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Soldiers and Generals - 1.11

Soldiers and Generals 1.11


The campaign is a fictional story set during the war between England and France in the late 18th century. The resources of both nations are nearly exhausted. Military morale is getting lower. Despited numerous uprisings, George III of England refuses to withdraw his soldiers from the French front. Instead, he orders even more soldiers into the fray, including the greenhorn General Deklam.
The campaign has a unique gameplay. In each battle you control your army through the direction of your General. Instead of directly controlling individual soldiers, you use the General to give out simple orders to companies of soldiers. This allows you to easily control large numbers of troops.



*Fixed a typo (map 2).
*Deployment area shown with flags (map 7).
*All of the maps are visible at the campaign screen (so if you stuck then you can skip that mission).


Most important changes:

*English grammer fixed for map descriptions and cinematics.
*Fixed bayonet charges: now you won't see that your musketeers are running back.
*Now every custom icons have their DISBTN part.

Map 1, 3 and 9:
*The book models on the table are fixed, now they don't melt into each other (map 1).
*I replaced some indoor doodads for map1, 3 and 9.

Map 2:
*Deployment area is shown with flags.
*If you defeat the rebels and you are on the hill, then you don't have to move down and back to capture it.

Map 4:
*Many little changes, the map is now easier and more polished.

Map 5:
*Cuirassiers now have collasion, so they won't melt into each other.
*Fixed a bug with the enemy.

Map 6:
*I removed the wind effect, so now the map is not so laggy.

Map 7:
*Added bayonet charge.
*Many other little changes, now the map is more polished.

Map 9:
*Better ending.
Musketeer, Grenadier and Dragoon - BlinkBoy
Cannon - MadseN
General - Lord_T
Marshal - Tenebrae
Militia, Rebel leader and Cannon (map8) - Mechanical Man
Rebel/Jäger and Cavalier - Cavman
Horse - iristle
Camp - Kitabatake
Tent - communist_orc
General Riedrick - Ket
Cannon (icon) - The_Silent
Cloth (icon) - Mc !
Armed (icon) - UnholyDobry
Rifle missile - Talon the Mage
Cannon missile - WILLTHEALMIGHTY
Doodads in Marshal's room - Nasrudin, xXm0rpH3usXx, Kit
Born²Modificate - campaign menu
-ALPHA- - grammer corrector and model finder
Saphiree - beta tester
Won-Qu - terrain and trigger help
Sadvisor - terrain help
Have fun!
soldier, general, battle, war, campaign

Soldiers and Generals - 1.11 (Campaign)

16:12, 28th Jun 2009 Linaze: Soldiers and Generals is a strategical campaign about the war between England and France in the 18th century. The gameplay was quite entertaining and original, but it was a bit too hard at the moment. I also think making...




16:12, 28th Jun 2009
Linaze: Soldiers and Generals is a strategical campaign about the war between England and France in the 18th century. The gameplay was quite entertaining and original, but it was a bit too hard at the moment. I also think making it round-based would make it a bit better and less messy. The cinematics were a bit stiff since and used too few cameras, and I noticed there were a couple of grammar and spelling errors as well. The terrain looked rather bad and lacked height variation and doodads, some areas also lacked good tile variation. Finally, I think the presentation here on the Hive could be a bit improved by adding screenshots (in hidden tags, that is) and some more information regarding the map's gameplay, story etc.

Since this map's got potential, I'm approving it with a 2/5 (lacking) rating.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
I must admit, this is impressive.

The terrain isn't special, but the gameplay is superb.

Also, when making cinematics, move or rotate the camera, so, it doesn't looks bad and choppy.

The terrain needs some improvements. Replace the Lordaeron Summer tileset with Village, that has the same tiles, but with a better color scheme and textures. Also, don't use blizzard cliffs. use the height tools instead.

The gameplay was something superb. The unit commanding is a very good thing to do. Also, tme is essential, as if you don't stop the march, the soldiers will be shot and die.

One thing that I (and Linaze) noticed is that the battle is pretty hard. You should increase the numbers of the units. Also, add more 1 or 2 cannons.

Overall, an good campaign, that lacks a good terrain, but has an amazing gameplay.

My advices: Improve the terrain, replace the tileset, reduce the difficulty and move more the cameras during cinematics.

For the current state of the campaign, I'll rate it 3/5 - Useful.

Good job.
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Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Just played it, and OMG i loved it! :D

Freakin' nice combat system :D I wait as much for the full campaign as i wait for SC2 (WTF?! :O).
This is sooo awesome. I saw you had a few spelling errors tho. "I am" is two words. Not one, and im not sure if you call a marshal "sire". Thats for kings and princes and such.
The terrain wasnt really that good, but in the battle i dont really care. Its so good that i dont really see that the terrain isnt that good. You could improve terrain, and move the camera around in the cinematics tho. That would be great.
Overall GREAT battle system. I really like that tactic stuff. I had to play this twice because whole my army got destroyed first time. Also great use of models :D I really like em ;D
Also, when i finished a map it took me back to the campaign screen instead of to the next map. You should could fix this with a trigger called "set next level" or "set next map" or something. cant really remember what its called XD

4/5 And +rep. To get 5/5 improve the terrain.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
I think its great. Its good you need to think and use tactics. then its actually not so hard. I did it in second try. But it would be nice with one more cannon i must admit.

Btw, i used my cannon a lot in the start. But after some time it stopped shooting at all. Is there some sort of maximum balls it have, and do the other units have a maximum number of shots too?
Level 7
Jun 2, 2009
Thanks for approved it! :grin:
I am glad you like the battle system.
Also thanks for the feedbacks. I will work on the terrain and on the cinematics. Spelling errors will be fixed too.

And yes, the cannon has limited ammo (8 shot).
I downloaded the models from hive, Models section - I forgot to give credits, but I'll do it soon.
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Level 2
Dec 23, 2006
^ You have to stop moving before your units will be able to attack.

Nail bitingly hard. I can see it's possible if SOMEONE can clear it. :p
I know my execution is wrong. I just have to figure out how to do this.

Also, I agree with saphiree on the cannon's damage. Realistically, cannon fire would take out far more than just one person.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2007
It's not that hard to win once you get the controls down. I lost the 1st and 2nd time because I thought the militia used swords XD better check my eyesight.

Just use cavalry as a last resort since they get slaughtered easily.

~Make Calvalry not bunch up so much. They all try to attack one guy at a time and it really sucks.
~Make the cannon shot hit randomly and deal more AoE. 5 Cannons and moar troops plz :D
Level 19
Oct 1, 2008
It is ok, but combat is, as Mechanical Man says, very two dimensional, all it really is is timed move/stop commands, you should work towards making it more like that of games such as Total War, with actual maneuvering and retreats.
The tooltips need to be reworked, Capitals! :D
2.5/5 - For originality
Level 7
Jun 2, 2009
There is a big typo in this version.
I'll have to edit that openable map and the cinematic's text:
Where you see Marseille... there should be Marseille-en-Beauvaisis (a french town).
Sry i'll fix it soon.
Level 5
Jun 4, 2009
I liked this map, but I have some suggestions, me too :
-The alone cannon is really too weak. You should improve its AoE and its damages.
-Cannons WERE frightened and DID area damages, because they used to fill the bullets with gunpowder. (yes, at the age of cannons, they had gunpowder :p)
-I know a human being is totally free of its acts, but would it be possible to give "Attack" orders ? For example, making the musketeers shoot to an area. Would be nice.
-It's probably what makes all the gameplay, but I found the cooldown of the "Move/Hold" orders was too long, especially for the cavalry : they go running like crazy, and you can't stop them.
-Would be nice the enemy had a special AI for the battle, because the rebels just sit on the other side, waiting to get splashed away by the cannon.
-And, yes, while being a french and looking at your map, I laughed !
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
-The alone cannon is really too weak. You should improve its AoE and its damages.

I think you should just make more cannons at this point. Maybe one or two more?

-Cannons WERE frightened and DID area damages, because they used to fill the bullets with gunpowder. (yes, at the age of cannons, they had gunpowder :p)

It was first later on they got "exploding" cannon balls. And they were not called cannon balls but something else, which i dont remember. They dint have at this point...

-I know a human being is totally free of its acts, but would it be possible to give "Attack" orders ? For example, making the musketeers shoot to an area. Would be nice.

Naah, i think this would remove the gameplay A LOT from this map.

-It's probably what makes all the gameplay, but I found the cooldown of the "Move/Hold" orders was too long, especially for the cavalry : they go running like crazy, and you can't stop them.

If you decrease cooldown too much, its getting too easy.

-Would be nice the enemy had a special AI for the battle, because the rebels just sit on the other side, waiting to get splashed away by the cannon.

Agreed. An AI would be so nice :D

-And, yes, while being a french and looking at your map, I laughed !

Lol? XD
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Sounds good :D Btw, my advice would be. Now i dont really care that much about terrain, bur if you really want it good looking, then get a terrainer which can do the terrain for you ;D

Btw. You still have the iam typo. Its I am. In two words.

Havent time to play the update right now, gotta go to bed. But i'll do it tomorrow :D

EDIT: Okay played it, and it looks fine. But theres still some things which need to be done better.

1. When you've completed the battle you get to the campaign screen instead of the next map. You can fix this with a simple trigger
  • Next map
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game - Set the next level to Maps\MapName.w3m
Im not 100% on this tho...

2. Did you remove the interface in the cinematics? Cus when you "completed" it, the dialog where you can choose from continue and quit campaign is invisible.

3. You still have some grammar issues.

4. Just a little suggestion. I can see you have already made some nice terrain outside the battleground, but can you maybe also make some bushes or something on the battlefield?
In future you could also make some trenchs around the map. That would be awesome :D
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Level 9
Sep 4, 2008
Very nice map :thumbs_up:
But you could make more commands to the troops like one that make all the musketman(or millitia) fire they weapons and their shots will be like the "shockwave" ability.
Give 4/5
Level 3
Jul 8, 2009
i think if u can added more maps iam mean your campion more it will be fun.

nice maps iam giv u 5/5.

did u want to join us IceFrog Making Dota Maps?
iam think u are the great one making maps
My email:[email protected]
Level 5
Jun 4, 2009
But you could make more commands to the troops like one that make all the musketman(or millitia) fire they weapons and their shots will be like the "shockwave" ability.

Yeah, something like, that, I wanted to say. Because, for now, the only way I have to shoot on those nasty rebels is to bring my Musketmen under their fire...
Or, at least, would you PLEASE add something that would cause the rebels charge you, or walk toward ?
Also, it would be really nice to add more shots to the canon ! (or simply, more canons, as everybody says !)

Finally : do you really think rebels would outnumber the British army like they do now ? There are nearly 2 rebels for one soldier !