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Some More Terrains

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Level 15
Jan 16, 2008
Just 3 quick terrains i was working on lately. Comment, suggest and tell me how to do the lighting, i like it alot but can't figure it out :sad: I named these the hilltop fort, orc haven and the azshara's sanctum.


  • Screenshot 41.jpg
    Screenshot 41.jpg
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  • Screenshot 42.jpg
    Screenshot 42.jpg
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  • Screenshot 44.jpg
    Screenshot 44.jpg
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Level 4
Feb 10, 2008
Meh, the trees aren't out of place but could be better, but the columns really are out of place. Something about the pattern in the grass bugs me, it seems kind of generated if you know what I mean. I really like the second one though! Good work :D
Level 15
Jan 16, 2008
You want the terrain or the grass? Cuz i usually delete my terrains after i'm done with the screenshots. Now let me explain the columns. They are a part of the azshara's sanctum witch i intended to capture, but i liked the trees so i captured half-half. The columns are actually arches, so the sanctum has a sort of roof.
Level 18
May 27, 2007
Lol. Void... And volvox, why would you delete the maps? I keep all of mine so that I can further improve them, or at least for a little while. But those pillars are pretty out of place, and those shrubs stand out in the first pic. My favorite is the second pic.

EDIT: Void, I used that grass in my terrain a while ago, but I cannot for the life of me find it.... It's really bothering me!!!! I think it has literally dissapeared from all existence...

EDIT EDIT: Muahaha I have found it! Here you go... It was in Morlunes 2Ultimate Terraining Map. I couldn't find it anywhere else. But I had a vendetta. Hmm... It seems it's also in the latest UTM. It's war3mapimported/grass2.mdx.


  • Grass2.MDX
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Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
I really like the second pic.The others...not so good.When looking at your trees,something gives me the feeling of perfect symetry and repetetivity,which sucks...Looks like you didnt bother rotating doodads at all...The third pic,well i have to agree with what everyone said,the shrubs are too bright and the collumns are tottally misplaced.
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