[Skill] Blight Grow Large help

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Level 3
Jan 16, 2011
I want to have the skill Blight Grow Large to a hero and when he walks the trees will turn grey[undead thing] because I tried the normal Blight Grow Large but the effect will not move even the hero moves , It will just stay were it was put. I want that if the hero walks the effect also moves. :vw_wtf:
Level 8
Jun 30, 2010
EDIT 2: Forget my first post, this works better:
  • Blight Loop
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.50 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in BlightUnits and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Environment - Remove Blight for (Owner of (Picked unit)) from (Load (Key BlightPoint) of (Key (Picked unit)) in Hashtable) to a radius of 300.00
          • Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Position of (Picked unit)) as (Key BlightPoint) of (Key (Picked unit)) in Hashtable
          • Environment - Create Blight for (Owner of (Picked unit)) from (Load (Key BlightPoint) of (Key (Picked unit)) in Hashtable) to a radius of 300.00
Add all created units of the Hero type to the BlightUnits group, and remove them once they die.
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