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Slow stack (Same Ability) {stacking 3 abilities made off the same / (...)}

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Level 16
May 1, 2008
Seas =)

Hmm I have 2 Questions:

1) I have 3 abilitys based on the ability "Thunderclap". (Thunder - Frost Nova - Shadowclaw). Each ability slowed the targets down by 15%.
Is it possible to stack this slowing, so if all 3 abilitys are casted at the same time/same targets, they get slowed by 45%?

2) Is this stacking possible with auras to?

3) Is there a option, where I can set the "maximum slowing"?

Dr. Boom
Level 16
Jul 21, 2008
1) I have 3 abilitys based on the ability "Thunderclap". (Thunder - Frost Nova - Shadowclaw). Each ability slowed the targets down by 15%.
Is it possible to stack this slowing, so if all 3 abilitys are casted at the same time/same targets, they get slowed by 45%?

It is possible, but multiple thunderclaps don't stack. Use multiple abilities (for example: Acid Bomb, Frost Nova, Thunder Clap, Slow Poison etc...).

2) Is this stacking possible with auras to?

Auras don't stack. Even with different buffs.

EDIT: Tested slow aura. Even Slow Aura doesn't stack.

3) Is there a option, where I can set the "maximum slowing"?

You can't set maximum slowing percentage, but you can set minimum movement speed. It is located in gameplay constants with ''Movement'' cathegory. See this image:



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Level 16
May 1, 2008
Seas =)

@ baassee:

Jeah ofc it's an option, but I got many slow abilitys - and this can be long work - but anyway it will work I guess so: +rep [Thanks]

@ Child_0f_Bodom:

1) Jeah ok, I know there are more slow abilities, but for example - acid bomb - frost nova ... you need to choose a target first - but thunderclap directly casted and slow - anyway there are triggers for this I know.

2) If I would change Endurance Aura to: target as: Enemy and -20% MS.
Would THIS stack with the "Slow Aura (60%)? So I got 80% slowed?

3) Ok this clear =)

---> Anyway and ofc +rep for you [thanks]

Dr. Boom
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