Are you a Lucker? 1.3c

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This is "are you a lucker?", A map for 4 players. You will have to play through a number of mini games that will test your luck in different ways. Each game can give you points, more luck equals more points. The player with most points after the last mini game is the winner. I highly recommend that you pick up this and play with your friend, to determine who is luckiest of you are!

--- This map is protected ---

Long time no see? Damn right, it has been 1½ year since I updated this map. But finally I have come up with an update. This one is huge! There is a lot of new games, a new game system, new terrain and loads of more modifications

Major Changes in v1.3:
- Added more mini-games, now there is a total of 19 games!
- The host (red) can pick the number of mini games in the beginning of the map. 3,6,9 or all 19. The order the games will appear is random!
- The host can turn luck bonus on or off.
- Added a new mode: Fast Mode, this mode will speed up the game by skipping all game descriptions.
- Changed the terrain set to sunken ruins.
- LOADS of minor changes to the mini games!

Enjoy, and good luck, you are going to need it!

/ Xylion

Are, you, a, Lucker, Luck

Are you a Lucker? 1.3c (Map)

22:30, 27th Feb 2009 by bounty hunter2: A very interesting and entertaining Mini Game, that you can associate with Uthers Party. It is based on the same principle, you play Mini Games and the person who wins the most is the overall winner. The...




22:30, 27th Feb 2009 by bounty hunter2:
A very interesting and entertaining Mini Game, that you can associate with Uthers Party. It is based on the same principle, you play Mini Games and the person who wins the most is the overall winner. The terrain is the biggest issue of this map. I can assure you this map will surprise you in the most positive way. Approved with a 3/5 (Useful) rating.

You can find my full review Here.
Level 2
Jan 4, 2009
I did not tried it yet but i like the loading screen,and i will grade it after i try this map.
I stole General_Frank profile pic,aka,his avatar.
Level 5
Jul 15, 2007
Well I have played it :smile: Some mini-games very interesting, expecially game, in which seekers seeks the key :smile:

But one of mini-games, that about water elementals, is about nothing :con: Players in general do nothing, only look, how the computer "thinking about" :smile:

But it's fun so 4/5 :thumbs_up:
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
An extremely good map!
The AI support was very good!
Make the walls in the tauren maze just 1 unit high, as they can make it hard to see.
The russian roulette bit was really slow, speed it up!
Get rid of the full armour upgrades, it will make the random arena part a lot more exciting and fast paced
Also fix the typos.
Level 2
Jan 5, 2009
Sweet map ^_^. I'd prefer Russian Roulette to be circular though I hosted just now and it did me then the same person 4 times and killed him(with 4 people playing) . Good for me bad for him. By the way I missed where you go to post high scores because I got second place and missed beating first by 4 points :slp:. I assume team mode doesn't disqualify correct? It was just added fun even though I got horrible points on random arena.

Here's Image
2971 points but I needed 4 more for high score
Last edited:
Level 8
May 9, 2008
Bah, and i just fought i beated the record, well, its still a second place. And i know it says Lord of Migth, but it is me, just playing Lan with a friend, got three coms, one called Lord of Might, one called Lord of Night and one called Lord of Light.

Oh dear, its saved as a .tga :hohum: Well, dont know what else to do.

And btw, are you going to keep making new versions, if you are, then i got loads of idea's if you need that.


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Level 5
Sep 22, 2008
I'm not a jerk ^^

I did'nt expect so many players to contact me about their records. And thats not what i would like to focus in this map.. so I changed the rules of beating the record and removed the second and third place (I added a world record history instead). This way I wont get so many whispers on or post on THW.

I highly recommend you to test the latest version and read the new rules and then beat the world record. IM sorry for you guys who got a really high score. But I had to make some rules for this, and I know it's all my fault that I did'nt think about it!

/ Best regards, Xylion
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
I must say I didn't expect much of this map, but it surprised me.

Here is my rating and comment:

1 - 10 points go on originality
1 - 10 points go on object editor work
1 - 10 points go on scripting 1 - 10 points go on terrain
1 - 10 points go on bug free
1 - 10 points go on gameplay*/fun factor
1 - 10 points go on lag
1 - 10 points go on proper submission and crediting
->That equals 80 points max.
+ Cinematic
1 - 10 points on camera work
1 - 10 points on dialog
1 - 10 points on music and or voice acting
- Cinematic
Object editor work
* Not in cinematic
That equals 100 points max.
To get a Hive grade over 1/5 at least 50% of the 80 (Triggered map) or of the 100 (Cinematic map) points is needed. That means at least 40 or 50 points. However if a map gets rated over 1/5 by me, that doesn't mean that I will imidietly vote it to be approved.

Originality: 8 points
The variety of games is realy nice, however the battles tend to get a bit to overused.

Object editor work: 5 points
It was decent, but you could improve it.

Scripting: 6 points
The map was protected so I couldn't look up if you had any leaks, but I think it was simple scripting that works fine.

Terrain: 6 points
Okay terrain for this sort of map, the museum terrain is nice.

Bug Free: 9 points
I didn't find any bugs, it worked very nicely.

Gameplay/Fun Factor: 8 points
I didn't expect a map like this could be so much fun, but it is. It is a fun map to play and you will be surprised by it.

Lag: 8 points
No lag, fine loading time.

Proper submission and crediting: 7 points
You should add some images here. Fix some spelling issues.

In overall: 57 / 80
minimal 50% met.
For the hive grade: 3/5 I suggest this map for: Approval
In overall it is a very fun map that can be played over and over again. You will be pleasantly surprised by it, I can guarantee you that. Now ofcourse there are some negatives, like the terrain that can be improved, setting the camera field only to the minigame field, making the minimap only to be the minigame minimap (Trigger - camera - set camera bounds I think). I would recommend this map to anyone who is bored and wants to set his brain lose a bit.

Round suggestions:

- Tauren labyrinth is too big, sometimes the big tauren got stuck behind small ones so I escaped
- Fights are sometimes unfair as one of the guys gets to hit first
- Remove the summons of the random arena, as if I summon somethign with my unit and then my unit dyes, the summons stay and I get a new unit

Good Luck, bounty hunter2
I might not be checking this topic for some time. If you have any questions about the review or you update the map and want me to check it again, feel free to PM me or Visitor message me at any time.
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Beat it.

First time playing and I got a record, damn i'm lucky.
I chose the 50% part at the lottery too.


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Level 1
Feb 12, 2009
Damn and here I was thinking that I broke the world record, well maybe it's worth something...


  • världsrekord.JPG
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Level 1
Feb 21, 2009
Damn and here I was thinking that I broke the world record
Me too, imo a screenshot is not enough because u cant see if someone did illegal teamplay, for example stopped attacking in the Evasion-, Bash- or CriticalStrike-Games, support/immolation in the random Arena...


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Level 4
Aug 1, 2008
me and my friend played yesterday this map... and my friend "caac13" made 3500 points at the end ;)

he got a replay that show it all and that we didn't cheat etc.

how can he get his record in this map? ;)
Level 1
Aug 14, 2009
hey guys :grin:

what is the record ?...on my map the record was 3055...

but i got 3278 or 3275 something like that...nearly 3300 :mwahaha:

if any1 wanna see it i got a screenshot ^^

mfg phatplayer :grin: