World Of Warcraft Revived 1.3c

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Handed down from EvilPitLord to DeMoNiKuS to me. It IS protected to prevent another monstrosity like WoW Reborn 2. If you want to know how I did some triggers or anything like that send me an email, I'd be happy to help you.

World Of Warcraft Revived 1.3c (Map)

Craka_J: Needs a lot of work. But it's good enough I guess.




Craka_J: Needs a lot of work. But it's good enough I guess.
Level 3
Sep 3, 2007
i really dont like the flying mount and not normal mount system thing there...yeah but that is just me, but if u want u should make mounts, but i gues because mounts would be hard that it is just paste up..well, other than that it is very fun.
Level 1
Dec 23, 2008
mt bom! eu adorei o mapa.... fikou mt mt mt caprichado.. e melhorou bastante considerando q outras verçoes tinham alguns erros do estilo da maiev q ficava engaiolada e nao saia do lugar.. lol... mas fico mt bom mesmo! pena q acabaram os upgrades por ai....... voce deveria continuar melhorando o map (apesar de ele estar perfeito)
Level 13
Mar 28, 2010
another bug the quest from anubarak with the horn of cenaruis whene i destroy the pedastal of the horn nothing drops and whene i return to kelthazad nthing happens :-\
i also think that you should add a level cap max to 65 or 45 and at level 25 to get a ground mount and at 45 a air mount ;) And also i think you should add a Kraken model on the sea so it would be more...Dangeros :D and if you would let me unprotect the map i would make a beter terrain for it if you like ;)