- Joined
- Mar 16, 2008
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- 941
Hi, I have a problem with one of my Spells :>
EDIT: Works now, should wait a bit until I post, after a time I find all bugs myself ...
Oh my god, I wish to die -.- Found the (simple...) mistakes, changed the code for some test but forgot to change it back, but the spell isn't finished yet (or at least the animation isn't):
The units start flying out, but in the moment "Move_Out" gives the units to "Unit_Move" all units start at the same location and start flying, that looks weird, what can I do against it?
Greets, Justify
EDIT: Works now, should wait a bit until I post, after a time I find all bugs myself ...
Oh my god, I wish to die -.- Found the (simple...) mistakes, changed the code for some test but forgot to change it back, but the spell isn't finished yet (or at least the animation isn't):
The units start flying out, but in the moment "Move_Out" gives the units to "Unit_Move" all units start at the same location and start flying, that looks weird, what can I do against it?
function Cryptic_Ulti_SpellId takes nothing returns integer
return 'A002' //The spells rawcode
function Cryptic_Ulti_Missle takes nothing returns integer
return 'h001' //The units rawcode
function Cryptic_Ulti_Radius takes nothing returns real
return 300.0 //The radius of the tornado
function Cryptic_Ulti_Unit_Height takes nothing returns real
return 100.0 //Flyingheight difference of the units
function Cryptic_Ulti_Unit_Number takes nothing returns integer
return 8 //Number of units in a cyrcle
function Cryptic_Ulti_Rows takes nothing returns integer
return 5 //Number of rows up
function Cryptic_Ulti_Duration takes nothing returns real
return 20.0 //Duration of the spell
function Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Duration takes nothing returns real
return 1.0 //Duration for one cyrcle
function Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps takes nothing returns real
return Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Duration()/0.035
function Cryptic_Ulti_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId() == Cryptic_Ulti_SpellId()
function Cryptic_Ulti_Unit_Move takes nothing returns nothing
local timer tmove = GetExpiredTimer()
local unit caster = GetHandleUnit(tmove, "caster")
local unit missle = GetHandleUnit(tmove, "missle")
local integer moveindex = GetHandleInt(tmove, "moveindex") + 1
local real random = GetHandleReal(tmove, "random")
local real distance = Cryptic_Ulti_Radius()
local real facing = (GetUnitFacing(missle) - 360.0/Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps())*random
local real angle = (360.0 /Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps() * moveindex + GetHandleReal(tmove, "angle"))*random
local real mx = GetUnitX(caster) + distance * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
local real my = GetUnitY(caster) + distance * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
call SetUnitX(missle, mx)
call SetUnitY(missle, my)
call SetUnitFacing(missle, facing)
if (I2R(moveindex) >= 3500) then
call PauseTimer(tmove)
call FlushHandleLocals(tmove)
call DestroyTimer(tmove)
call SetHandleInt(tmove, "moveindex", moveindex)
if (GetUnitState(caster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) then
call PauseTimer(tmove)
call FlushHandleLocals(tmove)
call DestroyTimer(tmove)
if (moveindex == 360) then
set moveindex = 0
set tmove = null
set caster = null
set missle = null
function Cryptic_Ulti_Move_Up takes nothing returns nothing
local timer tout = GetExpiredTimer()
local unit caster = GetHandleUnit(tout, "caster")
local unit missle = GetHandleUnit(tout, "missle")
local real height = GetHandleReal(tout, "height")
local integer loopindex = GetHandleInt(tout, "loopindex") + 1
local real tempheight = (height/Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps()) * loopindex
local boolean amrf = GetUnitAbilityLevel(missle, 'Amrf') <= 0
if (amrf) then
call UnitAddAbility(missle, 'Amrf')
call SetUnitFlyHeight(missle, tempheight, 0.0)
if (amrf) then
call UnitRemoveAbility(missle, 'Amrf' )
if (I2R(loopindex) >= Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps()) then
call PauseTimer(tout)
call FlushHandleLocals(tout)
call DestroyTimer(tout)
call SetHandleInt(tout, "loopindex", loopindex)
if (GetUnitState(caster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) then
call PauseTimer(tout)
call FlushHandleLocals(tout)
call DestroyTimer(tout)
set tout = null
set caster = null
set missle = null
function Cryptic_Ulti_Move_Out takes nothing returns nothing
local timer tout = GetExpiredTimer()
local timer tmove = null
local unit caster = GetHandleUnit(tout, "caster")
local unit missle = GetHandleUnit(tout, "missle")
local integer moveindex = GetHandleInt(tout, "moveindex") + 1
local real random = GetHandleReal(tout, "random")
local real distance = (Cryptic_Ulti_Radius()/Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps())*moveindex
local real facing = (GetUnitFacing(missle) - 360.0/Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps())*random
local real angle = (360.0 /Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps() * moveindex + GetHandleReal(tout, "angle"))*random
local real mx = GetUnitX(caster) + distance * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
local real my = GetUnitY(caster) + distance * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
call SetUnitX(missle, mx)
call SetUnitY(missle, my)
call SetUnitFacing(missle, facing)
if (I2R(moveindex) >= Cryptic_Ulti_Cyrcle_Steps()) then
call PauseTimer(tout)
call FlushHandleLocals(tout)
call DestroyTimer(tout)
set tmove = CreateTimer()
call SetHandleInt(tmove, "moveindex", moveindex)
call SetHandleHandle(tmove, "missle", missle)
call SetHandleReal(tmove, "random", random)
call SetHandleHandle(tmove, "caster", caster)
call TimerStart(tmove, 0.035, true, function Cryptic_Ulti_Unit_Move)
call SetHandleInt(tout, "moveindex", moveindex)
if (GetUnitState(caster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) then
call PauseTimer(tout)
call FlushHandleLocals(tout)
call DestroyTimer(tout)
set tout = null
set caster = null
set missle = null
function Cryptic_Ulti_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer tout = null
local unit caster = GetSpellAbilityUnit()
local unit missle = null
local player owner = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
local real cx = GetUnitX(caster)
local real cy = GetUnitY(caster)
local real angle = 0.0
local real angleadd = 360.0/I2R(Cryptic_Ulti_Unit_Number())
local real height = 0.0
local real baseheight = Cryptic_Ulti_Unit_Height()
local integer missleid = Cryptic_Ulti_Missle()
local integer loopindex = 0
local integer loopindexend = Cryptic_Ulti_Unit_Number()
local integer flyindex = 0
local integer flyindexend = Cryptic_Ulti_Rows()
exitwhen flyindex >= flyindexend
set loopindex = 0
set height = baseheight * flyindex
exitwhen loopindex >= loopindexend
if (GetUnitState(caster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) >= 0) then
set tout = CreateTimer()
set missle = CreateUnit(owner, missleid, cx, cy, angle)
call SetHandleReal(tout, "random", GetRandomReal(1.0, 1.4))
call SetHandleReal(tout, "angle", angle)
call SetHandleReal(tout, "height", height)
call SetHandleHandle(tout, "missle", missle)
call SetHandleHandle(tout, "caster", caster)
call TimerStart(tout, 0.035, true, function Cryptic_Ulti_Move_Out)
set tout = null
if (height > 0.0) then
set tout = CreateTimer()
call SetHandleReal(tout, "height", height)
call SetHandleHandle(tout, "missle", missle)
call SetHandleHandle(tout, "caster", caster)
call TimerStart(tout, 0.035, true, function Cryptic_Ulti_Move_Up)
set tout = null
set missle = null
set angle = angle + angleadd
set loopindex = loopindex + 1
set flyindex = flyindex + 1
set caster = null
function InitTrig_Cryptic_Ulti takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Cryptic_Ulti = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_Cryptic_Ulti, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_Cryptic_Ulti, Condition( function Cryptic_Ulti_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Cryptic_Ulti, function Cryptic_Ulti_Actions )
Greets, Justify
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