A simple Alliance vs Horde CTF map I made long ago, has selectable captures to win, a bunch of neutral shops, Purchasable units, custom items usable by all, and respawning creep units.
Map NOT Protected so feel free to examine my work to help you with your own.
Version 2.0.1 Update Notes
-Added: New creep respawn and patrolling system added.
-Added: minimap ping for dropped flags to prevent hiding the flag in the foliage.
-Added: flag taken/returned/captured by player announcements.
-Bugfix: Correct player forces awarded with victory/defeat on game finish.
-Bugfix: Player's Hero now target of the FreeLevel scripts instead of current camera target.
-Changed: Steam Engine/Demolisher to mountable vehicles for extra protecting at a expensive cost. (Only works for units not already using a mount; Example: Farseer/Archmage)
Version 2.0 Update Notes
-Multiple variables switched to arrays
-Implemtation of Lord_of_sausage's Camera system
-Minor hero adjustments to compensate for unit locked camera system
-Minor Item Adjustments
Known Bugs
-Broken AI for Computer Players (to be fixed in V2.1)
capture the flag, ctf, scenario, mephestrial, sunken ruins, 5 vs 5