dragons at each level.                                            //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_Damage takes integer level returns real                //##
    if     level == 1 then                                                             //##
        return 50.                                                                     //##
    elseif level == 2 then                                                             //##
        return 75.                                                                     //##
    elseif level == 3 then                                                             //##
        return 100.                                                                    //##
    else                                                                               //##
        return level * 25. + 25.                                                       //##
    endif                                                                              //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Damage of each dragon at each level.                                              //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_Cooldown takes integer level returns real              //##
    if     level == 1 then                                                             //##
        return 1.5                                                                     //##
    elseif level == 2 then                                                             //##
        return 1.5                                                                     //##
    elseif level == 3 then                                                             //##
        return 1.5                                                                     //##
    else                                                                               //##
        return 1.5                                                                     //##
    endif                                                                              //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Cooldown of the dragons at each level.                                            //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_ActivateEffect takes nothing returns string            //##
    return "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Charm\\CharmTarget.mdl"                          //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Special Effect that should appear when activated.                                 //##
//##                                                                                   //##
constant function Dragons_Horde_BirthEffect takes nothing returns string               //##
    return "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Blink\\BlinkCaster.mdl"                       //##
endfunction                                                                            //##
//## Special Effect that should appear when the dragons come.                          //##
//##                                                                                   //##

//*                                                                                     //*
function Dragons_Horde_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean                         //*
    return GetSpellAbilityId () == Dragons_Horde_Rawcode ()                             //*
endfunction                                                                             //*
//*                                                                                     //*

//*************************************spell's script*************************************

function Dragons_Horde_Filter takes nothing returns boolean

    local player  owner     = GetOwningPlayer (GetHandleUnit(GetExpiredTimer(),"caster"))
    local unit    target    = GetFilterUnit   ()
    local boolean returnVal = false

    if                         GetUnitAbilityLevel (target,Dummy_Ability_Rawcode()) <= 0     then
        if                     IsUnitHidden        (target)                         == false then
            if                 GetWidgetLife       (target)                         >  .405  then
                if             IsUnitEnemy         (target,owner)                            then
                    if         IsUnitVisible       (target,owner)                            then
                        if     IsUnitType          (target,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)     == false then
                            if IsUnitType          (target,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)  == false then
                                set returnVal = true

    set owner  = null
    set target = null
    return returnVal


function Dragons_Horde_FrostEnd takes nothing returns nothing

    local timer   dhTimer = GetExpiredTimer  ()
    local trigger DhTrig  = GetHandleTrigger (dhTimer,"dhtrig")

    call FlushHandleLocals   (dhTimer)
    call PauseTimer          (dhTimer)
    call DestroyTimer        (dhTimer)
    call FlushHandleLocals   (DhTrig )
    call TriggerClearActions (DhTrig )
    call DestroyTrigger      (DhTrig )

    set dhTimer = null
    set DhTrig  = null


function Dragons_Horde_Frost takes nothing returns nothing

    local trigger DhTrig = GetTriggeringTrigger ()

    local unit    caster = GetHandleUnit (DhTrig,"caster")
    local unit    dummy  = GetHandleUnit (DhTrig,"dummy" )
    local unit    frost  = GetHandleUnit (DhTrig,"frost" )
    local integer level  = GetHandleInt  (DhTrig,"level" )

    local unit source = GetEventDamageSource ()
    local unit target = GetTriggerUnit       ()

    local real damage = Dragons_Horde_Damage (level)

    if source == dummy then
        call UnitDamageTarget (target,frost ,0.    ,true ,false,ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,null)
        call UnitDamageTarget (caster,target,damage,false,true ,ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS ,DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC ,null)

    set DhTrig  = null
    set caster  = null
    set dummy   = null
    set frost   = null
    set source  = null
    set target  = null


function Dragons_Horde_Effect takes nothing returns nothing

    local timer   DhTimer = GetExpiredTimer ()
    local timer   dhTimer
    local trigger DhTrig

    local unit    caster = GetHandleUnit       (DhTimer,"caster")
    local integer level  = GetHandleInt        (DhTimer,"level" )
    local boolean buffed = GetUnitAbilityLevel (caster,Dragons_Horde_BuffRawcode()) > 0

    local integer dragons  = Dragons_Horde_Dragons    (level)
    local real    cooldown = Dragons_Horde_Cooldown   (level)

    local player owner = GetOwningPlayer (caster)

    local real castX = GetWidgetX (caster)
    local real castY = GetWidgetY (caster)
    local real drgnX
    local real drgnY
    local real targX
    local real targY
    local real nextX
    local real nextY
    local real angle

    local real random

    local real    attack
    local real    spin
    local real    dist
    local real    height
    local boolean Spin
    local boolean Dist
    local boolean Height
    local boolean breath
    local boolean Attack

    local group   targets
    local unit    target
    local unit    enum
    local integer Enum

    local unit dummy
    local unit frost

    local unit    eDragon
    local integer lDragon = 0
    local string  lString

    local integer dragoncode  = Dragons_Horde_DragonRawcode ()
    local string  birtheffect = Dragons_Horde_BirthEffect   ()

    local real period         = Dragons_Horde_TimerPeriod           ()
    local real dmgPoint       = Dragons_Horde_DamagePoint           ()
    local real radius         = Dragons_Horde_Radius                ()
    local real drgnSpd        = Dragons_Horde_DragonSpeed           ()
    local real drgnSpdDist    = Dragons_Horde_DragonSpeedDist       ()
    local real drgnSpdSpd     = Dragons_Horde_DragonSpeedSpeed      ()
    local real drgnRad        = Dragons_Horde_DragonRadius          ()
    local real drgnRadDist    = Dragons_Horde_DragonRadiusDist      ()
    local real drgnRadSpd     = Dragons_Horde_DragonRadiusSpeed     ()
    local real drgnHgt        = Dragons_Horde_DragonHeight          ()
    local real drgnHgtDist    = Dragons_Horde_DragonHeightDist      ()
    local real drgnHgtSpd     = Dragons_Horde_DragonHeightSpeed     ()
    local real multiplier     = period

    local filterfunc DhFilter = Filter (function Dragons_Horde_Filter)

        set lDragon = lDragon + 1
        exitwhen lDragon > dragons

        set lString = I2S           (lDragon)
        set eDragon = GetHandleUnit (DhTimer,"dragon" + lString)

        if not buffed then
            call UnitApplyTimedLife (eDragon,'BTLF',.00001)
            if GetWidgetLife (eDragon) <= .405 then
                set spin    = GetRandomReal      (drgnSpd - drgnSpdDist,drgnSpd + drgnSpdDist)
                set dist    = GetRandomReal      (drgnRad - drgnRadDist,drgnRad + drgnRadDist)
                set height  = GetRandomReal      (drgnHgt - drgnHgtDist,drgnHgt + drgnHgtDist)
                set Spin    = GetRandomInt       (1,2) == 1
                set Dist    = GetRandomInt       (1,2) == 1
                set Height  = GetRandomInt       (1,2) == 1
                set angle   = GetRandomReal      (0.,360.)
                set attack  = 0.
                set breath  = false
                set drgnX   = castX + dist * Cos (angle * (3.14159 / 180.))
                set drgnY   = castY + dist * Sin (angle * (3.14159 / 180.))
                set targX   = 0.
                set targY   = 0.
                set eDragon = CreateUnit         (owner,dragoncode,drgnX,drgnY,angle + 90.)
                call SetUnitColor                (eDragon,PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE)
                call DestroyEffect               (AddSpecialEffectTarget(birtheffect,eDragon,"chest"))

                call SetUnitAnimationByIndex (eDragon,0)

                call SetUnitX         (eDragon,drgnX)
                call SetUnitY         (eDragon,drgnY)
                call SetUnitFlyHeight (eDragon,height,0.)

                call SetHandleHandle  (DhTimer,"dragon"      + lString,eDragon)
                call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonspin"  + lString,spin   )
                call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragondist"  + lString,dist   )
                call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonfly"   + lString,height )
                call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragonspinr" + lString,Spin   )
                call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragondistr" + lString,Dist   )
                call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragonflyr"  + lString,Height )
                call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonangle" + lString,angle  )
                call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragoncool"  + lString,attack )
                call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragondone"  + lString,breath )
                call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragontargx" + lString,targX  )
                call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragontargy" + lString,targY  )
            set spin   = GetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonspin"  + lString)
            set dist   = GetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragondist"  + lString)
            set height = GetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonfly"   + lString)
            set Spin   = GetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragonspinr" + lString)
            set Dist   = GetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragondistr" + lString)
            set Height = GetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragonflyr"  + lString)
            set angle  = GetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonangle" + lString)
            set attack = GetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragoncool"  + lString)
            set breath = GetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragondone"  + lString)
            set targX  = GetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragontargx" + lString)
            set targY  = GetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragontargy" + lString)
            set drgnX  = GetWidgetX       (eDragon)
            set drgnY  = GetWidgetY       (eDragon)

            set Attack = attack > 0. and attack <= dmgPoint

            if Attack then
                set multiplier = 0.

            set random = drgnSpdSpd * multiplier
            if          Spin then
                set spin     = spin + random
                if  spin    >= drgnSpd + drgnSpdDist then
                    set Spin = false
            elseif not  Spin then
                set spin     = spin - random
                if  spin    <= drgnSpd - drgnSpdDist then
                    set Spin = true
            set angle = angle + spin / (2. * 3.14159 * dist / 360.) * multiplier

            set random = drgnRadSpd * multiplier
            if          Dist then
                set dist     = dist + random
                if  dist    >= drgnRad + drgnRadDist then
                    set Dist = false
            elseif not  Dist then
                set dist     = dist - random
                if  dist    <= drgnRad - drgnRadDist then
                    set Dist = true

            set random = drgnHgtSpd * multiplier
            if          Height then
                set height     = height + random
                if  height    >= drgnHgt + drgnHgtDist then
                    set Height = false
            elseif not  Height then
                set height     = height - random
                if  height    <= drgnHgt - drgnHgtDist then
                    set Height = true

            set nextX = castX + dist * Cos (angle * (3.14159 / 180.))
            set nextY = castY + dist * Sin (angle * (3.14159 / 180.))
            set drgnX = nextX
            set drgnY = nextY
            call SetUnitX         (eDragon,drgnX)
            call SetUnitY         (eDragon,drgnY)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight (eDragon,height,0.)

            call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonspin"  + lString,spin  )
            call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragondist"  + lString,dist  )
            call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonfly"   + lString,height)
            call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragonspinr" + lString,Spin  )
            call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragondistr" + lString,Dist  )
            call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragonflyr"  + lString,Height)
            call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragonangle" + lString,angle )

            if Attack then
                set angle = Atan2 (targY - drgnY,targX - drgnX) * (180. / 3.14159)
                set angle = angle + 90.
            call SetUnitFacing (eDragon,angle)

            if     attack >= cooldown then
                set attack = 0.
                set breath = false
                call SetHandleReal    (DhTimer,"dragoncool" + lString,attack)
                call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragondone" + lString,breath)

            elseif attack >  0. then
                if attack >= dmgPoint and (breath == false) then
                    set breath = true
                    call SetHandleBoolean (DhTimer,"dragondone" + lString,breath)

                    set dummy = CreateUnit   (owner,Dummy_Visibility_Rawcode(),drgnX,drgnY,0.)
                    call UnitApplyTimedLife  (dummy,'BTLF',2.5                               )
                    call UnitAddAbility      (dummy,Dragons_Horde_BreathRawcode()            )
                    call SetUnitX            (dummy,drgnX                                    )
                    call SetUnitY            (dummy,drgnY                                    )
                    set frost = CreateUnit   (owner,Dummy_Target_Rawcode()    ,drgnX,drgnY,0.)
                    call UnitApplyTimedLife  (frost,'BTLF',2.5                               )
                    call UnitAddAbility      (frost,Dragons_Horde_FrostArmorRawcode()        )
                    call SetUnitX            (frost,drgnX                                    )
                    call SetUnitY            (frost,drgnY                                    )

                    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex (eDragon,0)

                    set dhTimer = CreateTimer   ()
                    set DhTrig  = CreateTrigger ()
                    set targets = CreateGroup   ()
                    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange  (targets,drgnX,drgnY,9999.,Filter(function GetTrue))
                        set target = FirstOfGroup     (targets)
                        exitwhen target == null
                        call GroupRemoveUnit          (targets,target)
                        call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent (DhTrig,target,EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
                    call DestroyGroup     (targets)
                    call TriggerAddAction (DhTrig,function Dragons_Horde_Frost)
                    call SetHandleHandle  (DhTrig,"caster",caster)
                    call SetHandleHandle  (DhTrig,"dummy" ,dummy )
                    call SetHandleHandle  (DhTrig,"frost" ,frost )
                    call SetHandleInt     (DhTrig,"level" ,level )

                    call SetHandleHandle (dhTimer,"dhtrig",DhTrig)
                    call TimerStart      (dhTimer,2.5,true,function Dragons_Horde_FrostEnd)

                    call IssuePointOrderById  (dummy,852218,targX,targY)
                    call IssueTargetOrderById (frost,852225,frost)

                set attack = attack + period
                call SetHandleReal (DhTimer,"dragoncool" + lString,attack)

            elseif attack == 0. then
                set targets = CreateGroup   ()
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange  (targets,drgnX,drgnY,radius,DhFilter)
                if FirstOfGroup             (targets) != null then
                    set Enum = 0
                        set enum = FirstOfGroup (targets)
                        exitwhen enum == null
                        call GroupRemoveUnit    (targets,enum)
                        set Enum = Enum + 1
                        if GetRandomInt (1,Enum) == 1 then
                            set target = enum
                    set targX  = GetWidgetX (target)
                    set targY  = GetWidgetY (target)
                    call SetHandleReal      (DhTimer,"dragontargx" + lString,targX)
                    call SetHandleReal      (DhTimer,"dragontargy" + lString,targY)
                    call SetUnitFacing      (eDragon,Atan2(targY - drgnY,targX - drgnX) * (180. / 3.14159))

                    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex (eDragon,1)

                    set attack = attack + period
                    call SetHandleReal (DhTimer,"dragoncool" + lString,attack)

                call DestroyGroup (targets)
            set multiplier = period

    if not buffed then
        call FlushHandleLocals (DhTimer)
        call PauseTimer        (DhTimer)
        call DestroyTimer      (DhTimer)

    set DhTimer  = null
    set dhTimer  = null
    set DhTrig   = null
    set caster   = null
    set eDragon  = null
    set owner    = null
    set targets  = null
    set target   = null
    set enum     = null
    set dummy    = null
    set frost    = null
    set eDragon  = null
    set DhFilter = null


function Dragons_Horde takes nothing returns nothing

    local timer DhTimer

    local unit    caster = GetTriggerUnit      ()
    local integer level  = GetUnitAbilityLevel (caster,Dragons_Horde_Rawcode())
    local boolean buffed = GetUnitAbilityLevel (caster,Dragons_Horde_BuffRawcode()) > 0

    call DestroyEffect (AddSpecialEffectTarget(Dragons_Horde_ActivateEffect(),caster,"origin"))

    if not buffed then
        set DhTimer = CreateTimer ()
        call SetHandleHandle      (DhTimer,"caster",caster)
        call SetHandleInt         (DhTimer,"level" ,level )

        call TimerStart (DhTimer,Dragons_Horde_TimerPeriod(),true,function Dragons_Horde_Effect)

    set DhTimer = null
    set caster  = null



//*                                                                                         //*
function Dragons_Horde_Preload takes nothing returns nothing                                //*
    local player neutral  = Player     (PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE)                             //*
    local unit   tempUnit = CreateUnit (neutral,Dummy_Unit_Rawcode(),0.,0.,0.)              //*
    call DestroyEffect                 (AddSpecialEffectTarget(Dragons_Horde_ActivateEffect(),tempUnit,"origin"))//*
    call DestroyEffect                 (AddSpecialEffectTarget(Dragons_Horde_BirthEffect(),tempUnit,"origin"))//*
    call UnitAddAbility                (tempUnit,Dragons_Horde_Rawcode())                   //*
    call UnitAddAbility                (tempUnit,Dragons_Horde_BreathRawcode())             //*
    call UnitAddAbility                (tempUnit,Dragons_Horde_FrostArmorRawcode())         //*
    call RemoveUnit                    (tempUnit)                                           //*
    call RemoveUnit                    (CreateUnit(neutral,Dragons_Horde_DragonRawcode(),0.,0.,0.))//*
    call RemoveUnit                    (CreateUnit(neutral,Dummy_Visibility_Rawcode(),0.,0.,0.))//*
    call RemoveUnit                    (CreateUnit(neutral,Dummy_Target_Rawcode(),0.,0.,0.))//*
    set neutral  = null                                                                     //*
    set tempUnit = null                                                                     //*
endfunction                                                                                 //*
//*                                                                                         //*


function InitTrig_Dragons_Horde takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer index = 0
    call Dragons_Horde_Preload               ()
    set gg_trg_Dragons_Horde = CreateTrigger ()
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent  (gg_trg_Dragons_Horde,Player(index),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,Condition(function GetTrue))
        set index = index + 1
        exitwhen index == 16
    call TriggerAddCondition                 (gg_trg_Dragons_Horde,Condition(function Dragons_Horde_Conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction                    (gg_trg_Dragons_Horde,function Dragons_Horde)
- *sigh* my "useless" Breaks are gone with the tags.
- Made uber locals for easier readings.
- Download here.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
You might want to upload the map in:
- Spells Section (top of the screen)

you might want to remove your other thread here (edit it in advanced mode and check the "delete message" box).

Do you have any problems with the script? Since this forum is actually meant for help with spell problems...
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