Space Diplomacy 1.3c

Conquest the Galaxy with 7 unique Aliens (well 6 aliens, and one human civilization). Every Species has a unique archicture, their own culture, their own story, and their own spaceships.

We write the year 2759 (earth time). After a devastating war between two of the oldest civilizations of the south-east arm of the milky way galaxy, this part of space is filled with the legacy of that conflict. Strange creatures are lurking on uninhabitated planets, anomalies are floating in the vastness of space and ancient artifacts are waiting to be found.

Meanwhile, five civilizations are on the rise to glory, and the two ancient species who caused the war are recovering.


After a long hiatus I have decided to finally update the map to 1.0 status. There is now a trading function and various bugs have been fixed. Map protection is removed. The stories of the factions have also been expanded.

Space, Diplomacy, Conquest, Fiction, Aliens, Planets, Star Systems, Stars

Space Diplomacy 1.3c (Map)

17:54, 22nd Mar 2009, by Rui: Interesting map. The creator decided to do a scientific fiction map with only the resources available in the World Editor. It turned out OK, in my opinion! Check comment #16 for a full review. My rating for this...




17:54, 22nd Mar 2009, by Rui:
Interesting map. The creator decided to do a scientific fiction map with only the resources available in the World Editor. It turned out OK, in my opinion! Check [self=]comment #16[/self] for a full review.
My rating for this resource is 3/5 (Useful). It is Approved!
Level 1
Oct 6, 2007

Hey Arsjac! You may remember me, I once played it, while you were observer.

I was called Feuer-Geist and I played with someone called fabianpost!

Hope you remember! Great map :D!
Level 1
Oct 6, 2007
hey arsjac, if you come online sometime can you whisper me?

/w googoo

I wanna play it with you sometime ;)
Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
It was ok,

-i didnt like the models for the ships at all, and there werent very many large planets to colonize. The techtree isnt very long either, you can just build ships and attack.

+There was an interesting storyboard and the hypergates were pretty cool. I also like the descriptions. a lot of work was put into it and there arent ways to exploit the map and there are a lot of ways to win the game.
Level 2
Mar 2, 2005

Whew, what a truly huge map, I have to say.

I got pleased by many aspects of the game, initially, by it's background and imaginative story. I wouldn't have built such a colourful universe from scratch and for sure, your references are huge. I do like how the mini-briefing of each race connects with the main conflict and takes part on the show.

As well, the tiny stars, sooner or later, get you at the atmosphere.

However, as noted before by some other users, there are a few fallofs.
First off, regarding the models:
a) Huge-ized proyectiles as all the ships? There are some that fit nicely (I have to say that those Crystal cruisers were the all-round combat-and-presence flagships, and the ) but, I can't say such a thing from many of the others. You could've used some buildings and a few war-machines to represent ships (the ballista isn't bad after all)
b) The dragons were all right, and thus, you could've used some more varied monsters... Hydras, any?

At the interface
1) Ughh... All the ship command voices were far creepy. There are chances to slip a variety from them? Not to be whiney, as you are possible thinking about me, but it's disenchanting to hear the same two lines while exploring the vastness of void. It's a matter of linking players deep to the matter.
2) I would like to ask, why there are not heroes? Not that I miss them, but I would like to know why they're absent in this game, while they're present in many other maps of the kind.
3) Referring to the heroes, maybe to upgrade slowly the ships as they go on a killing spree, so they get far more 'remarkable'.
4) Skills do lack when seizing planets and entire races is the matter. That would help to background a little more each race, and giving a wider handicap of pros-and-cons.
5) Is there a reason that there are only two or three unique research technologies per race?
6) Maybe you could trigger up a random reward for taking monolites and ruins, to break apart from the ole' good Crystal behemoth. As it happens in some other colonies, already (granting monsters, resources and those highly offensive ranger ships)

As well, I was going to comment about the size of the planets and their relative distances, but after all, it's the outer space, so complaining about it would be same as complaining about traditional physics. Keep it as it goes, but try to embellish the planets a bit more, so we're able to miss them when getting far off on the campaigns *Laughs* It's a joke, but take embellishment seriously.

Anyways, I'd like the map but got a bit sad when realized that there's no music theme apart from the human one. You would like to distribute natural WC3 races to fit each one of your's, when speaking of music themes. Then, Tau Ceti would have a savage orc-like wardrum, while the Queen is spreading havoc amongst the galaxy!

By now, that's all what I can say. Good wishes, and I hope you release v1.0 soon.
Level 3
Dec 30, 2004

unfortunately, the map is deleted now, no Idea why, so I am not sure you can even read this.

I am well aware of everything that you objected. Maybe, I can fix it later. Currently I am a bit sparse on time.

About the colorful universe - yes, in my opinion too, that's maybe the highlight of the map. Too many people underestimate the value of a good, original story, which is unfortunate.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
A lot of effort was put into this map, you can tell by all the stories and text it has. However I was meant to be playing a map, not some kind of story book, so almost imediatly I noticed it going at a snails pace. Also you could upgrade your population beyond 300 yet it would not be applied, that should not be there. The models used were very generic, and so were the sounds of some of the units. I pretty much was bored stiff in the end. People play to be excited and not to waste time mindlessly.

It however was a perfectly good map. A lot of time was spent on the tooltips, making it very story like and interesting to read. Also I noticed no bugs. Some of the systems also were very good.

The problem is this map is just too slow to be worth playing. It however may be good for a few games with a firend or clan, thus it does have some playability. Because of this I give it a 3/5, it is not something I would play more than a few times but there certainly are a lot worse maps out there.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I am reviewing version 0.9X of "Space Diplomacy", apparently a somewhat popular map by arsjac.

In this map, the player is taken to the 28th century, where he can control one of the many civilizations that inhabit the universe's various planets. Those civilizations can establish alliances with each other.
The gameplay is... interesting, to some extent. There are various territories guarded by hostile units. You can kill those creeps and take their territories by building a flag (in Earth civilization's case) near them. Those places, represented by a circle of power, then return taxes to your main structure. For that reason, income is low at first, but begins to fasten up once the player acquires space ships and conquers new planets and systems outside their own.

After starting the game and checking that are no imported models, I began to get worried, but I wasn't expecting to find this innovative gameplay.
In that regard, my critique goes to the early camping. Although it makes sense that players do not start with a huge income, it is boring to have to go through this every time you play the map. I suggest a higher income from your main building. This way, you can conquer outer territories faster, but at the same time keeping them only as a small boost. It is still fair for everyone.
Making such a game with no imported models now doesn't seem to be such a bad idea. Instead of overfilling the map with models, you decided to make it with the resources you had. Sounds like a challenge, and in my opinion, it turned out right. My only question: what were the custom sound sets for?

I found the techtrees to be a little useless at some points. For example, Earth's could train an Economist from the university I think it was, then that Economist could build another structure that, for its turn, could train another type of unit (Scientist?) that would also build some other structures.
My question: why not simply give all these buildings to the Architect, and set requirements to them? You get rid of 2 builders (and objects) that do practically nothing the whole game.

Interesting terrain, using the orb effects as stars. You had your ground texture limit, so what can I say?

The dialogs that told the story were also a plus, but... you would have to pass through them quickly (and so, not read them) if you were attacked.

My rating for this resource is 3/5 (Useful).
Level 3
Dec 30, 2004
I found the techtrees to be a little useless at some points. For example, Earth's could train an Economist from the university I think it was, then that Economist could build another structure that, for its turn, could train another type of unit (Scientist?) that would also build some other structures.
My question: why not simply give all these buildings to the Architect, and set requirements to them? You get rid of 2 builders (and objects) that do practically nothing the whole game.

Well, that three-builder techtree applies only to one faction in the map (solar-earth). If you thought that's a bit strange, you should try the Beta Hydri faction.

I know, it's different compared to other space maps (the huge amount of text, no models, "interesting" tech trees in some cases, and, well a certain slowness) but that's what makes it quite unique.
Level 4
Apr 7, 2010
hey i played this and some of the ship models where just... not bad just hard to use i think, some thingsare just big glowing white lights :|
and using some of starcrafts problem with maps like this. ground units are rendered almost useless after youve gotten a stable eco to pump out frigates
and the lack off tech tree and diversity of units :(, so maybe some more homeworld sized planets?
but apart from those 3 things this map is extremely good and fun to play :) played a 3 hour game, very fun :)
Level 5
Jan 26, 2011
Real Good Map
I just dont liked the planet Size
is far too small to construct all buildings...

Well, i hope someone can answer me
What is the Model that you used to make the Stars??
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010


Nice Map btw.
Level 1
Mar 1, 2010
Uhhhh...anyone else having trouble getting Population for the Tau Ceti? I've been playing as them and I don't get any pop from my colony cities. It's kind of annoying. :(
Level 1
Mar 1, 2010
So if I may ask, oh mighty creator of Space Diplo, can we get a heads up about some of your future plans for the map? Also, thanks for the bug fix. I love the Tau Seti. :p
Level 5
Jul 24, 2009
I made the 1.4 edits.

I will continue the map and add new features.
Maybe also a rebalance of the races.

Hydri, Pavonis are op as shit. Pavonis might need a nerf in attack speed and Hydri a larger hindrance in their area.

The Centauri are weak overall. Maybe make them have working stealth and blink ships or improve their ships a little.

Humans together are mid and can sum a total of 900 food points. However, they might stronger warships.

Sirius tanks are useless, most ships wipe them, I might work on a long range anti-air tank(range of 500-600) supported by heavy transporters able to handle alot of damages and mid attack.

Altair is fair but might need a air/ground combat unit in their stormtroopers, they can expand fast but their ships are weak.

Tau Ceti will need a revision in which direction to take, as far I see, a swarm of weak melee, supported by ranged soldiers and the best tanks of the game.