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Some junk maps.

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Level 12
Jun 22, 2006
Hey haha it was so funny. I made a junk map with my friends and hosted it on bnet. So we had triggers enable cinematic mode and black mask for all players except player 1, enabling me to quit while stucking other players. Waste time, and kinda lame, but funny. And summore, another map, which as in the moment the maps load, 'Defeat!'-haha, just for information. Maybe its kinda dumb, but i have nothing better to do until i get inspiration for a map...
Level 3
May 28, 2006
thats sad and low.If you need inspiration play some maps and see what you like, i played a bunch of tree tag and got an inspiration to make a tag game and thats what i is making now.Or another way is to think about what you like and make a game about that, Like for instance if you like hore races you could make a horse racing game where you bet on a horse and hope it wins, and you can press something to try and make it go faster or some crap like that.Or think about what games you like playing on bnet and see if you can make a new version of it or something to do with it.
Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
sad. . .although I can sympathize with you on the map inspiration. . .I am currently trying to decide what kind of map I want to make (i.e. cinematic, campaign, rpg, arena etc. . .) and if I decide that. . .what the map should be like=P (i.e. battle cinematic, terrain cinematic, story cinematic, etc. . .)

I hate mappers' block
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